Monday, June 14, 2010

A very silly man gives a very sinister speech.

Christopher Hitchens "A hereditary head of state, as Thomas Paine so crisply phrased it, is as absurd a proposition as a hereditary physician or a hereditary astronomer. To this innate absurdity, Prince Charles manages to bring fatuities that are entirely his own. And, as he paged his way through his dreary wad of babble, there must have been some wolfish smiles among his Muslim audience."

Democrats on Edge: Rep. Etheridge Edition

Verum Serum   "Who are you?"   Hey, everybody else is posting this; why shouldn't I?

Happy Flag Day

Photo via Bookworm Room

Has the President Lost His Bearings?

Pajamas Media  "That Hey Jude sing-along was pretty strong evidence that the president is no longer in touch with reality."....He’s done. Some will call this a premature judgment, I’m certain. But the sad truth is that this handwriting has been on the wall ever since Barack Obama, the not-even-through-his-first-term senator, announced his candidacy with a resume containing little more of substance than a memorable speech from 2004.
"Experience? I don’t need no stinkin’ experience. I’m me.
"Hopefully, the next time a charismatic candidate makes such vainglorious claims, the public will be healthily weary, vigilantly skeptical, and not in a false-god worshiping mood." Emphasis mine
 Kyle-Anne Shiver is an independent journalist and a frequent contributor to American Thinker.

Obama as Nixon. Biden as Jerry Ford. We know how that ended.    "If the failure of President Obama to handle — or even to take serious — the BP oil spill has achieved nothing else, it has allowed certain members of the press to shed their hyper-partisanship and to begin telling it like it is with this Narcissistic president."

Big Labor is humbled by Blanche Lincoln’s win.

Michael Barone  "Lincoln’s victory removes the credibility of the unions’ threat to end the careers of Democrats who don’t do their bidding. The unions rode into Arkansas like Custer rode into Little Big Horn, and unlike Custer they managed to ride out — but without the scalp they were desperately seeking."

Elton John, Egypt, and Rush Limbaugh Reveal Liberal Hypocrisy

Deroy Murdock, NRO  "The moral of this story: Liberals will tread more lightly on a homophobic, concert-canceling Islamic fundamentalist than a conservative broadcaster who recognizes and rewards talent when he hears it, even when that Academy Award–winning musician happens to be gay."

Parts of AZ not under US control (UPDATED)

Rick Moran "Did you know that there are parts of Arizona where the federal government has actually put up signs warning Americans that they are in a known drug corridor?
"Did you know that despite calls for help from the county sheriff, the feds have ignored the situation?
"Did you know that the writ of US law and thus our sovereignty does not run in these corridors?
"Even a banana republic has better control of its borders."

BUYcott Arizona

Boycott the Boycotters Here they are listed:

The Loneliness of the American Soccer Fan

Slate "The world's most popular sport is on the rise in the United States—and my neighbors still couldn't care less about the World Cup."

"Our forefathers didn’t make these sacrifices for socialism"

Letter to the Editor "...He also asks if anyone can ever define socialism. I must admit my “un-intellectual mind” had to look it up.
Socialism: Any one of various systems in which the means of producing goods are owned by the community or the government rather than by private individuals with all people sharing in the work and the goods produced.
"Webster Dictionary. I looked up communism, and its definition is almost word for word the same."
 H/t to Neal Boortz

The day freedom died: Cap-And-Traitors "The Senate just claimed the title of the world's most delusional body by refusing to strip unelected EPA bureaucrats of the power to regulate carbon dioxide as a pollutant. This was the day freedom died.
"One wonders why we have a Congress at all. The 53 profiles in cowardice that could not get a cap-and-tax bill through the U.S. Senate voted Thursday to let the Environmental Protection Agency keep the unprecedented power Congress did not expressly give it. It is power that the EPA arrogated to itself through regulation to control every aspect of the American economy and our very lives."

A BP boycott?

Neal Boortz  "I'm sorry .. but considering the shape this country is in right now, I've just about had it up to here with idiots, fools and imbeciles like Jesse Jackson and the morons who think that picketing a BP gas station is going to do anything to solve this crisis. It is idiots like these and their inane, childish thought processes that have been, still are, and will continue to drive this great country to destruction."

The First Rule of Strategy

Townhall "A year on, although the regime's opponents seethe under the surface, with no leader and no help from the free world, it will take a miracle for them to mount major protests on the one-year anniversary of the stolen elections. It is unimaginable that they will be able to topple the regime before it gets its hands on nuclear weapons."