Saturday, May 25, 2024

Israeli authorities show international journalists 'raw, gruesome' footage of Israeli deaths

Israeli authorities show international journalists 'raw, gruesome' footage of Israeli deaths (

"Overnight, Israeli authorities took the extraordinary step of calling international media into a private briefing room to show "raw and gruesome" footage of Hamas terrorists killing innocent Israelis on October 7, says Sky News host Sharri Markson. ""Israeli authorities felt the international media were downplaying, or even denying, what had unfolded in these terror attacks," Ms Markson said. " 'They say the lies are similar to the phenomenon of Holocaust deniers." "Ms Markson said 100 international journalists viewed the footage from October 7 on Monday night with some bursting into tears as they saw beheadings, torture and murder. " 'Israel showed journalists this footage because it needs the world to understand what happened in order to explain why Israel is fighting back so forcefully."

"Only people who suffer from mental disorders think that Hamas' brutality is normal. And only barbaric people can still justify Hamas' brutal actions against innocent people; babies, children, the elderly and innocent civilians. The world has turned upside down, between good and evil there is almost no difference anymore just because of the interests of religion, ethnicity, tribe, country, race, background etc. What great demon has possessed your soul that such brutality is considered innocent and even defended and protected?"
"Douglas Murray has described the horrors he witnessed in the aftermath of Hamas' terror massacres in southern Israel. "In a powerful and emotional speech, the Sun columnist spoke about visiting morgues and those murdered were being identified. "He described the Hamas terror organisation as a 'death cult' and heaped praise on Israel's response. "Israel is expected to expand its operation in Rafah in the coming days as it aims to destroy Hamas' remaining battalions and find its leaders including Yahya Sinwar."

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