Friday, November 5, 2021

Is the wall of delusional Democrat dominance crumbling?

Hypocritical Rachel Maddow complained on MSNBC that "Fox built their primetime around the elections for months."  Pretty rich for a Democrat media outlet that spent years doing nothing but lie about Trump and making out that Republican voters are white racists. Joy Reid said the Virginia election was about education, which, for her, "is a code for white parents who don't like the idea of teaching about race."

Barry Shaw    "I can't begin to tell you, as an overseas observer, how refreshing it was to see the results of recent American state and local elections.

"As someone who had become convinced that America had gone completely off the rails in a dogged pursuit of Marxist insanity by a malevolent Politburo whose central policy was to control the people and change the demographics of the country, making it impossible for them ever to lose power, it was inspiring to see the common folk rise up and express themselves in overwhelming numbers, setting back the woke regressive agenda of their leaders. 

"It had seemed that Americans, regimented by federal and local mandates, had become compliant citizens, except for vaccination-refusing hospital workers, truckers, airline crews and ground staff, factory workers, teachers, firemen, police officers, and parents, who were all defined as extremists, racists, and domestic terrorists by the Democrat Politburo and their propaganda media outlets. 

"Some results were shockingly amazing.  A truck driver, spending less than $200 on his primary campaign, hammered the incumbent New Jersey state Senate president.  This really was people over power. " . . .

Barry Shaw, Israel Institute for Strategic Studies.

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