Saturday, December 11, 2010

President Obama Brings Bill Clinton In To Talk Tax Plan…And Then Leaves To Go To A Christmas Party!

Mediaite  "Seriously, what was the thinking here? This has to be one of the worst PR moves in the entirety of the administration. Obviously, Clinton is probably a more popular Democratic figure right now, but they had to imagine this would hurt Obama. I mean, letting a former president explain your tax bill while you head to a Christmas party? A Christmas party? "

Was Clinton unaware of how this looked? Was Obama? "With Mr. Obama standing largely silently at his side, Mr. Clinton took over the lectern to lend his backing to the tax compromise the White House reached this week with Republicans. And then Mr. Clinton went on, for half an hour, answering questions and holding forth on topics from triangulation to Haiti to the mortgage crisis and the nuclear arms treaty with Russia." Althouse.

Deja vu all over again -- but worse "Clinton, of course, reveled in his return to the White House podium, outlasting even the long-winded Obama. The problem Obama will soon discover is how to get rid of Clinton since he's comfortable in the White House and has nothing to lose by sticking around. Sure, Obama benefits from Clinton's ability to schmooze Congress and get legislation passed, but it will become apparent quite soon that Clinton is being effective while Obama is in the way. Looking ineffective is not a good position to be in with an election coming up." Ethel C. Fenig

‘Something Very, Very Weird is Going on in Washington’  "...even Obama’s inner circle were equally baffled by The One’s actions today."  Ed Driscoll in Pajamas Media

Help Me Bubba-Wan, You’re My Only Hope. "Here’s what I saw. I saw a current president who has never looked less interested in doing his job. I also saw a former president who never lost interest in doing that job. Obama’s demeanor and body language suggested that he’d rather be anywhere but where he was, and then he followed through and actually bolted for the door. Clinton’s demeanor was that of a passionate wonk trying to sell a policy he actually cared about, that he thought would be good for the country. It didn’t matter that it wasn’t even his own policy that he was selling."

Why Latin America Turned Against Israel

Big Peace  "When we understand the trends that led to Latin America’s hostile act against Israel, we realize two things. First, while Israel might have come up with a way to delay the action, it probably couldn’t have prevented it. And second, given the US policy trajectory, it is again obvious that the only one Israel can rely on to defend its interests – against Iran and the Palestinians alike – is Israel."
 And the God of the universe, who centuries ago promised to return Israel to their land:
“Behold, I am bringing them from the north country,
And I will gather them from the remote parts of the earth,
Among them the blind and the lame,
The woman with child and she who is in labor with child, together;
A great company, they will return here.
“With weeping they will come,
And by supplication I will lead them;
I will make them walk by streams of waters,
On a straight path in which they will not stumble;
For I am a father to Israel,
And Ephraim is My firstborn.”
From chapter 31 of the writings of the prophet Jeremiah in the land of Israel.

Van Jones: We are coming for the media and that’s not all

Hot Air  "Look, we’ve done a great job so far over the last 2 years with the Tea Parties, but if we relax now because we have a Republican House, then we risk losing everything we’ve worked for. The next 2 years are the most crucial if we want to get our country back and we MUST carry the torch for freedom even higher. We must force the Republicans to use every available chance to hammer home the message that the radicals are in DC and they are trying to steal our liberty, our country. And we must fight them off. That means calling the President out for who he is to, because he is one of them."

Rhetoric Rides Again

Thomas Sowell  "Many people earning an annual income of $125,000 a year do so only after years of earning a lot less than that before eventually working their way up to that level. For politicians to step in at that point and confiscate what they have invested years of working to achieve is a little much.
"It also takes a lot of brass to talk about taxing "millionaires and billionaires" when most of the people whose taxes the liberals want to raise are neither. Why is so much deception necessary, if your case is good? "

Rush Limbaugh Attacks GOP Leadership: “Where Is The Republican Vision?”

