Friday, November 5, 2021

If Joe doesn't tap the brakes, pray that people with intelligence will



How Low Can Joe Biden's Polls Go Before Democrats Tap the Brakes?  . . . "Perhaps this is part of the reason Republicans hold significant advantages when it comes to selecting the party trusted to do a better job on critical issues. On border security, controlling inflation, and dealing with crime, the GOP holds an advantage of 27, 24, and 22 points. They earn double-digit leads on the economy and getting things done, and a nine-point lead in dealing with immigration. Democrats win on abortion, COVID-19, and climate change. Currently, they have a 10-point lead on education, but with current events in Virginia, that can erode quickly.

Vaccine mandates were the most divisive issue in the poll, with 50% of Americans opposed to them, and 41% strongly so.". . . 

Biden's showdown with the Left is coming   "Nearly 100 days into his administration and several trillions of dollars in proposed federal spending later, President Joe Biden is starting to tap the brakes on the whims of the left wing of his party.

"Biden is on board with big spending bills and transformative presidency talk but is going slower on cultural flashpoints such as guns and immigration than some Democrats would prefer. The White House sounded an uncertain trumpet on packing the Supreme Court with new liberal justices and getting rid of the Senate filibuster." . . .

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