Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Never underestimate hate from the Left, especially when it comes to conservative blacks

Herman Cain
Bookworm Room  "From everything I’ve heard, including musings from our own Danny Lemieux, Cain is a person one would like to have in the White House. He may not have a political track record, but he’s still got a lot more under his belt than our current president. The latter had a few years voting “present” in regional and national senates, and a cushioned existence as a lecturer and activist. Cain has lived out in the real world, and made a success of himself. He has a moral center, and the ability to communicate those values. We could do — and are now doing — infinitely worse."

Top Ten Reasons to Support Herman Cain for President "This would be the hope and change America thought they were getting in 2008. This would be ticket not so much of "racial healing" as it would be the ticket of "just get over the race thing." Because liberalism is joined at the hip with the race pimp industry, a liberal African-American cannot by definition do for the country what a black conservative can. A black liberal winning reinforces counterproductive stereotypes. A conservative black winning crushes them. Period."

This from the racist, bigoted left:-  "The far-left's racially-tinged paranoia and hatred of black conservatives rears its ugly head from time to time, often without the notice let alone disapproval of the liberal mainstream media.
"Hermain Cain is just the latest target."

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