Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Lara Logan was Repeatedly Raped by Egyptian Mob Yelling, "Jew, Jew! Jew!"

Atlas Shrugs  "But after she was assaulted, Logan went back to her hotel, and within two hours -- sometime late Friday and into early Saturday -- was flown out of Cairo on a chartered network jet, sources said.
"She wasn't taken to a hospital in Egypt because the network didn't trust local security there, sources said.
"And neither CBS nor Logan reported the crime to Egyptian authorities because they felt they couldn't trust them, either, the sources said. "The way things are there now, they would have ended up arresting her again," one source said."

We No Longer Need To Ask "What Did Obama Know About Egypt And When Did He Know It"

Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion "I have posted before about how "[t]he administration's complete obsession with Obamacare" manifested itself in a "neglect and disregard" of the troubles brewing in the Middle East.
"Now we have confirmation that there were explicit warnings to the Obama administration about the likelihood of trouble in Egypt, as reported by The Wall Street Journal:"

Well, OK then: Jimmy Carter not concerned about Egypt's Muslim Brotherhood

David Paulin  This should help us all breathe a sigh of relief.

What Big Government Can Do

Human Events  "Four problems that can only exist if Big Government creates them."

Rebellion Seethes in Gulf

Wall Street Journal  "If Bahrain's Sunni-led government were to be forced from power—something protesters haven't yet made a focus of their demands—some fear a new government might seek closer ties to Iran and force the U.S. Navy to relocate. Another concern is that an uprising in Bahrain could spill into next-door Saudi Arabia or Kuwait, where even minor unrest might roil world-wide oil markets."

Putting Politics Over Security, Obama Moves to Unionize TSA

Heritage "The government unions that already exist spent hundreds of millions of dollars electing President Obama so he could appoint Pistole to run the TSA. Now that investment is paying off. This will only continue. More government unions breeds more campaign cash for liberals, which breeds more government spending and agencies, which breeds more collective bargaining for those government employees, and the cycle continues."

TSA TO COLLECTIVELY MAKE YOUR LIVES MISERABLE "Question:  Just what rights are current TSA workers being denied without collective bargaining rights?  Just curious.  The fact is, there is no purpose for unions in this modern work era.  Unions are no longer useful in most workplaces, and downright dangerous in government workplaces.  But nowadays, there is no employer that is going to impose outrageous hours, or hire children or provide an unsafe work environment.  That's just no longer the case.  So if the original intent of unions was to change these types of egregious violations, and they have succeeded in doing so, then what else does a union have left to do?  Well nowadays, all they have left to do is to push for more." Neal Boortz

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Rocky and Republicans

Thomas Sowell   "Back when George W. Bush first emerged on the national political scene in 2000, Democrats said that he lacked "gravitas." The media kept repeating it.People who had never used the word "gravitas" in years were suddenly saying "gravitas" 24/7 on news programs, interview shows and in the newspapers and magazines.
"When have you ever known the Republicans to be that coordinated?
"Not only do Republicans fail to take the initiative when it comes to political rhetoric, they are not very good at counter-punching when they are hit."

Reminder: 9/11 Ringleader Mohammed Atta Was a Member of Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood…

Weasel Zippers  "On that morning, it was Mohamed Atta — Egyptian, Muslim Brotherhood disciple, anti-capitalist — who succeeded in slaughtering 1,434 Americans in that North Tower."

Never underestimate hate from the Left, especially when it comes to conservative blacks

Herman Cain
Bookworm Room  "From everything I’ve heard, including musings from our own Danny Lemieux, Cain is a person one would like to have in the White House. He may not have a political track record, but he’s still got a lot more under his belt than our current president. The latter had a few years voting “present” in regional and national senates, and a cushioned existence as a lecturer and activist. Cain has lived out in the real world, and made a success of himself. He has a moral center, and the ability to communicate those values. We could do — and are now doing — infinitely worse."

Top Ten Reasons to Support Herman Cain for President "This would be the hope and change America thought they were getting in 2008. This would be ticket not so much of "racial healing" as it would be the ticket of "just get over the race thing." Because liberalism is joined at the hip with the race pimp industry, a liberal African-American cannot by definition do for the country what a black conservative can. A black liberal winning reinforces counterproductive stereotypes. A conservative black winning crushes them. Period."

This from the racist, bigoted left:-  "The far-left's racially-tinged paranoia and hatred of black conservatives rears its ugly head from time to time, often without the notice let alone disapproval of the liberal mainstream media.
"Hermain Cain is just the latest target."

Obama’s Egypt debacle and the vacuum it exposes.

Newsweek  "Nixon and Kissinger ...were able to eject the Soviets from a position of influence and turn Egypt from a threat into a malleable ally. And their overtures to China exploited the divisions within the Communist bloc, helping to set Beijing on an epoch-making new course of economic openness.
"The contrast between the foreign policy of the Nixon-Ford years and that of President Jimmy Carter is a stark reminder of how easily foreign policy can founder when there is a failure of strategic thinking. The Iranian Revolution of 1979, which took the Carter administration wholly by surprise, was a catastrophe far greater than the loss of South Vietnam.
"Remind you of anything? “This is what happens when you get caught by surprise,” an anonymous American official told The New York Times last week. “We’ve had endless strategy sessions for the past two years on Mideast peace, on containing Iran. And how many of them factored in the possibility that Egypt moves from stability to turmoil? None.”"

Will Obama Stand With Protesters In Iran?   "Iranian hard-liners are now calling for the execution of opposition leaders. Never heard that coming out of the Mubarak regime in Egypt.
"So, where will President Obama be in all of this? Will he stand strong with the protesters, or will his desires to make peace with our adversaries prevent him from standing up for human rights? The Obama Administration promised that they would have a greater pull with Tehran than the Bush Administration ever did because they would be more culturally sensitive to the Iranians and less belligerent. Well, how about demonstrating that ability right now?"

Video: Niall Ferguson destroys Obama over Egypt

Another Triumph for the Greens

Weekly Standard  "To go with toilets that don’t flush and light bulbs that don’t light, we now have dishwashers that don’t wash."