Weasel Zippers "On that morning, it was Mohamed Atta — Egyptian, Muslim Brotherhood disciple, anti-capitalist — who succeeded in slaughtering 1,434 Americans in that North Tower."
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
Never underestimate hate from the Left, especially when it comes to conservative blacks
Herman Cain |
Top Ten Reasons to Support Herman Cain for President "This would be the hope and change America thought they were getting in 2008. This would be ticket not so much of "racial healing" as it would be the ticket of "just get over the race thing." Because liberalism is joined at the hip with the race pimp industry, a liberal African-American cannot by definition do for the country what a black conservative can. A black liberal winning reinforces counterproductive stereotypes. A conservative black winning crushes them. Period."
This from the racist, bigoted left:- "The far-left's racially-tinged paranoia and hatred of black conservatives rears its ugly head from time to time, often without the notice let alone disapproval of the liberal mainstream media.
"Hermain Cain is just the latest target."
Obama’s Egypt debacle and the vacuum it exposes.
Newsweek "Nixon and Kissinger ...were able to eject the Soviets from a position of influence and turn Egypt from a threat into a malleable ally. And their overtures to China exploited the divisions within the Communist bloc, helping to set Beijing on an epoch-making new course of economic openness.
"The contrast between the foreign policy of the Nixon-Ford years and that of President Jimmy Carter is a stark reminder of how easily foreign policy can founder when there is a failure of strategic thinking. The Iranian Revolution of 1979, which took the Carter administration wholly by surprise, was a catastrophe far greater than the loss of South Vietnam.
"Remind you of anything? “This is what happens when you get caught by surprise,” an anonymous American official told The New York Times last week. “We’ve had endless strategy sessions for the past two years on Mideast peace, on containing Iran. And how many of them factored in the possibility that Egypt moves from stability to turmoil? None.”"
Will Obama Stand With Protesters In Iran? "Iranian hard-liners are now calling for the execution of opposition leaders. Never heard that coming out of the Mubarak regime in Egypt.
"So, where will President Obama be in all of this? Will he stand strong with the protesters, or will his desires to make peace with our adversaries prevent him from standing up for human rights? The Obama Administration promised that they would have a greater pull with Tehran than the Bush Administration ever did because they would be more culturally sensitive to the Iranians and less belligerent. Well, how about demonstrating that ability right now?"
Video: Niall Ferguson destroys Obama over Egypt
"The contrast between the foreign policy of the Nixon-Ford years and that of President Jimmy Carter is a stark reminder of how easily foreign policy can founder when there is a failure of strategic thinking. The Iranian Revolution of 1979, which took the Carter administration wholly by surprise, was a catastrophe far greater than the loss of South Vietnam.
"Remind you of anything? “This is what happens when you get caught by surprise,” an anonymous American official told The New York Times last week. “We’ve had endless strategy sessions for the past two years on Mideast peace, on containing Iran. And how many of them factored in the possibility that Egypt moves from stability to turmoil? None.”"
Will Obama Stand With Protesters In Iran? "Iranian hard-liners are now calling for the execution of opposition leaders. Never heard that coming out of the Mubarak regime in Egypt.
"So, where will President Obama be in all of this? Will he stand strong with the protesters, or will his desires to make peace with our adversaries prevent him from standing up for human rights? The Obama Administration promised that they would have a greater pull with Tehran than the Bush Administration ever did because they would be more culturally sensitive to the Iranians and less belligerent. Well, how about demonstrating that ability right now?"
Video: Niall Ferguson destroys Obama over Egypt
Another Triumph for the Greens
Weekly Standard "To go with toilets that don’t flush and light bulbs that don’t light, we now have dishwashers that don’t wash."
Muslim Brotherhood ... we've been here before
The Jerusalem Connection "...On Feb. 16, 1979, the New York Times ran a lengthy op-ed by Richard Falk, a professor of international law at Princeton, under the headline “Trusting Khomeini.”
"“The depiction of [Khomeini] as fanatical, reactionary and the bearer of crude prejudices seems certainly and happily false,” wrote Mr. Falk. “What is also encouraging is that his entourage of close advisers is uniformly composed of moderate, progressive individuals.”" Pay attention to history or else.
Egypt's Muslim Brotherhood Plans to Set up Party "The United States has expressed concern about what it has called the Brotherhood's "anti-American rhetoric", but stopped short of saying it would be against the group taking a role in a future government." Obama again.
Monday, February 14, 2011
Neal Boortz "It would seem that if I'm going to be a good conservative there is some unwritten rule that I must believe that Sarah Palin would make a fantastic president of the United States. Sorry, don't buy it. Several times on the air I told my listeners that if they want to make sure that Barack Obama is a two-term president, all they have to do is put Sarah Palin on a national ticket. Now before you go ballistic, hear me out. It's not that I don't like her."...
Obama's Egypt bungling
Thomas Lifson Niall Ferguson "is not a man who can be dismissed by the left as a stupid conservative.
"He appeared on MSNBC's Morning Joe this morning, and delivered an elquent and erudite critique of Obama that left the liberal hosts and panel members stunned. The five minutes you spend watching the video below will be well spent and staisfying.(sic)"
The Video we linked to yesterday that would not work. Here it is from Hot Air.
"He appeared on MSNBC's Morning Joe this morning, and delivered an elquent and erudite critique of Obama that left the liberal hosts and panel members stunned. The five minutes you spend watching the video below will be well spent and staisfying.(sic)"
The Video we linked to yesterday that would not work. Here it is from Hot Air.
Gaddafi tells Palestinians: revolt against Israel
Reuters "Palestinian refugees should capitalise on the wave of popular revolts in the Middle East by massing peacefully on the borders of Israel until it gives in to their demands, Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi said on Sunday.
"Gaddafi is respected in many parts of the Arab world for his uncompromising criticism of Israel and Arab leaders who have dealings with the Jewish state, though some people in the region dismiss his initiatives as unrealistic."
"Gaddafi is respected in many parts of the Arab world for his uncompromising criticism of Israel and Arab leaders who have dealings with the Jewish state, though some people in the region dismiss his initiatives as unrealistic."
Egypt: The Distance Between Enthusiasm and Reality
STRATFOR "What we see is that while Mubarak is gone, the military regime in which he served has dramatically increased its power. This isn’t incompatible with democratic reform. Organizing elections, political parties and candidates is not something that can be done quickly. If the military is sincere in its intentions, it will have to do these things. The problem is that if the military is insincere it will do exactly the same things. Six months is a long time, passions can subside and promises can be forgotten."
Sunday, February 13, 2011
Mark Steyn Calls Intelligence Director James Clapper An Idiot
Fox News Photo |
“This is the director of intelligence of the global superpower and he is going on one of the most historic days in the Middle East– he is going around the world announcing that the guy in charge of U.S. intelligence is an idiot,” Steyn said. “A few weeks ago just before Christmas, he was oblivious to the biggest terror bust of the day.”"
Don’t put wire on your windows – it might hurt burglars! Villagers outraged after police order them not to protect garden sheds
UK Mail "I have three sheds and had two break-ins in the past four years,' Mr Cooper explained.
'I reinforced my shed windows with wire mesh, but was told by the police I had to be very careful because thieves can actually sue you if they get hurt.
'"I mean, what are you meant to do? Let them take your stuff? It is ridiculous that the law protects them even though they are breaking it.' "
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