Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Why should Israel sign on to Biden's hideous ceasefire deal?

Monica Showalter - American Thinker

Why Israel, which just won back some of its hostages through military strength, should sign onto this makes no sense whatsoever.

RealityBites by Broc Smith

 . . ."Why Israel, which just won back some of its hostages through military strength, should sign onto this makes no sense whatsoever.

"There's not a word about security guarantees for Israel in it to start. If Hamas attacks again, well, Hamas attacks again. The U.N. will issue a stern warning

"As for the hostage exchange, that's nonsense, the Israeli hostages are innocent civilians. The Hamas militants sitting in jails are there for terrorism offenses. Releasing thousands of Palestinian terrorists would just free them up to strike again at Israelis and Israeli targets, which they have already said they would do. No promises to remain peaceful from them? Not even that much, no promises at all, not that they understand the honor system in any case. Color it done that they will engage in more terrorism.

"And Hamas has already shown what it's about -- rape, torture, and murder. Should Israel be out freeing rapists to rape again? Killers and torturers to do again what they said they would do again? Rapists, killers, torturers, and losers with 'woman issues' belong in jail, not out on the streets. These weren't just war crimes, these were crime crimes. Those who commit rape and kidnapping and looting and baby murder shouldn't come crying to anyone with civilized values that they don't like the punishment. Guys like this have to be in jail or civilization itself is in danger.

"Nobody should be forced to agree to letting these monsters out.

"What's more, the thugs still in Gaza need to be rubbed out for what they did. There needs to be some kind of punishment for this kind of behavior or They Will Do It Again.

"This agreement would leave the rapists and murderers of Israelis fully ensconced in power, proud of their perverse and sickening deeds, respected citizens on the world stage, as if they even wanted to be that. 'No justice, no peace,' as the lefties like to say otherwise. All they will do is plot new ways to kill Israelis.

"There shouldn't be any agreement at all until we hear Hamas's apology and promise to not Do It Again, just for starters, along with acknowledging Israel's right to exist, which isn't part of that deal at all and needs to be point one.

"That Hamas would be allowed to remain in place and in power at all is an outrage all by itself." . . .

Compromise is not in the Palestinian vocabulary - American Thinker  "The cultural and religious upbringing of young Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza is deeply influenced by their educational system, the media, and the mosque.  Compromise with the “Jewish usurpers” is unacceptable, haram." . . . 

Those Gazans who murdered and raped Israelis on Oct 7 were raised on this TV  

These children grew up to accomplish this:

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