Monday, January 28, 2013

Darrell Scott's Columbine Testimony

Snopes writes of this story: " Netlore Archive: Mr. Darrell Scott, the father of a victim of the Columbine shootings, did in fact deliver the stirring testimony before Congress that has been widely quoted in forwarded emails." 

Snopes   "Guess our national leaders didn't expect this. On Thursday, Darrell Scott, the father of Rachel Scott, a victim of the Columbine High School shootings in Littleton, Colorado, was invited to address the House Judiciary Committee's subcommittee. What he said to our national leaders during this special session of Congress was painfully truthful."
USA Today
"What has happened to us as a nation? We have refused to honor God, and in so doing, we open the doors to hatred and violence. And when something as terrible as Columbine's tragedy occurs politicians immediately look for a scapegoat such as the NRA. They immediately seek to pass more restrictive laws that contribute to erode away our personal and private liberties.
"We do not need more restrictive laws." Eric and Dylan would not have been stopped by metal detectors. No amount of gun laws can stop someone who spends months planning this type of massacre. The real villain  lies within our own hearts."...

Hat tip to former schoolmate from Garibaldi, OR: George Cohee

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The Snopes link goes to Urban Legends and not Snopes. This is the Snopes website on this subject:
