Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Aviation screening

Iranian Dissidents Show Courage—Can Obama Do the Same?

Jonathan Tobin "Defenders of appeasement of Iran have told us that a strong stand will only hurt the dissidents and spur the regime to greater violence. But as recent events illustrate, Khamenei and Ahmadinejad have no compunction about unleashing their thugs on their own people. With so many willing to risk death to oppose the Islamist tyranny, now is the time for Barack Obama to find both his courage and his voice."

Needed: Wartime Commander in Chief

Max Boot "Obama has actually been a little tougher on terrorism (and Iraq and Afghanistan) than his record as an ultra-liberal senator would have led us to expect; certainly a lot tougher than Michael Moore or his ilk would like him to be. But not perhaps as tough as the situation demands. If there is any good that comes out of the attempted bombing of the Detroit flight, or the Iranians’ rejections of his naive overtures, it is that he may finally shed some of his remaining illusions about the world and start acting more as a wartime commander in chief should."

Monday, December 28, 2009

Berkeley High May Cut Out Science Labs

EastBayExpress "The proposal would trade labs seen as benefiting white students for resources to help struggling students." Pelosi and Obama get elected by voters who think like this and come from this part of California.

If the terrorist had been a Christian

Russ Vaughn , AT "Might not the media coverage be going something like this? .... "Because of the American flag tattoo found by authorities on the radical Christian terrorist's upper right arm, it is distinctly possible that he may be linked to a right wing militia organization, many of which thrive in Texas, where the reactionary Republican governor is known for providing them a sanctuary from which to attack peaceful progressives across the rest of the nation. "

MSNBC: The Place for Low-Brow 'Teabag' Humor

Business&MediaInstitute "Shuster has exhibited his anti-tea party behavior previously when filling in for Olbermann on the April 10 “Countdown.” Shuster and Newsweek’s Daniel Gross made every effort to belittle and misconstrue the April 15 Taxpayer Tea Party protests."

Obama’s statement on the Christmas Day jihadi attack; Perfunctory, hasty, and bloodless

Michelle Malkin "His little speechy wasn’t even delivered with the enthusiasm of a burnt out weather man. Guess Teleprompter Hal was on vacation too. There is so much more to this story and, for the most part, we’re all getting the feeling a whole lot of misconnected dots are being buried. The term “alleged” chaffs my posterior. When Nasan at Ft. Hood was believed dead he was the perpetrator. The minute it was known he was alive suddenly he’s alleged as well." From the comments section. Scroll down. Politicizing the terror attack Taking his vendetta with Fox News to a new low, President Obama sent an administration spokesperson to appear on every network but Fox to discuss the Northwest Airlines flight 253 terror attack.

Two Flight 253 plotters were released from Gitmo in 2007

Hot Air "...it wasn’t the left that presided over this one. The next interview with Dick or Liz Cheney should be pretty interesting, huh?"...."If not for the Crotch Bomber, these people would now be preparing to take custody from The One of nearly 100 mujahedeen zombies. As it is, it’s time for plan B. Exit question: What’s plan B?"

Re-Learning the Lessons from the Thwarted Detroit Airline Bombing

Heritage "The coalition and activist groups like the ACLU have battled a number of common-sense programs that are far more effective at catching terrorists and are less invasive, expensive, and time consuming than body searching children and grandmothers and super expensive screening technologies."

Political Cartoons by Scott Stantis

The Hypocrisy of the Left

Robin of Berkeley "I was pleased to find an Episcopal church whose website focused on religion, not ObamaCare. I left a message for the priest that I was looking for a church that didn't press a political agenda because I wasn't a liberal. I received an icy reply from the priest, the Reverend Lucy, who said with barely-contained disgust, "I don't think you should check us out." Her response left me shaken and angry. I understand that leftists despise conservatives. I have seen that creepy look of pure hatred when I naïvely told a leftist friend about my political conversion. But an Episcopal priest rejecting me during the holiest time of year? Isn't anything or anyone sacred?" ...."Obama and his friends preach tolerance, but there is bigotry at their group's core. ....While they fashion themselves as human saviors, they clearly don't like people very much, and they despise conservatives." h/t to American Thinker.

On the Horizon/ Some Modest Obama Predictions

Victor Davis Hanson "Such a strange phenomenon—as Obama’s polls dive, and the voters begin to see that the centrist moderate, whom they thought in 2008 that they were voting for, is in truth an ideologue, his supporters are reduced to calling critics “racialists.” That is the blueprint for 2010."