Friday, November 5, 2021

How Wokeness Undermines The Constitution

With a narrative about stolen property, the Woke can gut the Fourth Amendment and subject “warranted” search and seizure upon anyone they so choose, if duly empowered. 

 New Discourses    “ 'We live on stolen land.” So we’re told – repeatedly – and so we’re increasingly forced to repeat to ourselves in public-facing “land acknowledgments.” Solidifying this spurious message is one of the primary objectives of the Critical Theory of Postcolonialism. It is echoed in Critical Race Theory, which reminds us ad nauseum of an even more inaccurate claim that the American economy was built on stolen labor through the institution of slavery. To the casual observer, these narratives might spur reflective thought or even a critical consciousness, or they might only induce an eye roll, but they have a far more sinister application that can be seen quite clearly when one understands the subversive method of political activism employed by Critical Theory (“Woke”) activists." . . .

. . ."Put another way, as the Woke narratives about society and its “true” machinations gain sway, the fundamental protections of the Bill of Rights will increasingly be subverted. They will not be done away with but will be reinterpreted in total according to the usual double standards the Woke so successfully employ for themselves everywhere they gain the power to do so. This will happen without the need to change a single word. This sounds hyperbolic, but consider these words from Richard Delgado and Jean Stefancic’s Critical Race Theory: An Introduction:" . . .Full article here

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