Sunday, August 11, 2024

The World Held Hostage, Day 300: Countering Kamala’s Condescension, Bibi Bombs Away

Issues & Insights  The suffering of the Palestinians never had to happen at all. They knew when they invaded Israel, slaughtered families, raped women, burned villages and babies, then took hostages that this would happen as expected. Muslims who thrive on death in all its forms knew they were creating the worldwide uproar that would cast Israel in the worst possible light, in the minds of ignorant youth, their educators, and their toadying politicians. It takes no courage for the likes of today's Democrats to boldly protest against faithful allies and support the world's bullies. TD

 "A tragic milestone is reached today: Day 300 of Iran Hostage Crisis II, as reflected on this site.

"And developments are moving fast and furious, even if the end of the ordeal has not for five Americans and some 65 other innocent captives still presumed alive.

"As the marker approached, dynamic Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu delivered an oration for the ages, and took bold, decisive actions that could accelerate a deal to return the women, infants, and men who continue as pawns in Hamas’ cruel machinations.

"And dimwitted presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Kamala Harris delivered remarks for the aged (i.e., stepping into the place of her deposed, dementia-ridden boss) that threatened to set the captives’ homecoming back indefinitely.

“ 'The war in Gaza could end tomorrow if Hamas surrenders, disarms, and returns all the hostages,” Bibi boomed during his address before a joint congressional session. “But if they don’t, Israel will fight until we destroy Hamas’ military capabilities and its rule in Gaza and bring all our hostages home.”

"Yet why would Hamas’ blood-soaked Caesars wave the white flag and cash in their caches of human poker chips given Harris’ winking assurances in her first appearance as de facto diplomat in chief?

"After meeting Netanyahu, whom she had already dissed by skipping his speech – and following a dutiful but disingenuous recitation of the usual homilies about supporting Israel – Ms. Harris laid bare where her real sympathies lie as she embarrassed her guest with a regurgitation of warmed-over Palestinian propaganda:

To wit:   . . ."It is time for this war to end and end in a way where Israel is secure, all the hostages are released, the suffering of Palestinians in Gaza ends, and the Palestinian people can exercise their right to freedom, dignity, and self-determination … 

"As I just told Prime Minister Netanyahu, it is time to get this deal done."  "Seemingly all but assuring that it wouldn’t get done, by incentivizing the terrorist tyrants to hold out till beyond Nov. 5 expectation of continued Kamala condescension to Bibi and kid-glove love to his enemies."   "That is, if they live that long.". . .    Full article here.

Spineless Biden is edging us towards World War III   

. . .In this way, Biden has arrived at the twilight of his presidency by eclipsing his shameful Afghan withdrawal of 2021. The world is in turmoil, Russia and China are emboldened and America’s foremost ally in the Middle East is being left to enforce deterrents alone. The world’s most malign, dangerous and oppressive theocracy – an ally of Moscow and Beijing – is fast advancing to become a regional nuclear superpower. Wouldn’t it have been easier to have toughened up in the first place?

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