Thursday, October 6, 2011

Occupy Wall Street: America Reaps what Obama has Sown

Occupy Wall Street's Anti-capitalist Crusade  "Regulation, government control and entitlements are the problem and the last thing we need is more of them. We need far less of them if our economies and our nations are to survive. They won't if capitalism is fettered or destroyed and neither will we. What are the demonstrators demonstrating for? It isn't prosperity and freedom that's for sure. If they get their way and capitalism is fettered or destroyed everything and everyone will be much worse off, not better. Capitalism must be freed to do its magic, not hobbled. That will make everything and everyone better off and that is what demonstrators should be demonstrating for. Freeing capitalism.
"Economics, history, sociology, psychology and reality tell us exactly the same."

Welcome, anarchists, to your 'hunk' of fairness for the next generation - the shared sacrifice of poverty.   ..."You occupied a national landmark born of architectural and engineering visionaries, paid for by others. You required removal by police force. Police that the rest of us paid for. You didn't have to worry that marauding bands would come because you are the pillaging marauding band of anti-Capitalism."

Neal Boortz: Some amazing rhetoric  "Hopefully you realize that capitalism and free enterprise is under attack in America.  The socialists, fascists and communists have always been out there .. but now they think that they have someone in the White House who supports their agenda, so they are emboldened."

Occupy Wall Street Jumps the Shark  ..."George Soros ... threw in his lot with the thousands of Communists, anarchists, eco-feminists, malingerers, and professional protesters who have been baiting and taunting police in lower Manhattan as part of a mass demonstration that began September 17.
"Congressman Ron Paul (R-TX) also jumped on the anti-Wall Street bandwagon. In a move that ought to permanently disqualify him as a GOP presidential candidate, Paul gave aid and comfort to the radicals who want to destroy America. “If they were demonstrating peacefully, and making a point, and arguing our case, and drawing attention to the Fed — I would say, good!” Paul said.  (Emphasis added.)
Weasel Zippers: Here Come The Goons: Country’s Largest Unions Join Wall Street Occupiers…"The cavalry has arrived in Lower Manhattan. Representatives from no fewer than 15 of the country’s largest labor unions will join the Occupy Wall Street protesters for a mass rally and march today in New York City."

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