Monday, December 5, 2011

Barack Obama's 32 Month Report Card

Rich Carroll  via: Two Sisters From The Right once again welcome author and commentator Rich Carroll to our website. A Vietnam veteran,  Mr. Carroll is the author of "Orphaned Heroes," a novel about his experiences in Vietnam, and  "Terrorists' Crossing," a novel about terrorism across our southern border.  He is also the author of numerous articles on Islam in America and abroad.  We are grateful  for his contributions to our blog.  Mr. Carroll can be reached via commentary on Two Sisters or by writing to him at  
Hat tip to Rich Clyne, somewhere in West Virginia.

"Mr. Hope and Change seems to want to create a nation humbled; humiliated, casting-aside capitalism and individual freedoms for one where “we the people” are government controlled. This would be a system that genuflects mediocrity, steals personal aspiration and opportunity, and punishes those who strive to succeed."

Five firsts among many for this president listed here:
1. First President to arbitrarily declare an existing law unconstitutional and refuse to enforce it.
2. First President to threaten insurance companies if they publicly speak-out on the reasons for their rate increases.
3. First President to tell a major manufacturing company in which state they are allowed to locate a factory.
4. First President to file lawsuits against the states he swore an oath to protect (AZ, WI, OH, IN)
5. First President to withdraw an existing coal permit that had been properly issued years ago

Andy Stern of the SEIU Loves Chinese Communism

The Tunnel Wall purpose statement in the right sidebar contains these words:
Barack Obama's presidency has lifted a rock off the Democrat Party and revealed some ominous qualities that had long been off of our collective radar; that there are many Rev. Wrights and Bill Ayers sitting in Congress. We fear the effect these people have on our culture and nation and feel we must not let anything they do or say go unnoticed.
Andy Stern gives us one powerful example: Andy Stern: In praise of Communist China  
"Of course China has a "plan" - that's what Communists do. They can dictate where to invest, who wins and who loses - and the only way you're going to win is if you join the Communist party. There is no freedom of action, little entrepreneurship (the hoops they make you jump through to start a business in China are mind boggling), and a regimented labor force who can't strike, can't lobby for worker safety (the coal mining safety record is appalling), and are forced to take what the government gives them and like it.
Andy Stern is an idiot. And this proves it:" Rick Moran in American Thinker.

A Stern Vision of America   "Andy Stern laid out his vision of America's future in remarkably unambiguous, and chilling, terms."....
"Stern makes it abundantly clear that in his view, the capitalist economic model that fostered American prosperity over the last two centuries is now obsolete."

From American Spectator:  "But what's really chilling is that Stern thinks that China's laws regulating the economy can be separated from all its other laws regulating human rights, free speech, freedom of religion, etc. I wonder what a persecuted Chinese Christian or a Chinese woman who suffered a forced abortion would think upon seeing this article."

Obama Friend And Former SEIU Chief Andy Stern Says U.S. Should Throw Free-Market Capitalism “Onto The Trash Heap of History”…
"Obama also appointed Stern to his National Commission on Fiscal Responsibility."

The NY Times has this insight:  "Under Stern's leadership, the S.E.I.U. has funneled vast amounts of financing to the Democratic Party and its candidates, far outpacing the contributions of other unions over the last two election seasons.
"As one index of his power and proximity to the president, official records show that Mr. Stern visited the White House more than 20 times during Mr. Obama's first six months in office."

Is SEIU Working With Hamas And FARC?  "The interesting thing about these SEIU folks is that they also belong to a violently radical group called the Freedom Road Socialist Organization. From their website:"

Wikipedia on Stern  "During the years of Stern's leadership, the SEIU funneled vast amounts of financing to the Democratic Party and its candidates, far outnumbering the contributions of other unions during the last two election cycles. "....
"Stern is referred to as one of "the chief architects of healthcare reform" in Modern Healthcare magazine's ranking of the 100 Most Powerful People in Healthcare for 2009. ....Stern is an ardent supporter of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009."....
"Stern has been a frequent visitor to the White House since Obama's election. Between Inauguration Day and February 23, 2011, Stern visited the White House 53 times."  (Emphasis added)

Tim Tebow 35, Vikings 32

Charleston Daily Mail   "When the first play from scrimmage by the Denver Broncos resulted in 2 points for the Minnesota Vikings, I knew that Tim Tebow would for the 5th time in his seven starts bring his team from behind to win an NFL game and make the haters hate even more.
"Tim Tebow has driven his detractors over the cliff of sanity, or rather they have chosen to run off that cliff like lemmings rather than admit that he was victorious."
Be sure to read the comments below the article.
Hat tip to Lucianne

