Sunday, February 8, 2015

Two more arguments for not trusting the climate change advocates.

Rick Moran- Report: 'Wholesale Manipulation of the Temperature Record'  "Even for those of us who follow the climate change debate fairly closely, this is a shocker.

"A noted researcher has discovered huge discrepancies in the published and actual temperatures at weather stations around the world. Not surprisingly, almost all of the discrepancies show an increase in temperature.  
 Full article

Alan Caruba- Lukewarm About Climate Change

"In short, climate change is not worse than we thought,” wrote Bjorn Lomborg in a recent issue of The Wall Street Journal. He is best known as the author of “The Skeptical Environmentalist” and his skepticism is welcome, but insufficient.
. . . 
"The problem with Lomborg’s commentary is that he confuses climate change with global warming, the hoax concocted in the late 1980s by the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) in order to have an international tax imposed on “greenhouse gas emissions”, primarily carbon dioxide (CO2), that the IPCC guaranteed was going to heat up the Earth in a few decades unless greatly reduced. Lomborg even cites the IPCC which has grown notorious for its lies."

Saturday, February 7, 2015

Maybe Obama will suggest Christians pay reparations to Muslims for the Crusades

NRO:Let’s leave the Middle Ages out of discussions of modern Islam.
. . . "Protestants and Catholics follow different versions of Christianity, but we would strongly reject a president who tried to tell us which was right. By the same token, the president has even less authority to discern true from distorted Islam. ISIS is barbaric, but there is no denying that its adherents believe they are true followers of Islam. And they can point to medieval Muslim rulers who were just as bloody." 

Political Cartoons by Michael Ramirez
Ralph Peters: Jihadis 14, Crusaders 2The president perverts history (again).  . . . "The president knows as little about history as he does about warfare, and even less about religion. But he’s not alone. With the Left’s successful destruction of history instruction in our schools and universities, even “well-educated” creatures of Washington accept the Arab fantasy that the cultural incompetence, practical indolence, and spiritual decay of the entire Middle East stems from Richard Coeur de Lion’s twelfth-century swordplay.
"Stop it! All of you! And try reading a book or two on the subject. Meanwhile, here’s a starter course in the vast tragedy jihad has posed for every civilization it’s touched for the past 14 centuries — while the Crusades mythologized by Islam’s apologists were a two-century blip whose only practical legacies are a few ruined castles." . . .

150207-high horse

Chip Bok: Man on a high horse  . . . "Our philosopher king’s prayer breakfast lecture on Thursday could have been mistaken for talking points straight out of the Islamic State. He called on Christians to get off their high horse about man burning ISIS jihadis. He then reminded them that Crusaders did bad things in the name of Christ. A thousand years ago." . . .
Obama Radical Islam

Dr. Ben Carson Reacts to Obama’s Prayer Breakfast Speech: “Perhaps We’re Being Betrayed”  . . . "In response to how he reacted to the president’s remarks as a Christian, Carson said, “obviously, it makes me feel that perhaps we’re being betrayed. perhaps we don’t have a leader who feels the same about things as most of us do, but the good thing is, we have a system in place, that has allowed us to take control."

Pat Condell on the rise of anti-Semitism in Europe

Pat Condell; A Special Kind Of Hate  "It is only been 70 years since the Holocaust and now Europeans and liberal professors and students have gone to the streets screaming:  "Jews to the Gas!".  Muslim anti-Semitism in Europe."

New weapon in our war against radical Islam: "Strategic Patience"

This feckless president Obama has spent the past 6+ years blaming the previous administration for his own failures. If he just keeps voting "present" till 2017, Obama can live out his life blaming the next president for botching the foreign policy triumphs he passed on. TD 

Rick Moran: Forget 'lead from behind'; now we have 'strategic patience'
"President Obama released his new national security blueprint on Friday that was rehash of most of his previous policies.  He cited progress against the Islamic State and identified Russia as a major concern.

"But foreign policy experts are raising an eyebrow over the president's call for "strategic patience" and warning against American "overreach."
. . .
"This sort of inattentiveness to potential crises has been a hallmark of this administration since 2009.  It's no secret that the president would like foreign crises to go away so he can devote all his energies to transforming America.  We all had better hope that the world doesn't go to hell in the next two years."  Read more.

Obama's "strategic patience" draws criticism amid ISIS threat  . . . "The 29-page document is meant to serve as a blueprint for Obama's final two years in office. The strategy cast the U.S. as an indispensable force in combating global challenges -- including terrorism, climate change and cyber threats. ' . . . 

[Susan Rice] defended the administration's pursuit of a international negotiations to roll back Iran’s nuclear program: "We must give diplomacy a chance to finish the job," she said

The king of Jordan wasn't into "strategic patience"   "Swift Action vs. No Action; I applauded late last night when I heard the news that Jordan had executed by hanging two Islamic terrorists in retaliation for the horrific murder by fire of the pilot Mouath al-Kasaesbeh. Jordan didn't talk about measured responses, or restraint, or a backlash -- they took decisive action. It made Obama look even worse."

