Thursday, February 17, 2011

Nir Rosen’s Politics

Nir Rosen
National Review  "Rosen has a profound hatred for Israel: Its existence is a “blight unto the nations,” and he hopes to “speed its demise.” Though he manages a calm tone in anti-Israel polemics in major publications, his Facebook posts about Israel are more in this style: “i have always opposed israel and supported anybody who is opposed to israel. just as anybody concerned with justice and freedom must” and, “israel's existence is an abomination,” and, most poetically, “[f***] Israel.” He has even welcomed the prospect of a “third intifada.”"

Nir Rosen and the American Foreign Policy Establishment  "Nir Rosen, as it turns out, had pro-Taliban inclinations for quite some time. And so it should not really come as a surprise that a person who’d be willing to defend the terrorist organization might mock a woman—in this case, CBS’s Lara Logan—for being sexually assaulted in Cairo."

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