Tebow’s Religion, and Ours / His authenticity irks our secular, selfish culture.
"When the Detroit Lions’ Stephen Tulloch sacked Tim Tebow in the first quarter of their week eight matchup, the linebacker immediately kneeled next to the prone Denver quarterback, in a mockery of Tebow’s habit of praying on-field, most recently seen after his miraculous fourth-quarter comeback against the Dolphins the week before."
By contrast, Tebow is the last Boy Scout. A leader on the field and off who spent his college years not indulging in any of the worldly pleasures afforded to Heisman Trophy winners, but doing missionary work in Thailand; helping overworked doctors perform circumcisions in the Philippines (you read that right); and preaching at schools, churches, and even prisons. This is a young man with such a strong work ethic that, according to teammates, he can’t even be coaxed into hitting the town on a night after a Broncos win, because he is too busy preparing for the next week’s game. This is a young man who even turned the other cheek at Stephen Tulloch’s Tebowing, saying, “He was probably just having fun and was excited he made a good play and had a sack. And good for him.”
"That’s way too much earnestness for the ironic. It’s way too much idealism for the cynical. And it’s way too much selflessness for the self-absorbed. In short, people aren’t upset at Tebow’s God talk. They’re upset that he might actually believe it."

  Tebow might be a true revelation   "Tim Tebow is not a religious symbol. He’s a shrine to the power of a strong, committed, passionate two-parent upbringing. Tebow’s birth — a product of his mother’s faith and refusal to listen to doctors advising her to abort — might very well have been a religious miracle. Tebow’s performance on the football field is testament to Bob and Pam Tebow and what they instilled in their youngest child."

Agenda 21 and the Threat in Your Backyard

Heritage  "Ready to trade in your car for a bike, or maybe a subway instead? Interested in fewer choices for your home, paying more for housing, and being crammed into a denser neighborhood? You can have all this and more if radical environmentalists and “smart growth” advocates have their way and local, state, and the federal government impose the policies set forth in the United Nations’ Agenda 21."
"In the United States, smart-growth policies started in California and Oregon but then spread around the country to “deter suburban growth for all but the well-to-do,” as Cox, Utt, and Schaefer explain. They also write that those policies were not without detrimental impact:"....
"At well over 300 pages, Agenda 21 sets forth hundreds of specific goals and strategies that national and local governments are encouraged to adopt.[3] These policies are presented in four sections:...." One of which is this one: "Strengthening the role of major groups (e.g., women, children, indigenous people, workers and trade unions;..." Emphasis added.

The link sited in the above article, which has this statement:
If implemented, the types of policies encouraged in Agenda 21 would significantly expand the role of government in economic decision-making, impede development and economic growth, and undermine individual choice and policy flexibility for local communities. Opponents should be concerned about efforts by the U.S. government to implement these policies, both nationally and locally.
The Blaze: Is the Soros-Sponsored ‘Agenda 21’ a Hidden Plan for World Government? (Yes, Only it Is Not Hidden)  "What is Agenda 21? If you do not know about it, you should.
"Agenda 21 is a two-decade old, grand plan for global ’Sustainable Development,’ brought to you from the United Nations. George H.W. Bush ...agreed to it back in 1992, and in 1995, Bill Clinton signed Executive Order #12858, creating a Presidential Council on ‘Sustainable Development.’ This effectively pushed the UN plan into America’s large, churning government machine without the need for any review or discussion by Congress or the American people."

UN Preamble to Agenda 21 : 
"We are confronted with a perpetuation of disparities between and within nations, a worsening of poverty, hunger, ill health and illiteracy, and the continuing deterioration of the ecosystems on which we depend for our well-being. However, integration of environment and development concerns and greater attention to them will lead to the fulfilment of basic needs, improved living standards for all, better protected and managed ecosystems and a safer, more prosperous future. No nation can achieve this on its own; but together we can - in a global partnership for sustainable development."

Outline From this UN site: 

Agenda 21 For Dummies  (Nine-minute video)

"Agenda 21 explained very well. Including implications it will have on humanity. Opinions within the video come in some cases from those that were in on the negotiations. Truly an interesting watch."

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Hello to a few returning readers

It's always nice to see interesting-looking readers of the TW who return. Some of whom include readers in Wallasey, Wirral in the UK and a reader in Warsaw, Poland. Please drop a line in the comments to a post sometime and tell us all you care to about yourself, bearing in mind that the post would be public.
The Tunnel Dweller

OCCUPY WALL STREET Can some actually compare these people with the TEA Party?

