Saturday, May 25, 2024

More than two dozen House Democrats blast Biden holding back Israel military aid, say it 'emboldens' Hamas

 NY Post (

“ 'As the President confirmed after October 7, Hamas must be ‘eliminated entirely,’” they added, reminding Biden of his other commitments to America’s closest ally in the Middle East early in the war." So there ARE good Democrats.

"More than two dozen House Democrats led by Rep. Josh Gottheimer told national security adviser Jake Sullivan on Friday they were “deeply concerned” about President Biden’s decision to withhold military aid from Israel.

"Gottheimer (D-NJ) and 25 of his fellow lawmakers wrote in a letter to Sullivan obtained by The Post that “withholding weapons shipments to Israel … only emboldens our mutual enemies, including Hamas, Hezbollah, the Houthis, and other Iranian-backed proxies.”

" 'Seven months after October 7, the deadliest day for the Jewish people since the end of the Holocaust, Iranian-backed terrorist proxies continue to fire rockets and mortars into Israel and at Americans from all directions,” they wrote. “At the same time, antisemitism is spreading globally like wildfire.” . . .

White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre told reporters Thursday that the paused shipment included 1,800 2,000-pound bombs and 1,700 500-pound bombs.

“He does not want certain categories of American weapons used in a particular type of operation in a particular place,” she said. “We have to make sure that we protect those 1.5 million civilian lives [in Rafah].”

Palestinians always seek the murder of Jews. Update from the past: 2011 Itamar attack was a terrorist attack on an Israeli family in the Israeli settlement of Itamar in the West Bank that took place on 11 March 2011, in which five members of the same family were murdered in their beds. The victims were the father Ehud (Udi) Fogel, the mother Ruth Fogel, and three of their six children—Yoav, 11, Elad, 4, and Hadas, the youngest, a three-month-old infant. The infant was decapitated.[4] The settlement of Itamar had been the target of several murderous attacks before these killings.[5]

"Amjad Awad and Hakim Awad, two young Palestinian cousins from the village of Awarta, were arrested for the murders. On 5 June 2011 the two men were indicted on five counts of murder, stealing weapons, breaking and entering, and conspiracy to commit a crime. Both were later convicted. They initially denied any involvement in the attack[6] but later proudly confessed to the murders,[7] expressing no remorse and reenacting the attack before security officials.[8]". . . They were taught a decade ago to hate Jews.

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