Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Perry & the Macaca Media

Michelle Malkin  The media will leave no stone unturned to find evidence of GOP racism

"Another friend, Fred McClure, who is black, also could not recall ever seeing the rock and emphatically added that the paper’s stone-cold insinuation that Perry is a bigot “is not only untrue but also extremely unfair.”"
"It stinks to be falsely accused of racism. Maybe Perry, now under siege by the ruthless race-card-playing media, will remember that the next time he’s tempted to accuse conservatives who disagree with him of heartless bigotry."

NRO:  Perry Gets Smeared  "The Post’s mainstream-media brethren are already calling N-gate a threat to Perry’s candidacy. Certainly it will be a test of Perry’s forcefulness. (In 1991, Thomas passed the test with his famous “high-tech lynching” comment, which rocked Democrats back on their heels.) But this isn’t about Perry. This is about a mainstream media that is more determined to carry water for Democratic smear campaigns than to inform its readers of the real problems facing this nation."

Brent Bozell:  Rick's Rock vs. Reverend Wright  "But many "minority legislators [read: Democrats] say Perry has a long history — dating to his first race for statewide office more than 20 years ago — of engaging in what they see as racially tinged tactics and rhetoric to gain political advantage.”
"What kind of offensive tactics? Guess what’s listed first: “Black lawmakers have been particularly troubled by Perry’s recent embrace of the tea party movement.”
"By contrast, does anyone recall the Washington Post being the first investigative journalism outfit to reveal the racist and anti-American and anti-Semitic rantings of Rev. Jeremiah Wright in 2007? Of course not."...

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