And in what category shall we place Maxine Waters, Adam Schiff and Rashida pick a small sample? The Tunnel Dweller
The New Jersey trucker who defeated the Senate president is now getting smeared as “racist, Islamophobic, transphobic, and anti-Semitic.”
"It was to be expected that Steve Sweeney, the New Jersey State Senate president who lost to a trucker would miraculously find 12,000 “uncounted” ballots after the election that he’s certain will favor him. This is the regularly occurring miracle of the Democrat and has been going on for as long as I can remember. Remarkably, these late-found ballots never work in Republicans’ favor. Go figure….
"Something else happened after the election, which we should have expected too: We’re now learning that Edward Durr, the Republican who won the election and whom nobody bothered to investigate before the election, is a hater. Yes, he is, at least according to (“Newly elected GOP state senator’s social media accounts contain xenophobic, anti-Muslim posts”).
"That story is behind a paywall, but the Daily Mail repeats it in an article claiming Durr is responsible for “Racist, Islamophobic, transphobic and anti-Semitic posts.” You know that, if the Daily Mail is reporting it, this is the smear that Democrats have decided to use against him.
"Since I know how antisemitism ended the last time it got out of hand, there’s no better way to turn me against someone than to point out that the person is responsible for anti-Semitic statements. Incidentally, I do not count ignorant statements or statements of dislike as automatically amounting to deadly antisemitism. Forty years ago in England, a young man who’d never met a Jew asked me, “Aren’t all Jews rich?” He came from a place of ignorance and was genuinely surprised when I explained that was a stereotype. Nor do I demand that people love Jews. My standard is simple: You may not stir up genocidal racist hatred against Jews based upon lies." . . .
You want to see Mr. Durr's post the left is showing as evidence of his evil? This site contains more of his posts you can check for yourself. One which is this one: