Thursday, October 6, 2011

Postmodern Class Warfare

Victor Davis Hanson   "And when we really do see street violence — looting in Britain or flash-mobbing in America — angry youths usually target high-end electronics stores and fashion outlets, not food markets or bookstores. They organize on social networks from their laptops and cell phones, not from soup kitchens, bread lines or dank basements.
"Class warfare is now not about brutal elemental poverty of the sort Charles Dickens or Knut Hamsun once wrote about. It is too often the anger that arises from not having something that someone else has, whether or not such style, privilege or discretionary choices are all that necessary. Endemic obesity, not malnutrition, threatens America — including the nearly 50 million Americans who are on food stamps."

Occupy Wall Street: America Reaps what Obama has Sown

Occupy Wall Street's Anti-capitalist Crusade  "Regulation, government control and entitlements are the problem and the last thing we need is more of them. We need far less of them if our economies and our nations are to survive. They won't if capitalism is fettered or destroyed and neither will we. What are the demonstrators demonstrating for? It isn't prosperity and freedom that's for sure. If they get their way and capitalism is fettered or destroyed everything and everyone will be much worse off, not better. Capitalism must be freed to do its magic, not hobbled. That will make everything and everyone better off and that is what demonstrators should be demonstrating for. Freeing capitalism.
"Economics, history, sociology, psychology and reality tell us exactly the same."

Welcome, anarchists, to your 'hunk' of fairness for the next generation - the shared sacrifice of poverty.   ..."You occupied a national landmark born of architectural and engineering visionaries, paid for by others. You required removal by police force. Police that the rest of us paid for. You didn't have to worry that marauding bands would come because you are the pillaging marauding band of anti-Capitalism."

Neal Boortz: Some amazing rhetoric  "Hopefully you realize that capitalism and free enterprise is under attack in America.  The socialists, fascists and communists have always been out there .. but now they think that they have someone in the White House who supports their agenda, so they are emboldened."

Occupy Wall Street Jumps the Shark  ..."George Soros ... threw in his lot with the thousands of Communists, anarchists, eco-feminists, malingerers, and professional protesters who have been baiting and taunting police in lower Manhattan as part of a mass demonstration that began September 17.
"Congressman Ron Paul (R-TX) also jumped on the anti-Wall Street bandwagon. In a move that ought to permanently disqualify him as a GOP presidential candidate, Paul gave aid and comfort to the radicals who want to destroy America. “If they were demonstrating peacefully, and making a point, and arguing our case, and drawing attention to the Fed — I would say, good!” Paul said.  (Emphasis added.)
Weasel Zippers: Here Come The Goons: Country’s Largest Unions Join Wall Street Occupiers…"The cavalry has arrived in Lower Manhattan. Representatives from no fewer than 15 of the country’s largest labor unions will join the Occupy Wall Street protesters for a mass rally and march today in New York City."

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Fast and Furious depicted

The Left: A Century of Fostering Racial Tension

Last century's leftist politicos left behind copious evidence of race-card playing.  "....I covered a Tea Party event headlined by Cain in suburban Cobb County and then his announcement rally in May in downtown Atlanta.
"At that rally last May I learned something from a gregarious black friend. Spotting my friend’s Uncle Sam hat and Cain buttons, another black man, who was hanging back to blend in with fellow black Atlantans who were at the park for other reasons, struck up a conversation. And then I learned just how much pressure black conservatives feel from fellow blacks. Why it was just about as bad as being on a college campus!
"This is no accident. White radicals have been fostering this kind of infighting for nearly a hundred years. Divide and conquer — according to class, no less for blacks than for whites — has been the modus operandi of the Communist Party since at least the 1920s". (Emphasis added)
Cartoon: Free Republic:

No, Mr. Obama has not significantly played the race card to this date, but many of his supporters (see below) have. And given his propensity to blame everything else for his failures, and the likelihood of his legacy being one of failure, you can count on Mr. Obama blaming racism at some point. I fully expect the closer to the next election we draw, the more we will see Obama divide this country along racial lines. He has already divided America into warring economic classes; don't you think racial enmity is even more firmly embedded in his DNA? TD

Actor Samuel L. Jackson: Tea Party Racism 'Pretty Obvious'  ""It’s pretty obvious what they are," Jackson told us. "The division of the country is not about the government having too much power. I think everything right now is geared toward getting that guy out of office, whatever that means," he said, echoing Freeman. "It’s not politics. It is not economics. It all boils down to pretty much to race. It is a shame." "

Quotation in Eric Holder's wallet: 'The Black US Attorney Has Common Cause with the Black Criminal'  "According to Department of Justice whistleblower J. Christian Adams, AG Eric Holder has a certain something in his wallet. It is a quotation -- and he has carried it for decades. It essentially says, to quote Adams, "Blackness is more important than anything, and the black US attorney has common cause with the black criminal." It's not surprising that Holder would feel this way about black lawyers and criminals.
"Because in his case they're one and the same."

Allen West to Samuel L. Jackson: Quit Crying Racism and Stick to Movies, Champ  "Well, Jackson's smears were bit too much for Rep. Allen West (R-FL) to take lying down. The fiery Congressman -- who is member of both the Tea Party and Congressional Black Caucuses -- appeared on Fox News this morning to upbraid the actor for his remarks and remind viewers whose economic policies have put millions of African-Americans in a world of hurt:"  (Video)

Thomas Sowell: Stop Whining'?  "How many people in the media have pointed out that the black-white income gap narrowed during the Reagan administration, just as it has widened during the Obama administration? For that matter, how many Republicans have pointed it out?"

Perry & the Macaca Media

Michelle Malkin  The media will leave no stone unturned to find evidence of GOP racism

"Another friend, Fred McClure, who is black, also could not recall ever seeing the rock and emphatically added that the paper’s stone-cold insinuation that Perry is a bigot “is not only untrue but also extremely unfair.”"
"It stinks to be falsely accused of racism. Maybe Perry, now under siege by the ruthless race-card-playing media, will remember that the next time he’s tempted to accuse conservatives who disagree with him of heartless bigotry."

NRO:  Perry Gets Smeared  "The Post’s mainstream-media brethren are already calling N-gate a threat to Perry’s candidacy. Certainly it will be a test of Perry’s forcefulness. (In 1991, Thomas passed the test with his famous “high-tech lynching” comment, which rocked Democrats back on their heels.) But this isn’t about Perry. This is about a mainstream media that is more determined to carry water for Democratic smear campaigns than to inform its readers of the real problems facing this nation."

Brent Bozell:  Rick's Rock vs. Reverend Wright  "But many "minority legislators [read: Democrats] say Perry has a long history — dating to his first race for statewide office more than 20 years ago — of engaging in what they see as racially tinged tactics and rhetoric to gain political advantage.”
"What kind of offensive tactics? Guess what’s listed first: “Black lawmakers have been particularly troubled by Perry’s recent embrace of the tea party movement.”
"By contrast, does anyone recall the Washington Post being the first investigative journalism outfit to reveal the racist and anti-American and anti-Semitic rantings of Rev. Jeremiah Wright in 2007? Of course not."...

 Neal Boortz: Demands from the Occupy Wall Street crowd  "The Libtards occupying Wall Street have come up with a proposed list of their demands. You are going to enjoy these .. are you ready?"
"Let’s let the Occupy Wall Street crowd run Haiti for a few years utilizing these demands and see how well that works out for them. Gawd help us.
"We should make this column by Peter Ferrara required reading for all of the unemployables occupying Wall Street:"
Economic Growth, Not Income Redistribution, Is What Helps Us All

"President Obama’s policies have been all about redistribution, spreading the wealth as he puts it, a polite phrase for plunder. That redistribution is in evidence from ObamaCare, to runaway government spending, to raising tax rates on “the rich.”
The results of those policies are in the latest Census report on September 14. Median real family income has fallen all the way back to 1996 levels. As the Wall Street Journal explained the next day, “Earnings of the typical man who works full time year round fell, and are lower — adjusted for inflation — than in 1978.”"

  The Left’s Pathetic Tea Party "Occupy Wall Street is not a real answer. It is both more self-involved and more ambitious than the Tea Party. It represents an ill-defined, free-floating radicalism. Its fuzzy endpoint is a “revolution” no one can precisely describe, but the thrust of which is overturning our system of capitalism as we know it. If elected Democrats dare associate their sagging party with this project, they need immediately to consult their nearest psychiatrist and political consultant, in that order.
"Occupy Wall Street is toxic and pathetic, the perfect distillation of an American Left in extremis."
Rich Lowry.

Truth in Cartoons

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Go to war with the ACLU

Obama's Justice Department

Gunwalker: Holder Appears To Be Fast, Furious, and Finished  "News documents indicate that U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder more than likely perjured himself in congressional testimony about Operation Fast and Furious earlier this year."

PJM Exclusive: Excerpt From J. Christian Adams’ Injustice, Released Today  "Obama and his backers have engaged in a strange form of political projection, baselessly accusing the Bush Civil Rights Division of the exact kind of malfeasance and bias that have become hallmarks of the division under Obama’s presidency. "

We will have more commentary on this tonight. Suffice to say, when Holder is gone, someone equally as laftist will take his place because Obama has leftists all up and down the ladder in DOJ. Nothiing substantive will change.

Related: Shocking Photos: Barack Obama Appeared and Marched with New Black Panthers in 2007"Breitbart has the story and the photos, which raise questions about a number of things including why the Department of Justice closed its investigation of the New Black Panthers in 2009 — after it had already won that case. .... Was closure of that case a quid pro quo for the Panthers’ public support of Obama in 2007 and 2008?"