Jordan's hand is strengthened by not having Code Pink or Michael Moore in the country.

Teacher quits French school over ‘insidious Islamism’


. . . "Zitouni, who is of Algerian descent and began teaching philosophy (which is compulsory for all high-school students in France) at Averroès in September, wrote that he could no longer tolerate the school’s alleged contradictions with France’s strictly secular “Republican values”.
“ 'The reality is that Averroès Lycée is a Muslim territory that is being funded by the state,” he wrote. “It promotes a vision of Islam that is nothing other than Islamism. And it is doing it in an underhand and hidden way in order to maintain its [80 percent] state funding.”. . . 
You stand against Islam, you better be prepared to pay the price:
The school’s director, El Hassane Oufker, told FRANCE 24 the school’s staff and student body were “hugely shocked and upset” by Zitouni’s comments and said that he would be suing him for defamation.

The Week in Pictures: Fraudcast News Edition

Waterboard ISIS copy

Power Line  "Did I ever tell you about the time I was hanging with Pablo Picasso, quaffing espresso at a Parisian cafe, and how I helped him conceive Guernica?  Oh, wait—no, I didn’t do that.  I had Picasso confused with my kid’s kindergarten finger painting project, and we were in McDonalds.  So easy to get these kind of things confused when you’re a busy newsman.."

The world award for congeniality goes to...

Pat Oliphant

Charlie Hebdo, Muslims, and Satire  ". . . All this awfulness is seemingly the cause of some obnoxious satire by a French weekly. The West has a long tradition of satirizing both society and government: Aristophanes, Plautus, Chaucer, Shakespeare, Rabelais, Pope and more have all served in the unappreciated satirist’s role. . . .Despite the ire it may draw, satire plays an important role in society: when a society takes itself too seriously, its members are liable to become sensitive to the slightest insult and seek revenge upon anyone who makes them feel belittled or insulted.. . . "

Friday, February 6, 2015

Brian Williams' brush with death or something

NBC News anchor Brian Williams admitted Tuesday he was not in an Army helicopter in Iraq that was shot down twelve years ago, as he's been telling viewers ever since. It's an honest mistake. How many times, when your car backfires, do you think you just got shot down in a helicopter in Iraq.   Comedian Argus Hamilton
 If you like it

From Drudge:

How Brian Williams’s Iraq Story Changed  "A compilation of Brian Williams’s television appearances shows how his accounts of a 2003 episode on military helicopters in Iraq gradually became more perilous."

Does the barbarism have a logic?

Jordan's King Abdullah flew home from the U.S. and answered the ISIS murder of Jordan's pilot by executing two ISIS prisoners and mobilizing his army. Reaction was twofold. ISIS announced its forces are withdrawing from northernmost Syria and King Abdullah is leading all Republicans in Iowa.  Comedian Argus Hamilton

 Charles Krauthammer

"Why did they do it? What did the Islamic State think it could possibly gain by burning alive a captured Jordanian pilot?
"I wouldn’t underestimate the absence of logic, the sheer depraved thrill of a triumphant cult reveling in its barbarism. But I wouldn’t overestimate it either. You don’t overrun much of Syria and Iraq without having deployed keen tactical and strategic reasoning.
. . . The savage execution has mobilized Jordan against the Islamic State and given it solidarity and unity of purpose.
"Yes, for now. But what about six months hence? Solidarity and purpose fade quickly. Think about how post-9/11 American fervor dissipated over the years of inconclusive conflict, yielding the war fatigue of today. Or how the beheading of U.S. journalists galvanized the country against the Islamic State, yet less than five months later, the frustrating nature of that fight is creating divisions at home." . . . Full article here.
But even they are mortified by Obama’s blind pursuit of detente with Tehran, which would make the mullahs hegemonic over the Arab Middle East. Hence the Arabs, the Saudis especially, hold back from any major military commitment to us. Jordan, its hand now forced by its pilot’s murder, may now bravely sally forth on its own. But at great risk and with little chance of ultimate success.
 Political Cartoons by Dana Summers

Well after all, Brian Williams WAS another voice of NBC

Political Cartoons by Ken Catalino
Brian Williams On Katrina: Fact or Fiction?  "Louisiana’s Hayride is on the Hurricane Katrina beat and has serious doubts about the veracity of Williams’ claim that he saw a dead body floating down the street:" . . .

Michelle Malkin: My fellow bloggers: You will heartily enjoy this best Brian Williams flashback ever   "I am reminded of what this arrogant fabulist once said about us lowly bloggers in2007 during a lecture at NYU’s journalism school:" . . .

