Friday, May 13, 2011

International Association of Machinists issues marching orders to its membership

Pay particular attention to page 2, item 2

Immigration vs. illegal immigration: It Wasn't A Dig At Fox News, It Was A Dig At You

Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion   "Opposing illegal immigration, and demanding enforcement of immigration laws is not anti-immigrant, as Obama portrays it. That's just another in a long line of strawman arguments which has become the primary way Obama makes arguments.
"And once again, the focus is in belittling opponents. Because he just can't help himself: And it's why giving the go ahead to the bin Laden operation has changed nothing about why Obama needs to be defeated in 2012."

Latinos and Blacks Share Frustration Over Obama

Ruben Navarrette Jr. "Actually, it’s not as wide as you might think. As loyal as most African-Americans are to Obama, there is a contingent of activists, intellectuals, and media personalities within the black community who are angry with him for abandoning some of their causes and focusing his attention elsewhere. And interestingly enough, when you hear these African-Americans talk freely about what they think Obama has done wrong, it sounds an awful lot like what Latinos are saying."
Ruben Navarrette Jr. is a member of the editorial board of the San Diego Union Tribune, a nationally syndicated columnist, a frequent lecturer, and a regular contributor to

Obama Courts Latino Voters With Immigration Speech  “He’s talking to everyone except those people who really count,” Mr. Aguilar said. “At the end, you can do all the events that you want, but if Latinos don’t see any serious action on immigration it won’t matter. We need to see a White House plan.”

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Rules for Killing Rogues

Victor Davis Hanson  "Americans rejoiced at news of the end of this psychopathic mass murderer, and, privately, are probably relieved that he was not to be captured and extradited to Guantanamo. If bin Laden had been taken alive, we might be revisiting the controversy surrounding the Obama administration's failed efforts to try in a civilian federal court bin Laden's subordinate, Khalid Sheikh Mohammed — the master planner behind 9/11."

Political Cartoons by Glenn Foden

Michelle O Invites Rapper to Join 'In Your Face Club'

American Thinker    "Pretty sick stuff, but that didn't stop Michelle O from enlisting his help in leading rap workshops with area schoolchildren before the evening performance. Why should we be surprised at any of the First Lady's antics? Her husband keeps Safe Schools Czar radical homosexual Kevin Jennings at the helm in the Department of Education.
"Does Michelle really want school children and her own daughters Mahlia and Sasha to listen to rappers who abuse and denigrate women through their choice of language? What is she thinking? This is not child advocacy, this is child endangerment."

Rev. Wright Defender and Promoter of Cop Killing Invited to White House  “Tell the law my Uzi weighs a ton … I hold up a peace sign but I carry a gun,” raps Common in one appearance that was posted onto YouTube.
“Flyer say Free Mumia on my freezer,” he raps in another. Mumia Abu-Jamal is an incarcerated former member of the Black Panther Party who was convicted in 1981 for killing a Philadelphia police officer. Agitating for his release from prison has become a cause for many leftwing activists…"

NJ State Police "Outraged" Over Rapper Invited to White House  "For Jersey police, the outrage centers on a song by Common about Assata Shakur, formerly known as Joanne Chesimard, who was convicted for the 1973 slaying of Trooper Werner Foerster on the New Jersey Turnpike. Garden State police take offense at "A Song for Assata," which includes the lines "Your power and pride is beautiful. May God bless your soul.""

Common's poetry includes threats to shoot police and at least one passage calling for the “burn[ing]” of then-President George W. Bush.  "Here’s a sample of Common’s work, transcribed from a 2007 video with 837,613 viewers on YouTube. Students, please compare and contrast the two poems. You’ll get extra credit for counting the death threats. There is no extra credit for identifying spelling errors. By the way, ‘Uzi’ is slang for a compact machine gun:"

U.S.-Pakistani Relations Beyond Bin Laden

U.S.-Pakistani Relations Beyond Bin LadenSTRATFOR    "No withdrawal strategy is conceivable without a viable Pakistan. Ideally, Pakistan would be willing to send forces into Afghanistan to carry out U.S. strategy. This is unlikely, as the Pakistanis don’t share the American concern for Afghan democracy, nor are they prepared to try directly to impose solutions in Afghanistan. At the same time, Pakistan can’t simply ignore Afghanistan because of its own national security issues, and therefore it will move to stabilize it."
Political Cartoons by Jerry Holbert