Mediaite "Right now, there is no Republican position. Everything we’re hearing is what the Democrats think and what they want. Where is the Republican vision? Have you heard them say it? Have you heard Mitch McConnell articulate the Republican vision here? Have you heard Boehner? Have you?”"

Obama's Moral Universe

American Spectator "A lot has changed since Obama’s candidacy, but one thing that has remained the same is that Obama himself -- whether he’s urging people to expect more or schooling them on why they should be happy with less -- is always the righteous one."
Philip Klein

From Audacity to Animosity  "Instead Mr. Obama said, essentially, that he hates the deal he just agreed to, hates the people he made the deal with, and hates even more the people who'll criticize it. His statement was startling in the breadth of its animosity. Republicans are "hostage takers" who worship a "holy grail" of "tax cuts for the wealthy." "That seems to be their central economic doctrine." "
Peggy Noonan

He's Barack Obama!  From JibJab.

Friday, December 10, 2010

At Obama's side, Clinton backs tax deal

Yahoo  "Obama said it was a "terrific meeting" and then yielded to Clinton. The voluble former president took center stage, and Obama left part-way through his remarks, saying he had holiday parties to attend. Clinton not only provided an economic tutorial but riffed on several topics, including the need for the Senate to ratify a U.S.-Russia nuclear treaty."

Filibuster-mania: Socialist Bernie Sanders blocks Senate tax deal (Updated)

Google Images
Michelle Malkin  "It’s hour five of FiliBernie! — the class war demagogue Bernie Sanders’ filibuster of the tax deal on the Senate floor."

Senator Bernie Sanders and his oath "Several AT contributors (including me) have clearly explained why the American Constitution is wholly incompatible with socialism. These reasons are mainly because first; the government can never, ever be the purveyor of our rights, and second; our Constitution is a charter of negative rights and negative liberties. These concepts are both diametrically opposed to socialism."

A Rebuttal to Bernie Sanders  "We're talking about small businesspeople, $250,000, 500,000, 750,000, these are the people that employ other people and they are not paying a tax rate of 16.6%. To pay an effective tax rate of 16.6% you're paying tax on dividends, not income. There is no way people at 36% -- trust me on this -- there is no way people paying 36% are paying an effective rate of 16. By the way, the effective rate definition is a little misleading itself. And Bernie Sanders knows this." Rush Limbaugh

The Economic Impact of a 25 Percent Corporate Income Tax Rate

InsiderOnline  "Because the economy is a complex system based on specialization and trade, those who incur a tax liability are not necessarily the ones who bear the burden of the tax. Theoretical and empirical studies show that the corporate income tax is particularly harmful to economic growth, because the burden falls on all of the economy’s productive resources (workers, capital, and entrepreneurs). This is due to the fact that corporations do not pay taxes—individuals do."

Magazine Celebrates Mass Murderers At Christmastime

RealNewsBlog  "Are you itching to buy stocking stuffers this year that celebrate psychotic mass murderers? Well then, friend, you’re in luck. The extreme-left Nation magazine is trying to raise money by selling products that glorify violent killers such as Che Guevara and Leon Trotsky."

Move Over, Baghdad Bob

Warning Signs "It is instructive, too, to note the increasing rarity of appearances on the Sunday news shows that involve Gibbs and other White House advisors like Valerie Jarrett or David Axelrod. When they do appear, the total vacuity of their answer to any question renders them useless as a source of insight and information." Alan Caruba

Dem Saying “F— the President” Worse Than Joe Wilson Shouting “You Lie”

Big Journalism  "One unidentified lawmaker went so far as to mutter “f— the president” while Rep. Shelley Berkley was defending the package the president negotiated with Republicans. Berkley confirmed the incident, although she declined to name the specific lawmaker.
'“It wasn’t loud,” the Nevada Democrat said. “It was just expressing frustration from a very frustrated Member.”
"That’s worse than anything I’ve ever heard at a tea party."