Monday, May 9, 2011

Top Green Admits: “We Are Lost!”

George Monbiot
The American Interest "...a thoughtful and brutally clear expose of the intellectual bankruptcy of the green movement from one of the smartest people in it. This is what I’ve been getting at for more than a year here: regardless of what is happening to Planet Earth, the green movement does not have coherent and workable solutions."

The article: "Let's face it: none of our environmental fixes break the planet-wrecking project"

The unpalatable truth is that the anti-nuclear lobby has misled us all
"Over the last fortnight I've made a deeply troubling discovery. The anti-nuclear movement to which I once belonged has misled the world about the impacts of radiation on human health. The claims we have made are ungrounded in science, unsupportable when challenged, and wildly wrong. We have done other people, and ourselves, a terrible disservice."

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