Sunday, August 11, 2024

Now Even the New York Times Wants Biden to Resign

With Biden's fake tantrums, his Walter Mitty fables, his molestation of females and general qualities as a national leader, one divines much more than simply senility, but a lack of character and intelligence. Those qualities also missing in many Democrats, media personalities, and entire press networks. The Tunnel Dweller.

 Robert Spencer  

"It is easy to forget the fact, but the president of the United States is an old fellow named Joe Biden, a relic of the late 1980s political scene, a sinister corruptocrat who affects a genial, folksy mien. He's an octogenarian so deep in the grip of dementia that his frequent mental lapses led him to end his campaign for reelection after a disastrous debate with the man he had tried to destroy in numerous ways before a debate became unavoidable, Donald Trump. Yet, although the whole world knows, or thinks it knows, that Biden abandoned his reelection bid because of his cognitive decline, he continues to pretend to be president. Now, even the New York Times is calling for a halt to the charade.

"To be sure, the author of the Times column calling for Biden’s resignation was the Paper of Record’s resident conservative, Ross Douthat, so it cannot be taken as an indication that the Democrat Party leadership, which generally uses the Times as its press release service, is on the verge of administering the final coup de grace to the Biden “presidency.” Still, this is the Times, and so it’s an unmistakable indication that there are currents within the Democrat Party that want to jettison Old Joe now. 

" 'Douthat points out that the destruction of Biden’s reelection campaign headed off a scandal: “for a few weeks the media coverage of the Biden White House built up the idea that there was a major scandal here, implicating the inner circle that encouraged the president to run for re-election and practiced deception amid his obvious decline. The potential scale of that scandal has diminished now that the country is no longer being asked to entrust the Oval Office to Biden for another four years.”

"Nonetheless, if Old Joe would just get out of the way, says Douthat, Kamala Harris’ chances of being elected president would increase. “It’s possible,” he writes, “depending on Biden’s true capacities, that by rights he should have resigned and Harris should be president already — which probably would have put her in a better position to win the election even than her current honeymoon does.” " . . .

"Robert Spencer is the director of Jihad Watch and a Shillman Fellow at the David Horowitz Freedom Center. He is author of 28 books, including many bestsellers such as The Politically Incorrect Guide to Islam (and the Crusades)The Truth About MuhammadThe History of Jihad, and The Critical Qur’an. His latest book is Muhammad: A Critical Biography." . . .

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