Thursday, February 17, 2011

Nir Rosen’s Politics

Nir Rosen
National Review  "Rosen has a profound hatred for Israel: Its existence is a “blight unto the nations,” and he hopes to “speed its demise.” Though he manages a calm tone in anti-Israel polemics in major publications, his Facebook posts about Israel are more in this style: “i have always opposed israel and supported anybody who is opposed to israel. just as anybody concerned with justice and freedom must” and, “israel's existence is an abomination,” and, most poetically, “[f***] Israel.” He has even welcomed the prospect of a “third intifada.”"

Nir Rosen and the American Foreign Policy Establishment  "Nir Rosen, as it turns out, had pro-Taliban inclinations for quite some time. And so it should not really come as a surprise that a person who’d be willing to defend the terrorist organization might mock a woman—in this case, CBS’s Lara Logan—for being sexually assaulted in Cairo."

In sharp reversal, U.S. agrees to rebuke Israel in Security Council  "The U.S. concession comes as the Middle East is facing a massive wave of popular demonstrations that have brought down the leaders of Tunisia and Egypt and are posing a challenge to governments in Algeria, Bahrain, and Iran."

Watching Wisconsin

Thomas Lifson  "As the nation watches, Wisconsin teachers and other government workers discredit themselves and indirectly make the case for GOP spending cuts at the national level. Coming in the wake of the left's civility tantrum following Tucson, demonstrations by teachers calling in sick and closing down the Madison schools do not go over well. The Wisconsin GOP produced a video that rakes the teachers and Democrats over the coals:"

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Wisconsin protestors show their respect for state capitol grounds  " (I attended the Tea Party rally at the Wisconsin State Capitol last year on April 15th, and I did not see a scrap of litter left behind. Participants not only took care to leave no trash of their own, they looked around and made sure no one else did.)"

The line is drawn : OBAMA BACKS UNIONS OVER FISCAL RESPONSIBILITY  ""Some of what I’ve heard coming out of Wisconsin, where you’re just making it harder for public employees to collectively bargain generally, seems like more of an assault on unions,” President Obama told TMJ4 in Milwaukee."

Have teacher unions nuked the fridge?  "Furthermore, taking the kids out of classes to march with them underscores another significant concern of the public regarding education.  Most of the students marching with their teachers had no idea of the finer points of Governor Scott Walker’s proposal to bring teacher pension contributions in line with the private sector, a position the union called “slavery” just a couple of months before conceding the point. "

‘We’re Trying to Stop Whatever This Dude is Doing’   "In Wisconsin, where unions are lashing out at Gov. Scott Walker’s push to eliminate most collective bargaining, nearly 800 Madison East High School students protested at the state capitol yesterday. Turns out some of them may have been a little foggy on just what exactly they were trying to achieve. Check out this video:"

Double Minded Justice; Sgt Larry Hutchins Ordered Back to Prison

Sgt Larry Hutchins
Big Peace  Quoting the LA TimesBlog : "Seven enlisted Marines and one Navy corpsman were convicted in the Hamandiya killing. As the squad leader, Hutchins received the longest sentence. All of the others are now freed; none served more than 18 months.
"The plan to kill an Iraqi was developed as a warning to other Iraqis not to attack Marines with sniper shots or buried roadside bombs. In the months after the killing, attacks on Marines in the region dropped.""

Chris Rock: American Tea Partiers are Racist and Insane

Big Government   "In a mere fifteen years, the future of standup has willingly allowed himself to be grinded down into just another elitist Hollywood overlord, another coward smearing a whole group of people he’s likely never met. You think Rock’s ever stepped out of his limo and attended a Tea Party? You think he’s ever escaped the posse he’s hired to laugh at his jokes to talk to any of us?
"Really, who’s the bigot here? Who sold out?
"You’d think by now I’d be tired of having my heart broken by these people — and by “these people,” Media Matters, I mean the “entertainment class.”"

How President Obama's EU Policy Undercuts U.S. Interests

Heritage Foundation European affairs and transatlantic security expert Sally McNamara explains how the Administration’s current EU policy undercuts U.S. interests—and how it can change course.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

A little bust of Churchill keeps the Obama’s away from Prince William’s wedding

coachisright  "Now other reasons for the Obamas non invitation include: “Queen Elizabeth vehemently disapproves of the President’s pushy wife” who has a habit of making ostentatious shows of wealth and position overseas. Some sort of rather embarrassing kerfuffle is alleged to have happened when Michelle had her Cleopatra moment in the sun at the court of Spain’s King Juan Carlos last August at great expense to America’s suffering taxpayers. “The Queen’s a frugal woman who believes it’s tasteless to flaunt wealth and position when ordinary folks are suffering from the recession,” says the GLOBE.
"Another take
"I can think of another reason why the Obamas will not be going to the Prince William nuptials. My mother was born in England, so I like to think I know the British character."

“Iran Prepares for War, Buttresses Its New Domain With Military Steel”

Soundthetrumpet  from DEBKAfile  "The only Western statesman advocating a tough hand with Iran is former British Prime Minister Tony Blair.(Friday, January 21, he said in London: “I say this to you with all the passion I possibly can – At some point the West has got to get out of what I think is a wretched policy… [towards Iran], or posture of apology for believing that we are causing what the Iranians are doing (the nuclear plan… They’ll carry on doing it unless they are met by the requisite determination and, if necessary, force.”)"

Democrats: Emboldening America's Enemies and Terrifying Her Allies Since 1976

Ann Coulter  "Why did they want to keep Saddam Hussein in power again? Yes, that's right -- because he didn't have stockpiles of weapons of mass destruction. Their big argument was that Saddam was five long years away from developing them.
"By my calculations, that means as of March 2008, Israel would have been gone and Saddam would have been in total control of the Middle East.
"Thanks, liberals!"

Arguing for What Was Previously Self-Evident
Commentary   "Here is how self-evident Israel’s legitimacy as a Jewish state once was: the 1947 UN Resolution endorsing the partition of Palestine mentioned the term “Jewish state” no fewer than 30 times. More than 63 years later, even the “peace partner” is willing only to let Israel call itself whatever it wants but not to recognize its legitimacy as a Jewish state — not even as part of a “peace agreement” that would give its own people a state."

Fort Hood Jihadi, Major Hasan, "Star Officer"

Atlas Shrugs "Major Hasan's Power Point Presentation made on Grand Rounds .
(The page turns every 12 seconds. Read it all)

Why didn’t NYU fire Nir Rosen over Lara Logan?

Washington Post "Rosen’s tweets on Logan more than crossed a line. They were more than cruel and insensitive. They revealed a perverted view of the world that has no place at any university, much less a prestigious one. Differences of opinion -- even extreme ones -- are one thing, welcome at an educational institution. Misogyny and distortions of reality are quite another."