CNN Money: Controversy grows over Brian Williams' Iraq apology  . . . "Bottom line: this pilot is revising his story - and, because of that, I'm revising mine.
"What initially looked like an account that supported some of Brian Williams' war story -- that he came "under fire" that day -- no longer appears to be true."
Political Cartoons by Lisa Benson

I'm asking the question. And I'm answering it: No, he won't lose his job. NBC News is far too invested in Williams to bump him off over thisyears-long fabrication, and certain media figures seem to be bulletproof, regardless of their infraction. The network had their anchor apologize on air last night, but as others have noted, he still isn't coming fully clean.

Political Cartoons by Nate Beeler

Brian Williams may have Dan Rather, but he’s lost Tom Brokaw  "According to a report via The New York Post’s Page Six (hat tip to Jammie Wearing Fools), Williams’ predecessor, Tom Brokaw*, thinks that it is in the best interest of both NBC and the Nightly News for the network to jettison Williams."   *A colleague of  Al Sharpton

Political Cartoons by Chip Bok

Liberal moral equivalency; Obama, ISIS and Christianity

Update Via Bill Clark Yost on Facebook

Lauri B. ReganWhether a Civilization Endures is Determined by How it Confronts Evil  . . . "Future civilizations that rise up from the ash heap of history will look back in wonderment analyzing how we allowed evil to win. The answer to that puzzle begins with Barack Obama and his Democrat colleagues."  Full article

 Roger L Simon;  A Jew Examines Why Obama Never Names Islam  . . . "It grieves me much to write this, because it is a horrible situation.  Obama is not a Manchurian candidate and never was.  He never had to be.  He is just absolutely the wrong human being to be leading the West at this point in history.  Heaven help us."  Emphasis mine, TD

Political Cartoons by Bob Gorrell

Jonah Goldberg; Obama's Comparison of Christianity, Radical Islam Defies Logic  
. . . "It's also insipidly hypocritical. President Obama can't bring himself to call the Islamic State "Islamic," but he's happy to offer a sermon about Christianity's alleged crimes at the beginning of the last millennium."

Serving Up Rhetoric at the National Prayer Breakfast  . . . "First of all, the crusades were almost a thousand years ago. ISIS is killing today." . . . 

Iron Burkha: I beheld a rider on a high horse  . . . "We see the president and his subordinates going to ludicrous extremes to avoid mention of the devil that drives our enemies. We see that the president has become a laughingstock and an object of contempt around the world." . . .

Political Cartoons by Michael Ramirez

"President Obama has never been one to go easy on America." .

This column from Jan 12 seems to be relevant: “Je Suis Charlie” Morphed into ‘Je Suis Obama’ Before the Entire World   . . . " By staying at home in the White House, purportedly to watch a football game, Obama came out as stridently non-sympathetic to a world worried about terrorism; a politician who thinks it’s good enough to let empty lip service do his talking for him." ...
Political Cartoons by Glenn McCoy

Obama points the finger at Christians when talking about terrorism  . . . “ 'Our religion?” Was that a slip of the tongue? If he is speaking of Christians, where are the nihilists today murdering in the name of Christ that require a push back?
"The president appears willing to say or do anything to avoid speaking the truth about Islam." . . .

NRO: Jindal to Obama: ‘Medieval Christian Threat is Under Control’ . . . "We will be happy to keep an eye out for runaway Christians, but it would be nice if he would face the reality of the situation today. The Medieval Christian threat is under control, Mr. President. Please deal with the Radical Islamic threat today.' ” 

Political Cartoons by Chip Bok

"We can hear it now, much closer than ever before, the Islamic call to prayer, not in the far away MidEast, but here in the villages, towns and cities we call home.
"We’ll be hearing it more often as it begins to drown out the peals of church bells, now that Barack Hussein Obama came out as Imam Obama at Thursday’ National Prayer Breakfast."

Thursday, February 5, 2015

The Roots of Obama’s Appeasement

"The president’s disastrous foreign policy is as much a product of his own vanity as anything else."

Victor Davis Hanson
Photo via NRO

"Members of the Obama administration have insisted that the Taliban are not terrorists. Those responsible for the recent Paris killings are not radical Islamists. The Muslim Brotherhood is largely secular. Jihad is a “legitimate tenet of Islam.” And “violent extremism,” “workplace violence,” or “man-caused disaster” better describe radical Islamic terrorism. Domestic terrorism is just as likely caused by returning U.S. combat veterans, according to one report by a federal agency.
"What is the point of such linguistic appeasement?
"The word “appeasement” long ago became pejorative for giving in to bullies. One side was aggressive and undemocratic; the other consensual and eager to avoid trouble through supposedly reasonable concessions.
"But appeasement usually weakened the democratic side and empowered the extremist one." . . .
We've seen all this before: