Sunday, June 9, 2024

The Press Reactions to Israel Rescuing the Hostages Will Make Your Blood Boil

 Bonchie – RedState

"There are three things certain in life: Death, taxes, and the mainstream press being the worst people on earth. The sheer ability of the journalistic class to take any issue and come down on the wrong side of it is legendary. That dynamic didn't change after Israel rescued four hostages on Saturday morning. 

" 'As RedState reported, a joint operation between the IDF, ISA, and police forces entered the city of Nuseirat, a supposed "refugee camp," after discovering their location. The hostages were being held in "civilian" homes, with Hamas fighters responding to an all-call to attack the area after the rescue attempt was discovered. That led to a tense firefight in the streets, with a helicopter eventually providing evac from the nearby beach. 

Now, you'd think the press would be very interested to know why hostages were being held in "civilian" homes in the middle of a "refugee camp." That would seem the most prudent question when discussing casualties as a result of the rescue operation. Instead, they simply went to bat for Hamas.

 “How dare those Jews rescue their hostages!” — WaPo, outraged.

"Yes, that's a reporter, one of our supposed intellectual betters, asking if Israel should have warned the "civilians" holding the hostages that they were coming. Putting aside how nonsensical that is because it would have led to the failure of the mission, her question is centered on the continued infantilization of Palestinians. They can take hostages and hold them in civilian homes in a "refugee camp," and the press will still insist that it's up to Israel to bear all responsibility for casualties as a result. "

Was that reporter instructed to ask that very question? Radical Chic today is the scarf called a Kaffiyeh, what the useful idiots wear to be cool. TD

SEE: Israel Rescues Hostages Despite Biden Insistence They Leave Gaza

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