Wednesday, July 10, 2019

Guest candidates for CNN, Colbert and other TV talk shows

Beto O’Rourke Trashes America: ‘This Country Was Founded On White Supremacy’ And Still Influenced By Jim Crow
Democrat presidential candidate Beto O’Rourke: “This country was founded on white supremacy and every single institution and structure that we have in this country still reflects the legacy of slavery and segregation and Jim Crow and suppression even in our democracy”

Desperate 'Beto' reaches new depths in pandering to the Left
Yesterday, he went from ridiculous to despicable, disparaging the country of his birth that has showered wealth, privilege, and fame upon his fake-Hispanic self (hat tip: The Right Scoop).
Rapinoe, MAGA has nothing to do with looks, it's about putting Americans first
CNN again lets her play the old victim status symbol.

Add these to the list of President Trump's enemies  . . . "The president is making a stand against the invaders and those who support them in their effort to overrun the United States.  He is outnumbered.  Supporting the invasion:" . . .

The ugly American brings her team home

Megan Rapinoe Smirks, Refuses to Put Hand over Heart During National Anthem at World Cup Parade

Captain Lookatmeee smirks
"Women’s soccer star Megan Rapinoe smirked and refused to put her hand over her heart when the national anthem played during the World Cup victory parade in New York on Wednesday.
"The title-winning team stood as the parade down Manhattan’s Canyon of Heroes started, and most of Rapinoe’s teammates placed their hands over their hearts and sang the Star-Spangled Banner.
"But just as she did while in France over the last month during the Women’s World Cup games, Rapinoe stood defiantly with her hands clasped behind her back and a wide smirk across her face." . . .

Truthful statement, man. Like other self-described "victim" groups, they're full of mindless rage and an almost perverted self-adulation. Not all of them, mind you, but certainly the left-wing ones.

.Her very words: . . "Rapinoe said, “This is my charge to everyone. We have to be better. We have to love more, hate less. We’ve got to listen more and talk less. We’ve got to know that this is everybody’s responsibility.”
"She added, “There has been so much contention in these last years I have been a victim of that I have been a perpetuator of that.”
"Rapinoe ended her speech by saying, “New York City, you’re the motherf-ing best!” on live TV." . . .

CNN loves her.

Coulter: Get Acosta! But Get the Right Guy, Too

When Krischer, then Palm Beach state attorney, found out the target was Epstein, a big Democratic donor, he refused to prosecute. It was only because of Krischer’s active obstruction of the case that the Palm Beach chief of police, Michael Reiter, begged the FBI to intervene.  Acosta may have buckled in the end, but at the time, he was a knight in shining armor rushing in after Krischer killed the case.

Ann Coulter  "Now that the media is finally, at long last, interested in the 2006 Jeffrey Epstein child sex case, perhaps we can get an answer to the most intriguing question: Why does he keep escaping justice on essentially the same child molestation charges?
"The only reason for the media’s flood-the-zone coverage of Epstein — 13 years late — is that they think they’ve found a Trump connection. Oh happy day. (Trump was friendly with Epstein 15 years ago — before banning him from Mar-a-Lago for life after he hit on a young girl working there.)
"The main hook is: Trump’s Labor secretary, Alex Acosta, accepted a disreputable plea deal with Epstein while serving as a U.S. attorney under President Bush. If fixating on Acosta is what it takes to keep this case from being brushed under the rug (again), then I guess you can have him.
"But just between us, Acosta’s not the real villain.
"It’s easy to forget, but Epstein’s arrest this week marks the third attempted prosecution of him for sex with underage girls.
"It’s certainly been easy for the media to forget! In the New York Times’ version of events — and that of every other news outlet — the Palm Beach police discovered Epstein was paying minor girls from West Palm Beach for sex … and then took the case straight to the FBI!
"That seems odd: Why wouldn’t police bring their case to the local prosecutor, who was overseeing the investigation and issuing subpoenas?
"Because they did.
"Unfortunately, the local prosecutor in this case was a sleazebag, activist Democrat named Barry Krischer." . . .

