Sunday, June 9, 2024

J6er grins from ear to ear while attending his former prosecutor’s CRIMINAL pre-trial hearing…

 Revolver News

. . ."The irony here is that the violent former prosecutor got a better bail deal than the non-violent J6 political prisoners who he tried to destroy. Decent Americans like Lecturn Guy were railroaded, while this unhinged stabber walked off with a better bail deal." . . . 

"There’s nobody more powerful and effective than a jolly warrior. This is the major difference between the right and left and also explains why right-wingers can meme while Marxists can’t. Here’s the breakdown: those on the right, though committed to winning this spiritual war, still manage to have fun and find humor even in these crazy, dark, progressive times. Meanwhile, the left wallows in a constant state of angsty bitterness, perpetually offended by everything. These self-proclaimed victims can’t find humor in anything, which over time makes them completely unrelatable and isolates them within a bubble of tyrannical victimhood that eventually leads to all this “clown world” insanity. The complete opposite of this bitter victim is someone like “Lectern Guy.” His name is Adam Johnson, and he’s one of the most famous non-violent J6 political prisoners. He’s the legendary guy who casually strolled out with Pelosi’s lectern, all while wearing a Trump hat and giving a jovial wave. The man is a patriot and a hero.

"Adam Johnson faced charges for entering and remaining in a restricted building or grounds and received a sentence of 75 days in jail with a $5,000 fine. Now, he’s served his time and is not just free—he’s out there living his best life. In fact, he’s free enough to attend the pre-trial criminal hearing of his former prosecutor, who’s now in hot water himself. This prosecutor was caught on camera in a road rage meltdown, violently stabbing at drivers. That’s right, the tables have turned in what can only be described as poetic justice. The very person who tried to ruin Adam’s life is now entangled in the same court system he once used as a political weapon.

"How’s that for juicy and delicious karma? The guy seeking to lock up non-violent Americans can be seen below stabbing somebody during a road rage incident." . . .

Video: The guy seeking to lock up non-violent Americans can be seen stabbing somebody during a road rage incident.

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