Monday, December 20, 2010

Fighting the repeal of don't ask, don't tell

American Thinker  "But the wise governors and state legislatures will enforce the current standards in order to maintain military discipline and not the latest version of latest social engineering experiments at the expense of national security. The Commander-in-Chief will not "Federalize" twenty-five or so state National Guard forces simply to enforce the repeal of "Don't Ask, Don't Tell." If he did, the Federal Government will have to pay them.
"Let the lawsuits begin."

Next steps for 'don't ask, don't tell' "A vote in the Senate on Saturday cleared the way to abolish the Pentagon's "don't ask, don't tell" policy. But questions remain about how the change will be implemented, and it will be months before gays and lesbians can serve openly in the military." ....
Will changes be made to living quarters?
The Pentagon study recommends against creating separate bathrooms and living quarters for gay service members, saying that doing so would be impractical and stigmatize some members. But it says commanders should retain the authority to make adjustments in individual cases, such as installing shower curtains to address privacy concerns or changing room assignments.

What kind of benefits will be available to service members in same-sex marriages?
The Pentagon study recommends that for now, service members who are not in a federally recognized marriage should be treated as single for the purposes of benefits eligibility. But it says the department should revisit the issue.

The FCC's Threat to Internet Freedom

Wall Street Journal  "'Net neutrality' sounds nice, but the Web is working fine now. The new rules will inhibit investment, deter innovation and create a billable-hours bonanza for lawyers."

Democrats put heat on FCC commissioner on net-neutrality vote "Democrats allied with FCC Chairman Julius Genachowski are working to put public pressure on Copps — also a Democrat — as the net-neutrality vote draws near.
"Genachowski needs Copps to vote for his plan during a commission meeting on Tuesday if the rules are to pass.
"As a result, Democrats who support the plan are pushing this message in the media: If Copps doesn't vote for Genachowski's plan, the consequences will reverberate all the way up to the White House. They are arguing the damage could even hurt President Obama. "

FCC Dems Narrowing Net Neutrality Gaps  "The two Republicans on the five-member commission remain staunchly opposed, arguing that the proposed rules amount to unnecessary government regulation of the Internet."
Via Drudge

FCC poised to adopt network neutrality rules  "Republicans, meanwhile, warn that the new rules would impose unnecessary regulations on an industry that is one of the few bright spots in the current economy, with phone and cable companies spending billions to upgrade their networks for broadband.
"Burdensome net neutrality rules, they warn, would discourage broadband providers from continuing those upgrades by making it difficult for them to earn a healthy return on their investments. "

Dana Summers Cartoon

Duke lacrosse rape hoaxer convicted of child abuse

MSNBC photo
Thomas Lifson  "The liberal media (and 88 Duke University faculty) had no problem rushing to judgment when a stripper accused the Duke lacrosse team of rape. The university took action against the team, all on the word of this woman. DA Mike Nifong took action, ignoring evidence that might exonerate the team members. The purported victim was black and female, so evidence was superfluous to the forces of PC."

Anti-terror squad arrest 12 men 'planning UK terror attack': Christmas plot at advanced stage, say police

Hero of the left
Infidel Bloggers Alliance  "The arrests come after intelligence agencies in Europe, Pakistan and the U.S. intercepted a credible Islamic plot to launch raids on European cities, in a similar style to the attacks in Mumbai, India, two years ago."

The Radicalization of American Muslims  "In The Grand Jihad, the eye-opening must-read book by former federal prosecutor Andrew McCarthy, Ellison is described as "a fixture at anti-police protests and rallies in favor of thugs and cop-killers."
"Earlier this month, Rep. Ellison was elected co-chair of the Progressive Caucus in the House. (Yes, you read that right.)"

Astronomer Sues the University of Kentucky, Claiming His Faith Cost Him a Job

NY Times  “Clearly this man is complex and likely fascinating to talk with,” Ms. Shafer wrote, “but potentially evangelical. If we hire him, we should expect similar content to be posted on or directly linked from the department Web site.”

Flashback: Obama Promised 5-Day, Public Review of Bills Before Signing; Signs Tax Bill Within Hours of House Vote

Bully Pulpit  "When there's a bill that ends up on my desk as President, you, the public, will have five days to look on-line and find out what's in it, before I sign it. So that you know what your government's doing."

Where's the Wikileaks proof that 9/11 was an inside job?

Rush Limbaugh    Where is...? I want to ask this to the Reverend Jackson: Where are the WikiLeaks cables proving that the CIA invented AIDS? Where is Obama's birth certificate? Where's the real good stuff? How about all the hundreds of other left-wing lies we've been hearing about for years? WikiLeaks is covering up for the United States? I got a kick out of this lead paragraph from the AP concerning the WikiLeaks stuff. "Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton knows how to try to get a laugh from a public embarrassment." (laughing) I'll say she does. (laughing) She's been doing it for decades! (laughing) The headline is: "Clinton Uses WikiLeaks Disclosures to Draw a Laugh." Well, she's got plenty of experience in that! I don't know, I just get a kick out of all this stuff.

NPR Liberals Are Now Openly Apologizing – Forgive the Expression – for Using the Word “Christmas” On the Air (Video)

Gateway Pundit  She said:
Well, these agencies, including the Defense Department, don’t know how much money they’ve got and for what. And I was at – forgive the expression – a Christmas party at the Department of Justice and people actually were really worried about this.

"Aren’t you just thrilled that your tax dollars – forgive the expression – are paying this loon’s salary?"

Sunday, December 19, 2010

One Last Disgrace

National Review  "Remember: This is a lame-duck Congress. Trying to enact such a bloated agenda — let alone a highly partisan one — within such a narrow post-election time frame insults the voters and shows utter disrespect for the democratic process. The omnibus is bad enough. The fact that Reid also wants to rush through debate on whether to ratify a deeply flawed arms-control pact and whether to change U.S. policy toward gay servicemen shows that he has no real interest in giving these issues their proper treatment. For reasons of timing and legitimacy, New START and “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” should be the business of the next Congress."

Newest Chronicles of Narnia Film Depicts Christians' Difficulties

The New American  "At the end of the film, Edmund and Lucy learn that their encounter with Aslan will be their last earthly rendezvous. Aslan assures the saddened children, however, “I shall be watching you always. In your world, I have another name. You must learn to know me by that name. This was the very reason why you were brought to Narnia, that by knowing me here for a little, you may know me better there.”
"Aslan’s words are reassuring to the children, as they are comforted by the notion of reuniting with Aslan again one day, but the words also serve as a warning: There is only one way to Aslan’s country, and that is through Aslan. Similar words have been uttered by Jesus, who said, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one can come to the Father except through me.”"

REPAIRED LINK: A Child's First Book of Government Regulations

 Doug Ross   "The Obama Administration's Official Alphabet Guide for Learning Government's Role in Your Life.
Hi, I'm Omar, the Obama administration's official kid's ambassador. Today I'll be guiding you through some of the many necessary regulations that government imposes on us for our protection -- and we'll learn the alphabet at the same time!
A is for auto. The size, speed, fuel and bumpers of autos must be regulated to protect us from ourselves!