US Special Forces go after Mullah Omer, Ayman Zawahiri, Seif al-Adel  "Our Washington sources report that Saturday night, May 7, President Barack Obama gave the Pakistani government, army and intelligence an ultimatum: Cooperate in the capture of the three wanted men or else we shall pump more American soldiers into Pakistan to take up the pursuit with or without your permission.
"US intelligence is convinced that Omer, Zawahiri and al-Adal have joined forces and are plotting a revenge attack on America dramatic enough to outdo the psychological impact of the bin Laden killing"

The US pushes Pakistani intelligence to the wall   "In the mounting duel between the Obama administration and Pakistan, two conflicting versions of the bin Laden episode are unfolding, with potentially detrimental effect on the Afghan War and global war on terror.
"The Americans have embarked on a two-pronged strategy:"...

Monday, May 9, 2011

Andrew Klavan: Behold! Your Public Sector Unions at Work.

Neal Boortz  "Everywhere you turn these days, your public sector unions are hard at work, protesting cutbacks to public sector unions. Andrew Klavan exposes the charming charm of your unionized civil servants."

National Education Association photoObama Gets a Union Endorsement    Quoting Bob Chanin, General Counsel to the National Education Association.
Despite what some among us would like to believe it is not because of our creative ideas; it is not because of the merit of our positions; it is not because we care about children; More.. and it is not because we have a vision of a great public school for every child.
The NEA and its affiliates are effective advocates because we have power. And we have power because there are more than 8/2 million people that are willing to pay us hundreds of millions of dollars in dues each year because they believe that we are the union that can most effectively represent them.

Chris Christie On Unions Speaking at Harvard!
“It's easy for the union members . . . sending their kids to some of the best schools in New Jersey to pontificate about how those [other] children should wait until the schools improve in their neighborhood. I have a daughter in the second grade right now, our youngest. She's only got one year in the second grade. How long are we going to make her wait? To third or fourth or fifth? When she's so far behind she has no hope of ever catching up? This is not a problem with an infinite time frame to fix. Every year we don't fix it we're losing more children. Irretrievable in many instances. So I'm for choice not as the solution to the problem in public schools but as a building block. I think we should forget about how a school starts and worry about how it performs.”

Obama’s Attack on Private Industry

Morning Bell  "You might think that a U.S. company’s decision to expand its manufacturing facilities and create 1,000 new jobs here at home — rather than overseas — would be hailed by the Obama Administration as a step in the right direction, especially with nine percent unemployment. You’d be wrong. Instead, President Barack Obama’s National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) is doing all it can to throw a wrench in the machinery of private industry."
Political Cartoons by Michael Ramirez

One for you Seth Meyers fans

Big Hollywood   The Jokes You Didn’t Hear: Backstage with ‘Seth Meyers’ at the WHCD! "What really upset me about Meyers, and all progressive “comedians,” is that their kid-glove treatment of Obama isn’t just because they have a condescending view of him– that he can’t take it. If you listen to the rest of his speech, Meyers is a Racer– an individual who sees race and racism where it is irrelevant or not present at all– so, since he attributes virtually all political motivation to race, he avoids offending Obama because he thinks that, as a black man, Obama can’t handle a roasting. Note how his Republican targets don’t include Allen West or Herman Cain; Meyers the Racer only goes after whites because he thinks that only they have the ability to withstand jokes at their expense."

Top Green Admits: “We Are Lost!”

George Monbiot
The American Interest "...a thoughtful and brutally clear expose of the intellectual bankruptcy of the green movement from one of the smartest people in it. This is what I’ve been getting at for more than a year here: regardless of what is happening to Planet Earth, the green movement does not have coherent and workable solutions."

The article: "Let's face it: none of our environmental fixes break the planet-wrecking project"

The unpalatable truth is that the anti-nuclear lobby has misled us all
"Over the last fortnight I've made a deeply troubling discovery. The anti-nuclear movement to which I once belonged has misled the world about the impacts of radiation on human health. The claims we have made are ungrounded in science, unsupportable when challenged, and wildly wrong. We have done other people, and ourselves, a terrible disservice."

From Al Kyda's photo album

Sunday, May 8, 2011

War Between the States: Rare Civil War Artifacts

Time Lightbox  "In honor of the 150th anniversary of the U.S. Civil War, TIME sent photographer Henry Leutwyler to The National Civil War Museum in Harrisburg, Pa. to photograph 185 artifacts, from powder horns to playing cards, held in the museum’s collection and curated by Brett Kelley."

Musket ball stuck in the pages of a Bible, which likely saved
the life of the soldier carrying it