Monday, October 3, 2011

Don't use the name "Hitler" unless you're on the "Approved" list

Photo: heartandpen
ESPN  "The Hank Williams Jr. song that has opened Monday Night Football for 20 years was not part of the opening of this week's Indianapolis-Tampa Bay game after Williams made controversial comments about President Barack Obama."....
"Williams, whose song "All My Rowdy Friends" has been the Monday Night Football theme on both ABC and ESPN since 1991, told "Fox and Friends" that he thought Speaker of the House John Boehner playing golf with President Obama "would be like Hitler playing golf with (Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin) Netanyahu ... In the shape this country is in?"
"Told by anchor Brian Kilmeade that he didn't understand the analogy, Williams said: "I'm glad you don't, brother, because a lot of people do. They're the enemy." Asked who, Williams said: "Obama. And Biden. Are you kidding? The Three Stooges.""

Madonna Compares John McCain To Hitler At Tour Opener; Campaign Calls Slam 'Outrageous'
"During the song "Get Stupid," Madonna flashed images of McCain alongside photos of Hitler and brutal Zimbabwean President Robert Mugabe, as well as images of destruction and global warming, according to British paper The Times"

Madonna To Perform At Super Bowl XLVI Halftime Show, Sources Tell
"Madonna will perform during the Super Bowl XLVI halftime show at Lucas Oil Stadium in Indianapolis on February 5, sources close to the event told on Monday. A spokesperson for the NFL declined to comment."

"AP: A video interlude carried images of destruction, global warming, Nazi dictator Adolf Hitler, Zimbabwe's authoritarian President Robert Mugabe—and U.S. Senator John McCain. Another sequence, shown later, pictured slain Beatle John Lennon, followed by climate activist Al Gore, Mahatma Gandhi and finally McCain's Democratic rival Barack Obama."   Via Breitbart TV

The President of Contempt

Wall Street Journal  To Barack Obama, America is lovable in proportion to the love it gives him in return.

"Then again, the contempt Mr. Obama felt for the Bush administration was merely of a piece with the broader ambit of his disdain. Examples? Here's a quick list:

"The gratuitous return of the Churchill bust to Britain. The slam of the Boston police officer who arrested Henry Louis Gates. The high-profile rebuke of the members of the Supreme Court at his 2010 State of the Union speech. The diplomatic snubs, petty as well as serious, of Gordon Brown, Benjamin Netanyahu and Nicolas Sarkozy. The verbal assaults on Wall Street "fat cats" who "caused the problem" of "10% unemployment." The never-ending baiting of millionaires and billionaires and jet owners and everyone else who, as Black Entertainment Television's Robert Johnson memorably put it on Sunday, "tried rich and tried poor and like rich better."" ....

"They tell us something about the president's political IQ. They tell us more about his world view."

Jerusalem Post

Press leaves no Rick Perry stone unturned

About that Rick Perry Smear . . . "According to the Perry campaign, the rock was painted over by Perry's father in the early 1980s -- which could correlate with the Post's account. But we're not really sure, because of, well, this:
Most of those interviewed requested anonymity because they fear being ostracized or other repercussions in their small community. Some are supporters of Perry, whose parents still live in Paint Creek. Others, both Democrats and Republicans, are not. Several spoke matter-of-factly about the hunting camp and its name and wondered why it held any outside interest.

....So these photos exist, but the Post either can't or won't show them to you. But take their word for it--the photos are damning! Hmm.

Cain’s mistake?  "I think that Herman Cain hurts himself by joining in on these attacks. His big appeal is that he’s not just another black race-card-playing politician. Climbing on board with the Post’s hit piece suggests that actually, he is. It reminds me of Tim Pawlenty’s weak and opportunistic reaction to the attacks on Sarah Palin. I think that’s what killed his campaign. If you side with the media establishment against other Republicans, you won’t help yourself in this election cycle."

Rick Perry Denies Accuracy of Story on Family Lodge and Racial Slur  "My mother and father went to the lease and painted the rock in either 1983 or 1984,” Perry told the newspaper. “This occurred after I paid a visit to the property with a friend and saw the rock with the offensive word. After my visit I called my folks and mentioned it to them, and they painted it over during their next visit.”
“Ever since, any time I ever saw the rock it was painted over,” Perry said.
"But the Washington Post spoke with seven anonymous sources who had different recollections, saying they saw the rock with the racial slur on the property during the span that Perry leased the hunting grounds."

Washington Post Publishes Racially Charged Front Page Hit Piece on Rick Perry  "Which means the Perrys were not responsible for placing it there.
"Quite the contrary, as author Stephanie McCrummen relays over 3000 words, Perry and his family routinely painted over the offensive graffiti and eventually turned the rock it was painted on over so that it was completely hidden from view."