Saturday, May 25, 2024

No Tehran ‘Moment of Silence’ for US Policy Collapse on Israel

 Richard J. Douglas - American Thinker

The craven U.S. performance at the United Nations was disgusting.  But it was almost certainly not spontaneous.  Rather, it’s a safe bet that the “moment of silence” spectacle was vetted in advance with every Security Council delegation, including ours.

 A profoundly shameful moment at the UN Security Council as the US ambassador stands for a moment of silence to honor the Butcher of Tehran

. . ."Beyond rank appeasement of Iran, only Oslo, Dublin, and Madrid know for sure what led to this patently anti-Israel step.  The rest of us, however, understand it as a transparent effort to cripple Netanyahu’s pursuit of a vital Israeli national interest, and as a significant diplomatic victory for Iran.

"Iran’s big week could be cast as a massive failure of American diplomacy.  In reality, however, the Biden administration appears to be intentionally standing aside rather than engaging to derail events which unmistakably strengthen Iran.  If more proof of this toxic policy is needed, look no further than the U.S. Senate, whose majority is controlled by the president’s party.  On May 20th, Senate Chaplain Barry Black disgraced a Congress once distinguished by the presence of Holocaust survivor Tom Lantos by publicly mourning Raisi’s death in his morning prayer.  Senate chaplains and other officials work for the Senate majority leadership.  Chaplain Black was most assuredly speaking for Majority Leader Chuck Schumer and his president.

"Muscular U.S. diplomacy led by a Trump, a Pompeo, or even a Moynihan, could have stopped the ICC, the UN Security Council, and the European appeasers cold.  Instead, Iran had a good week, because of the Biden administration’s lunatic policy, not in spite of it."

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