Obama: “Race Relations Won’t Get Better, May Get Worse” Unless We Redistribute More Wealth…
"Wasn’t he supposed to usher in a “post-racial” era, or something?"
"President Obama said that if economic prescriptions of the type he supports to increase economic growth and reduce “income inequality” are not adopted, then race relations in the United State may deteriorate further.
White Man Beaten And Robbed By Three Black Men In D.C.: “This Is For Trayvon Martin!”
"Two of the men threw the victim to the ground and kicked him, Alali said. The three perpetrators then took the victim’s iPhone and wallet and fled."
O'Reilly: Keep Those Right-on Commentaries Comin', White Boy "As a black conservative tea party activist, I am extremely excited about Bill O'Reilly's recent series of commentaries and TV shows addressing the hypocrisy and exploitation by the American race industry that has and continues to devastate the black community.
"O'Reilly boldly called out all of the usual suspects: Sharpton, Jackson, the Congressional Black Caucus and Obama." Read more:
"Wasn’t he supposed to usher in a “post-racial” era, or something?"
"President Obama said that if economic prescriptions of the type he supports to increase economic growth and reduce “income inequality” are not adopted, then race relations in the United State may deteriorate further.
White Man Beaten And Robbed By Three Black Men In D.C.: “This Is For Trayvon Martin!”
"Two of the men threw the victim to the ground and kicked him, Alali said. The three perpetrators then took the victim’s iPhone and wallet and fled."
O'Reilly: Keep Those Right-on Commentaries Comin', White Boy "As a black conservative tea party activist, I am extremely excited about Bill O'Reilly's recent series of commentaries and TV shows addressing the hypocrisy and exploitation by the American race industry that has and continues to devastate the black community.
"O'Reilly boldly called out all of the usual suspects: Sharpton, Jackson, the Congressional Black Caucus and Obama." Read more: