Monday, June 14, 2010

Has the President Lost His Bearings?

Pajamas Media  "That Hey Jude sing-along was pretty strong evidence that the president is no longer in touch with reality."....He’s done. Some will call this a premature judgment, I’m certain. But the sad truth is that this handwriting has been on the wall ever since Barack Obama, the not-even-through-his-first-term senator, announced his candidacy with a resume containing little more of substance than a memorable speech from 2004.
"Experience? I don’t need no stinkin’ experience. I’m me.
"Hopefully, the next time a charismatic candidate makes such vainglorious claims, the public will be healthily weary, vigilantly skeptical, and not in a false-god worshiping mood." Emphasis mine
 Kyle-Anne Shiver is an independent journalist and a frequent contributor to American Thinker.

Obama as Nixon. Biden as Jerry Ford. We know how that ended.    "If the failure of President Obama to handle — or even to take serious — the BP oil spill has achieved nothing else, it has allowed certain members of the press to shed their hyper-partisanship and to begin telling it like it is with this Narcissistic president."

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