Sent by Bill Pyatt over at The EdgeBill writes:
I hesitated to send out anything this disgusting but I think it needs to be seen.
Look at the laughing “99%” in the background. Is this where out nation is heading. If I was a young man I would leave this nation. I am totally disgusted with where it is heading, while I have little time left, my children and their children will still be here. I am fed up and think I have wasted my years defending this nation. We are facing a huge decline.
The Picture that everyone needs to see....and it got worse!
..."The Tea Party movement came out of nowhere to stand up and speak out against out-of-control government spending. While the Tea Party has been vilified by liberals and the Democrat party, it has continued to grow in strength. Leftists have used everything from Alinsky tactics to lying to name calling to the total use of the mainstream media to destroy the Tea Party. But they underestimated the patriotism of the producers in America who support the Constitution and believe in capitalism.
"Many of the American Idol experts have sat idly by listening to Chris Matthews and Katie Couric disparage the Tea Party movement. They had nothing to compare the movement to. All of that changed when the Occupy Wall Street circus came to New York and spread quickly across the country. Like an infection. Small bands of idiots with stupid signs printed by unions spouting lunacy have littered and shat across the formerly pristine parks they now infest in dozens of American cities.
"What a stark difference from the Tea Party movement."...

"Here’s a few Einsteins getting schooled on socialism by a man who lived in the Soviet Union:" (Above)

The Most Boring Celebrities of 2011

This came from Alan Caruba over at Warning Signs and is from The Boring Institute:
"This year’s list is (1) Charlie Sheen, (2) Lindsay Lohan, (3) Lady Gaga, (4) Arnold Schwartzenegger, (5) Anthony Weiner, ((6) Casey Anthony, (7) the cast of the Jersey Shore, (8) Kim Kardashian,(9) Donald Trump, and (10) Occupy Wall Street."....  (emphasis added)
"Number three is Lady Gaga. Caruba admits he has no idea why anyone takes Lady Gaga seriously. “Her life is an orgy of exhibitionism.” " I agree; this Victoria has few secrets.
Number ten is Occupy Wall Street.  ‘’They wore out their welcome so fast that the sale of tents plummeted after they were chased out of town."

Founded in 1984, The Boring Institute is a media spoof and clearinghouse for information about boredom. Its blog is A business and science writer, Caruba is widely known for his popular blog, http://factsnotfantasy,, that recently exceeded a million page views. He resides in South Orange, New Jersey

Saturday, December 3, 2011

God Help The USA and Israel


"I created the above photoshop, last year when Obama’s animus towards Israel first started revealing itself through his policies.....
You need only read the recent headlines (but do click and read some of these) from Commentary’s blog to get a flavor of the disdain, and disappointment from Jewish quarters to Obama’s treatment of Israel:
(These links are active in the actual article.)

Bibi’s Predicament
On Obama’s Behavior Toward Israel
What Did You Do?
Obama’s Humiliation of Israel May Only Be Getting Started
No Denying White House Animus Toward Israel

Nile Gardiner: Barack Obama’s humiliation of Israel is a disgrace (From March, 2011, but reposted in the UK Telegraph blog today. We post it now because of Obama's arrogant claim that he has been the president most supportive of Israel.)  "Benjamin Netanyahu was left to stew in a White House meeting room for over an hour after President Barack Obama abruptly walked out of tense talks to have supper with his family, it emerged on Thursday. The snub marked a fresh low in US-Israeli relations and appeared designed to show Mr Netanyahu how low his stock had fallen in Washington after he refused to back down in a row over Jewish construction in east Jerusalem.
"… (Mr. Obama) immediately presented Mr Netanyahu with a list of 13 demands designed both to the end the feud with his administration and to build Palestinian confidence ahead of the resumption of peace talks. Key among those demands was a previously-made call to halt all new settlement construction in east Jerusalem.
"When the Israeli prime minister stalled, Mr Obama rose from his seat declaring: "I'm going to the residential wing to have dinner with Michelle and the girls." As he left, Mr Netanyahu was told to consider the error of his ways. "I'm still around," Mr Obama is quoted by Israel's Yediot Ahronot newspaper as having said. "Let me know if there is anything new."
"This is no way to treat America’s closest ally in the Middle East, and a true friend of the United States. I very much doubt that even third world tyrants would be received in such a rude fashion by the president. In fact, they would probably be warmly welcomed by the Obama White House as part of its “engagement” strategy, while the leaders of Britain and Israel are frequently met with arrogant disdain."
I'd say pretty much the way Bill Ayers or Rev. Wright would have handled things. Perhaps Obama can name his two teleprompters "Bill" and "Rev".

