Sunday, June 9, 2024

Time Magazine Betrays Its Tilt in Biden, Trump Interviews

  Tim Graham (  

The Democrats running Time are hyperbolically raising fear that a president using the Justice Department might go after his political opponents, while somehow being blind and deaf enough to ignore that Biden is using the Justice Department to go after his political opponents. 

"Does Time magazine really matter anymore? It still has a circulation of over one million, but that is one-third of what it was in 2012. Does anything it reports still resonate, or is it like a tree that collapses unheard in the solitude of the woods?

"Time just secured an interview with President Joe Biden, when Biden has granted very few interviews to print news outlets. Time gained access to Donald Trump in April, and the first thing you notice when you compare the two interviews is the length. At the top of the transcripts, Time claims the Biden transcript is a "28 minute read," while Trump's is listed as 83 minutes. Time's "fact check" of the Trump interviews ("21 minute read") is almost as long as the Biden interview.

"Another noticeable tilt is the agenda of questions. Biden's questions were overwhelmingly about foreign policy. There are three on inflation, three on immigration, and three on Biden's age. There were zero questions on Hunter Biden and the Biden scandals. There were zero questions on the Trump trial or the Trump prosecutions.

"Did Team Biden put any conditions on which questions could be asked? It's a fair question, considering how selective they've been in handing out interviews.

"By contrast, by my count, Time asked Trump 11 questions about the Trump prosecutions (and "revenge" for them), five questions about Jan. 6, two about potential political violence in 2025, four on fighting the "deep state," three on his "dictator for a day" joke, and four on whether he'd seek to overturn the 22nd Amendment and seek a third term.

"On top of that, Trump drew 14 questions on abortion policy and six on crime. It's obvious from the Time transcripts that they consider Trump's opinions on domestic issues to be much more controversial — and even extremist — than anything Biden advocates. The rest of the media picked up on Trump's abortion answers, and Biden didn't have to provide any abortion answers." . . .

"Even the age questions to Biden were timid softballs, and Biden's answer — suggesting he could take his interviewer Massimo Calabresi in a fight — was taken as a joke." . . . 

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