He spent how much to fly to Las Vegas to give a 25-minute speech he could have given from the White House?
NRO: Obama’s Immigration Proposal "President Obama just gave about a 25 minute speech in Las Vegas outlining (in terms even more broad than the Senate’s gang of eight yesterday) his principles for comprehensive (but of course) immigration reform. Here are the highlights from the president’s speech and the written proposal released by the White House:" ...
Victor Davis Hanson; Immigration Platitudes and Press Conferences
"Are we really saying that from now on the Nigerian with a Ph.D. in electrical engineering, who is waiting legally to come to Silicon Valley, should be privileged for consideration over someone without a high-school diploma from the interior of Mexico, who has the ability simply to cross the border in a way the latter does not?"
Conservatives should oppose the Senate immigration proposal, and can gain much from doing so. " Well, here it finally is: the long-threatened “bipartisan” comprehensive immigration reform proposal, and as the old joke has it, when the Stupid Party and the Evil Party get together, they come up with something that is both stupid and evil."
Barack Obama on Illegal Immigration: You Do As I Say, Bitch (Congress)!!!!
NRO: Obama’s Immigration Proposal "President Obama just gave about a 25 minute speech in Las Vegas outlining (in terms even more broad than the Senate’s gang of eight yesterday) his principles for comprehensive (but of course) immigration reform. Here are the highlights from the president’s speech and the written proposal released by the White House:" ...
Victor Davis Hanson; Immigration Platitudes and Press Conferences
"Are we really saying that from now on the Nigerian with a Ph.D. in electrical engineering, who is waiting legally to come to Silicon Valley, should be privileged for consideration over someone without a high-school diploma from the interior of Mexico, who has the ability simply to cross the border in a way the latter does not?"
Conservatives should oppose the Senate immigration proposal, and can gain much from doing so. " Well, here it finally is: the long-threatened “bipartisan” comprehensive immigration reform proposal, and as the old joke has it, when the Stupid Party and the Evil Party get together, they come up with something that is both stupid and evil."
Barack Obama on Illegal Immigration: You Do As I Say, Bitch (Congress)!!!!
Obama Got It ‘Backasswards’: Should Ban Invaders and Defend the Constitution! "Obama’s lack of comprehension may help explain why he has waged an all-out
campaign AGAINST the 2nd Amendment, while at nearly the same time, DEFENDING
foreign moochers against the rule of law, as in the case of illegal aliens."