Saturday, May 25, 2024

Echoes of the Holocaust

 David Rubin - American Thinker    America's shame

"The western world needs to stand up in united opposition against the absurd notion by the International Criminal Court of issuing a warrant to arrest Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu."  

"In a startling development that has sent shockwaves through international relations, German Chancellor Olaf Scholz’s spokesman, Steffen Hebestreit, announced that Germany would arrest Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu if an International Criminal Court (ICC) warrant were issued.

"Hebestreit’s exact words were, “Of course. Yes, we abide by the law,” as reported by the Jerusalem Post. This unprecedented move is seen by many as an affront to Israel’s sovereignty and a stark reminder of the painful history that haunts the Jewish people.

"Germany’s willingness to arrest Netanyahu stems from its membership in the ICC, having signed the Rome Statute on December 10, 1998, and ratified it on December 11, 2000. This statement by Germany has significant implications for international relations and Israel’s ongoing struggle for security and recognition.

"The Associated Press reported that the ICC Chief Prosecutor Karim Khan announced on May 20 that he is seeking arrest warrants for Netanyahu.

"The International Criminal Court was created in response to the Holocaust, Nazi Germany’s extermination of six million Jews. Germany has been a big donor to the ICC. The thought that the current German government would actually arrest Prime Minister Netanyahu if he visited Germany seems unthinkable and its prospect has created a firestorm in social media in Germany.

"The land of Israel, including the areas currently disputed, was given to the Jewish people by God and was internationally recognized through the United Nations. Israel’s borders were expanded through defensive wars against invasions, making such international interference unacceptable. Historically, there has never been a sovereign Palestinian state. The concept of Palestinian rights to the land is a recent political construct, and comparisons to giving New Mexico back to Mexico or Minnesota to Canada are absurd and ignore the legal and historical context." . . .

Do this and a feckless, cowardly world will honor you with your own nation.

Spain will honor you.
   . . .When most think of the Spanish Inquisition, they think of Spain settling a score with their Muslim conquerors. But more Jews were banished than Muslims, despite their not having conquered anything. Instead, they had lived peacefully and productively in Spain for 800-1100 years and were as Spanish as anyone in Spain (barring occasionally being massacred). Still, they were guilty of being Jews, and between 200,000 and 300,000 Jews were expelled." . . .
. . ."After all, the Nazis had popular opinion on their side too. Only God will be able to help America if our government yields to an immoral popular opinion on Israel and the Jews, following the path of Germany, Spain, and the residents of Gaza and the West Bank."

UPDATED: Germany Says It Would Execute ICC Arrest Warrant Against Netanyahu | The Epoch Times   . . .“ 'I am old enough to remember the German leader coming here days after October 7, and stating the Hamas are the new Nazis,” he said. “They seek a genocide against the Jews. Many in the world need to check their moral compass and be on the right side of history.”
If you saw "Schindler['s List" and the purging of the ghetto, you should have a picture of what took place on Oct 7th in the small Israeli Kibbutzim. What was there about that you do not understand? Germany, of all nations should agonize over that. TD

2010: "For a head of government to visit the White House and not pose for photographers is rare. For a key ally to be left to his own devices while the President withdraws to have dinner in private was, until this week, unheard of. Yet that is how Benjamin Netanyahu was treated by President Obama on Tuesday night, according to Israeli reports on a trip viewed in Jerusalem as a humiliation." . . .

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