Memo to Kaepernick: Read More Frederick Douglass

American Greatness

"Many observers were quick to correct Colin Kaepernick’s recent selective quoting from Frederick Douglass’s speech, “What to the Slave is the Fourth of July?” They were right to do so. Misrepresenting anyone’s words in the manner that Kaepernick did breaks one of the first rules of good writing.
"In spite of his error, thanks are due as well to him for bringing attention to a very fine speech that all Americans should read. Another of Douglass’s speeches that I urge Mr. Kaepernick and others to read addresses the great document that stands next to the Declaration of Independence: the United States Constitution.
"Douglass, born into slavery, escaped and purchased his freedom with the help of others who raised funds. He eventually moved to Rochester, New York and worked to end slavery by helping people reach freedom on the Underground Railroad, supporting anti-slavery political parties, and publishing his own antislavery newspaper, The North Star. It was at the invitation of the Rochester Ladies Anti-Slavery Society that he appeared on July 5, 1852 to deliver the Independence Day speech. The circumstances for his speech on the Constitution were very different. The title of the speech is in the form of a question: “The Constitution of the United States: Is It Pro-Slavery or Anti-slavery?
"After Douglass’s escape from slavery he worked with the Anti-Slavery Society founded by William Lloyd Garrison. The American Anti-Slavery Convention convened in 1833 in Philadelphia to address the enslavement of one-sixth portion of the American people. They looked back 57 years to 1776 and acknowledged the effort to deliver America from a foreign yoke, stating that the Temple of Freedom was founded on the principles of the Declaration—that all men are created equal and that they are endowed by the Creator with certain inalienable rights." . . .
Elizabeth Eastman holds a Ph.D. in Political Science from Claremont Graduate School, an M.A. in Liberal Education from St. John’s College, and a B.A. in French Literature and Civilization from Scripps College. She has taught in the Political Science and History Departments at Chapman University and Azusa Pacific University, and in the Liberal Studies Programs at Roosevelt University in Chicago and at California State University at Fullerton.


Dolly Parton Denies Senator Elizabeth Warren Permission to Use '9 to 5'

TooFab  "Dolly Parton wants to stay far away from politics.
"The country legend's manager has revealed Senator Elizabeth Warren asked for — and did not get — permission to use her song "9 to 5", which she did anyway at a town hall meeting in New York City on Friday.
" 'We did not approve the request, and we do not approve requests like this of (a) political nature," Danny Nozell, told The Associated Press.
"The CTK Management CEO did not say whether he was pursuing the matter formally.  

Biden and wife made more than $15 million after leaving office

Ian Macfarlane
Yahoo  "Former U.S. Vice President Joe Biden and his wife, Jill, earned more than $15 million in the two years after Biden left government in early 2017, according to tax records released by his campaign on Tuesday.
"The majority of their income came from speaking engagements and payments for two books written by Biden, a top contender for the 2020 Democratic presidential nomination.
"The former U.S. senator from Delaware served as Barack Obama’s vice president for eight years, leaving office in January 2017 after the election of Republican President Donald Trump.
"According to federal and state tax returns, the Bidens earned about $11 million in 2017 and $4.58 million in 2018. About $13.2 million of that was attributable to book payments.
"Biden earned more than $775,000 in salary as a professor at the University of Pennsylvania in 2017 and 2018." . . .

Trolling for an Obama endorsement; have you noticed how often Biden says "Barack and I"...

Seven Facts About Obama’s Immigration Record Liberals Refuse to Admit

PJ Media

. . . Obama built the cages for immigrant children. Not even Snopes could deny this one. Two former Obama administration officials have publicly acknowledged this fact, and the media even reported on the migrant detention facilities that were built by the Obama administration—but those reports lacked the outrage you see today. There is a lot of photographic evidence of migrant detention facilities during the Obama years, with children crowded in caged areas, sleeping on concrete floors, that just didn’t resonate with the media or the political left at the time. It's almost as though they were trying to protect Obama's legacy.

Department of Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson visits the U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) Nogales Placement Center June 25, 2014
"For months, Democrats accused President Trump of manufacturing a border crisis for political purposes. Because of this, they’ve generally refused to work with Trump or Republicans to do anything about it. They’re singing a different tune now, however, but instead of blaming Trump for manufacturing a crisis, they’re blaming him for the crisis. All the negative news we’re hearing from the border has Democrats pouncing, hoping to pin the blame on Trump and policies.
"But when you look at the facts, it’s clear that while the crisis wasn’t manufactured, the Democrats’ outrage is. For years, they’ve stood idly by as the issues they now are hoping to turn into political footballs were going on in plain sight without a peep. Why? Because when it happened under Barack Obama they cared more about his image than the immigrant children and families they pretend to be advocating for today.
"Below are seven facts about Obama’s immigration record that liberals are in complete denial over." . . .

Best-Selling Author Reveals Why Trump Kicked Epstein Out Of Mar-A-Lago

Daily Wire  "Best-selling author James Patterson — who wrote "Filthy Rich: The Billionaire's Sex Scandal--The Shocking True Story of Jeffrey Epstein" — told Fox News on Tuesday that then-private citizen Donald Trump threw alleged pedophile Jeffrey Epstein out of Mar-a-Lago after he was notified about complaints being made against Epstein." . . .

. . .  "Perino asked Patterson about Trump's remarks: "President Trump said earlier that he had a falling-out with Epstein about 15 years ago. Do you know what that was about?"

"Patterson responded: "Well, I know that there were some complaints about Epstein at Mar-a-Lago and also I spoke to the head of the spa there. I said ‘did you ever meet Epstein?’ She said, 'oh yes... he was inappropriate with some of the younger women there.' She said she went to Trump and he threw him out of the club."

