Fox News "The architect of the House Republican plan for overhauling Medicare says it's time to move beyond petty politics and focus on dealing with the nation's fiscal problems, and he's challenging Democrats to show leadership on budget cuts...."
Republicans and Mediscare "Paul Ryan's GOP critics are ObamaCare's best friends."....
"Mr. Gingrich has done great harm to his party and the cause of reform with his reckless criticism of Mr. Ryan, forfeiting any serious claim to be the GOP nominee. But equally as culpable are the self-styled conservative pundits who derided Republicans for dropping the reform mantle during the Bush years but now tremble that Mr. Ryan has gone too far."
Krauthammer: Criticisms of Ryan plan are pure demagoguery (April 13, 2011) "That depends on whether (a) President Barack Obama counters with a deficit-reduction plan of equal seriousness, rather than just demagoguing the Ryan plan till next Election Day, (b) there are any Republicans beyond super-wonky Ryan who can explain and defend a plan of such daunting scope and complexity, and (c) Americans are serious people.
"My guesses: No. Not really. And I hope so (we will find out definitively in November 2012)."
Obama's Running Mate "Mr. Romney's refusal to appreciate this, then and now, reveals a troubling failure of political understanding and principle. The raucous national debate over health care isn't about this or that technocratic detail, but about basic differences over the role of government. In the current debate over Medicare, Paul Ryan wants to reduce costs by encouraging private competition while Mr. Obama wants the cost-cutting done by a body of unelected experts like the one emerging in Massachusetts."
Paul Ryan on Medicare Reform: 'Leaders Are Elected to Lead' “If people are describing this accurately in polls, it is far more popular. More importantly, leaders are elected to lead. I don’t consult polls to tell me what my principles are or what our policies should be…. We are not seeing this kind of leadership from the President of the United States.” (video)
Update: Sen. Scott Brown attacks Ryan plan, but did he read it? "Sen. Scott Brown (R-Mass.) is apparently so nervous about his reelection prospects that he has taken to Politico to write an opinion piece announcing he’d opposed to Rep. Paul Ryan’s Medicare plan. After all, savaging Ryan and undermining the House Democrats worked out so well for Newt Gingrich. Unfortunately, Brown’s objections don’t suggest he understands the problem of rising medical costs or Ryan’s plan." Jennifer Rubin
"But Ryan said that Democrats "haven't even proposed or passed a budget for 753 days." He added that while he's willing to negotiate on his plan, he's not going to talk about alternatives with people who don't offer concrete solutions and only want to score political points.
""We have nothing, nothing from the president or from the Senate Democrats that come anywhere close to averting a debt crisis and fixing our problem," he said. "If you want to be a serious leader, you've got to deal with this."" Emphasis added.Republicans and Mediscare "Paul Ryan's GOP critics are ObamaCare's best friends."....
"Mr. Gingrich has done great harm to his party and the cause of reform with his reckless criticism of Mr. Ryan, forfeiting any serious claim to be the GOP nominee. But equally as culpable are the self-styled conservative pundits who derided Republicans for dropping the reform mantle during the Bush years but now tremble that Mr. Ryan has gone too far."
Krauthammer: Criticisms of Ryan plan are pure demagoguery (April 13, 2011) "That depends on whether (a) President Barack Obama counters with a deficit-reduction plan of equal seriousness, rather than just demagoguing the Ryan plan till next Election Day, (b) there are any Republicans beyond super-wonky Ryan who can explain and defend a plan of such daunting scope and complexity, and (c) Americans are serious people.
"My guesses: No. Not really. And I hope so (we will find out definitively in November 2012)."
Obama's Running Mate "Mr. Romney's refusal to appreciate this, then and now, reveals a troubling failure of political understanding and principle. The raucous national debate over health care isn't about this or that technocratic detail, but about basic differences over the role of government. In the current debate over Medicare, Paul Ryan wants to reduce costs by encouraging private competition while Mr. Obama wants the cost-cutting done by a body of unelected experts like the one emerging in Massachusetts."
Paul Ryan on Medicare Reform: 'Leaders Are Elected to Lead' “If people are describing this accurately in polls, it is far more popular. More importantly, leaders are elected to lead. I don’t consult polls to tell me what my principles are or what our policies should be…. We are not seeing this kind of leadership from the President of the United States.” (video)
Update: Sen. Scott Brown attacks Ryan plan, but did he read it? "Sen. Scott Brown (R-Mass.) is apparently so nervous about his reelection prospects that he has taken to Politico to write an opinion piece announcing he’d opposed to Rep. Paul Ryan’s Medicare plan. After all, savaging Ryan and undermining the House Democrats worked out so well for Newt Gingrich. Unfortunately, Brown’s objections don’t suggest he understands the problem of rising medical costs or Ryan’s plan." Jennifer Rubin