      Video from David Horowitz Freedom Center

Update: Secretary of Defense Panetta Shows How the Obama Administration Is Selling Out Israel…and US Interests  By Barry Rubin:  "In a major address on U.S. Middle East policy to the Brookings Institution U.S. Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta gave us a clear picture of the Obama administration’s view of the region. When taken along with Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s recent speech on the same subject, we now know the following regarding Obama’s policy:
It is dangerously and absurdly wrong. This administration totally and completely, dangerously and disastrously for U.S. interests misunderstands the Middle East. They are 180 degrees off course, that is heading in the opposite direction of safety."

Charlie Brown goes to the Republican debates

Jimmy Kimmel may have found a way to liven up the GOP debates with the help of Peanuts.
From Wake up, Black America!
"I haven't been keeping up with the almost weekly GOP Presidential debates for a reason. These debates are simply planned events in order to have the GOP candidates destroy one another prior thus making it easier for Obama Also, the answers and positions of the candidates have been known for several months now. Right now, It's like watching an endless television rerun with no fresh new episode in sight. Be that as it may, Comedian Jimmy Kimmel of ABC Jimmy Kimmel Live put together a very funny skit involving the GOP candidates and the Peanuts Thanksgiving. I'm not sure what Jimmy's political leanings are, but even I couldn't help not to laugh at this."

Dead Movement Walking: Top Six Signs the Left And Mainstream Media Have Hung Occupy Out to Dry

Big Journalism  "A few weeks ago in Denver I had the opportunity for some up close and personal time with the Occupy movement, and what I saw was about what you would expect. These are marginal and marginally intelligent people who have grown up conditioned by public educators and the welfare state to believe that they’re something special and entitled to the good life just because they’re special and entitled to the good life. And they’ve also been brainwashed to believe that if America doesn’t acknowledge their specialness and if, indeed, they’re not enjoying the good life, the problem must be a corrupt America."

You've heard the term,"useful idiots"?  Now see them in person:

How can democrats fail to see the difference between the quality of this crowd and that of the TEA Party? They don't. The left is made up of liars and demagogues who seek only power and the Occupiers are merely those who vote for people such as Pelosi, Kucinich, Sanders, Waters and Obama, et. al. 

Normandy, 1944; then and now photos

6 Juin, 1944  Our previous emphases on Omaha Beach gave short shrift to the other landing sites. This should do a bit to fill in some of those gaps with photos. Click on some of the WW2 photos of a site and you will also see that location as it is today.  Don't you love stuff like that? TD

More here.  Here.  Go here for the search site.

Friday, December 2, 2011

Still deciding; here's a case for Mitt Romney

 Ramesh Ponnuru: Romney’s the One   "If Romney was to McCain’s right then, he is still. He’s to George W. Bush’s right, too. Bush never came out for the Medicare reform Romney has endorsed. Bush never said that Roe v. Wade should be overturned, either. Romney has. Romney’s long list of policy advisers includes people who are, within their fields, roughly in sync with the politics of the Bush administration or to its right; almost nobody is significantly to its left.
""If Mitt Romney becomes president, he will almost certainly be dealing with John Boehner as speaker of the House and Mitch McConnell as Senate majority leader. While they, too, have their conservative detractors, they are the most conservative congressional leaders Republicans have had in modern times, and they will exert a rightward influence on the Romney administration. If they send him legislation to repeal Obamacare, cut taxes, or reform entitlements, he will sign it where Obama would veto it. If at some other point in his presidency a liberal-run Congress sends him tax increases, he will veto them where Obama would sign. Compared with President Obama, a President Romney would do more to protect the defense budget.

Newt unwilling to say life begins at conception

Charles Krauthammer: Mitt vs. Newt; Republicans must choose between two significantly flawed frontrunners.  "My own view is that Republicans would have been better served by the candidacies of Mitch Daniels, Paul Ryan, or Chris Christie. Unfortunately, none is running. You play the hand you’re dealt. This is a weak Republican field with two significantly flawed frontrunners contesting an immensely important election. If Obama wins, he will take the country to a place from which it will not be able to return (which is precisely his own objective for a second term).
"Every conservative has thus to ask himself two questions: Who is more likely to prevent that second term? And who, if elected, is less likely to unpleasantly surprise?"

However: Bret Baier to Romney: Didn’t you used to have basically the same immigration position as Gingrich? "If he wants to attack Newt, he should be hitting him on the strange idea of using local community boards to decide legalization issues instead of a national standard to ensure that more liberal jurisdictions don’t become magnets for longtime illegals. Or maybe that’s the whole point of Newt’s plan, to get illegals to flee to blue areas for more forgiving treatment? Bottom line: There’s really no reason to strongly prefer one of them to the other on this issue." (video)