"At another point in the interview, Patterson said he "knows Trump didn't know" about Epstein's alleged criminal activity." . . .
Ian Macfarlane
Jeffrey Epstein’s A-list pals rush to distance themselves . . . "A list of contacts identified as Epstein’s “Little Black Book” was published by the now-defunct webSite Gawker in 2015 and contains hundreds of names, including those of celebrities, politicians and other ­A-listers, with their phone numbers and email addresses blacked out.
"Notable entries include former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg, Gov. Andrew Cuomo, actor Alec Baldwin, singer Jimmy Buffett, industrialist David Koch and former Secretary of State Henry Kissinger.
"Epstein treated some of his rich and powerful pals to trips aboard his Boeing 727, with Clinton revealed in 2016 to have flown on the private jet airliner at least 26 times between 2001 and 2003, according to flight logs obtained by Fox News.
"The plane was nicknamed the “Lolita Express” in media reports following the first wave of underage sex abuse allegations that led to Epstein’s 2008 conviction in Florida." . . .

Dubious Domination

I cannot deny sour grapes over our soccer women and would love to heap some praise on any pro-American ladies such as Kelley O'Hara, who took the flag from the ground when Allie Long handed it to her after Long let drop to the ground. 

Taki's Magazine
No, America dominates women’s soccer for the same reason South Korea dominates women’s golf: because nobody else has much cared.

. . . " This year, the media appeared newly intent on lesbianizing the image of women’s soccer as some sort of triple-bank-shot ploy in its War on Trump. This would not be good for women’s soccer’s popularity.

"Professional men’s leagues are based on teams representing cities rather than, say, Coke or Nike because it’s natural for human beings to cheer on their community’s strong young men as they Defend The Home Turf from raiders. This is such a primal instinct that it can keep up male interest through an inordinate number of contests each year, such as Major League Baseball’s 162 regular-season games.
"But few humans conceive of women as their saviors in territorial struggles. While men’s sports are obviously stand-ins for war, women’s international sports instead are less like battles and more like beauty contests or talent competitions to show off to the world these exemplars of the American Way of Life. Granted, French girls may dress better, Italian girls cook better, and Russian girls dance better, but all those billions of miles chauffeured by American soccer moms have made our girls world champs.
"Moreover, the long interims between World Cups and Olympics appeal to women spectators, who find it hard to stay interested in endless regular-season contests, but appreciate the human drama of these major turning points in life." . . .

Hey, it could happen.

The elephant in the room on Jew-hatred

This incident is disturbing following Congresswomen Rashida Tlaib's and Ilhan Omar's attempts to dilute the memory of the Holocaust.  Add to this current trend their horde of Democrat colleagues joining arm in arm to support these two proud, overt, apparently impervious to any rebuke Jew-haters.
Alan Bergstein  "Now that the newest bunch of Democrat presidential hopefuls, both black and white, have opened up the dangerous door of race-baiting that presently targets only those of the Caucasian persuasion, I can wipe my brow and come clean about blacks and their attacks against my people, the Jews.  This has always been a third-rail issue with Jews, including our own well funded protective agencies, who, usually being key players on the Far Left Team, have avoided coming clean about the obvious hate directed against them by ordinary blacks who emulate their leaders.  Just a pinch of them: Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, Louis Farrakhan, Rev. Wright, Barack Obama, Maxine Waters, Ilhan Omar, N.Y. state assemblyman Charles Barron, Tamika Mallory, and Valerie Jarrett, and toss in the whole gang down at the Congressional Black Caucus.

"Let's focus on a recent hate scene development down in my neck of the woods: Boca Raton, Florida.  It was spawned by the principal — principal, mind you — of Spanish River High School, William Latson, who by his picture appears to be black.  He wrote an email, some time ago, to a Jewish parent . . ."

'Frankly, Megan, I don't give a damn'

Silvio Canto, Jr.  "The ladies won and let's salute them.  The TV ratings were great and everyone is happy.  
"How does this translate to more people watching women play soccer in the U.S.?  I hope it does but women's pro soccer has not been good at selling tickets.
Cropped from Wilkow
"Actually, not everyone is happy.  I am not happy and lots of people I've heard from are not happy.  
"First, the tournament showed that international women's soccer is a total mismatch.  In other words, there aren't enough good women's soccer teams in the world.  The U.S. is obviously "the queen" of soccer and will only get better because our young women have more resources. 
"On that point, it did not help that some of the ladies showed so little class, as when they pounded Thailand 13-0!
"Second, someone should remind the ladies that they are wearing the U.S. uniform not "blue states."  They should show respect for U.S. fans who don't like to see flag disrespected.   
"In particular, the outspoken Megan [Rapinoe] who thinks that she was put on this planet to talk politics:  " . . .