Monday, June 17, 2024

The California Exodus May Be Just Beginning

 Stephen Green – PJ Media  "Will the last person to leave California please turn off the lights? Assuming they aren't in the middle of one of California's increasingly frequent brownouts, that is.

"Relocation firm moveBuddha looked at searches for 100,000 moves just this year, and five of the top ten were people looking to get out of the Golden State for almost anywhere else. "5 of the top 10 exit metros are in California, the firm reported on Monday. "Los Angeles has the highest interest in outbound moves, with 42% more outbound inquiries than runner-up San Francisco. Per capita, the prize goes to San Francisco.". . .
. . ."I hit U-Haul's website to price the 26-foot truck a family would need to move a three- or four-bedroom house from one city to another. Tech workers leaving the Bay Area often end up in Austin, Texas, so that's the route I priced. U-Haul charges $5,040 for the trip east. But if you're a brave and/or confused soul looking to move from Austin to San Francisco, that same 26-foot truck will set you back just $2,514.

"People will pay big bucks to leave California because it's worth it."

So sad; California was beautiful beyond measure in all respects when I first moved there in 1961 after discharge. TD

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