Monday, December 5, 2011

Andy Stern of the SEIU Loves Chinese Communism

The Tunnel Wall purpose statement in the right sidebar contains these words:
Barack Obama's presidency has lifted a rock off the Democrat Party and revealed some ominous qualities that had long been off of our collective radar; that there are many Rev. Wrights and Bill Ayers sitting in Congress. We fear the effect these people have on our culture and nation and feel we must not let anything they do or say go unnoticed.
Andy Stern gives us one powerful example: Andy Stern: In praise of Communist China  
"Of course China has a "plan" - that's what Communists do. They can dictate where to invest, who wins and who loses - and the only way you're going to win is if you join the Communist party. There is no freedom of action, little entrepreneurship (the hoops they make you jump through to start a business in China are mind boggling), and a regimented labor force who can't strike, can't lobby for worker safety (the coal mining safety record is appalling), and are forced to take what the government gives them and like it.
Andy Stern is an idiot. And this proves it:" Rick Moran in American Thinker.

A Stern Vision of America   "Andy Stern laid out his vision of America's future in remarkably unambiguous, and chilling, terms."....
"Stern makes it abundantly clear that in his view, the capitalist economic model that fostered American prosperity over the last two centuries is now obsolete."

From American Spectator:  "But what's really chilling is that Stern thinks that China's laws regulating the economy can be separated from all its other laws regulating human rights, free speech, freedom of religion, etc. I wonder what a persecuted Chinese Christian or a Chinese woman who suffered a forced abortion would think upon seeing this article."

Obama Friend And Former SEIU Chief Andy Stern Says U.S. Should Throw Free-Market Capitalism “Onto The Trash Heap of History”…
"Obama also appointed Stern to his National Commission on Fiscal Responsibility."

The NY Times has this insight:  "Under Stern's leadership, the S.E.I.U. has funneled vast amounts of financing to the Democratic Party and its candidates, far outpacing the contributions of other unions over the last two election seasons.
"As one index of his power and proximity to the president, official records show that Mr. Stern visited the White House more than 20 times during Mr. Obama's first six months in office."

Is SEIU Working With Hamas And FARC?  "The interesting thing about these SEIU folks is that they also belong to a violently radical group called the Freedom Road Socialist Organization. From their website:"

Wikipedia on Stern  "During the years of Stern's leadership, the SEIU funneled vast amounts of financing to the Democratic Party and its candidates, far outnumbering the contributions of other unions during the last two election cycles. "....
"Stern is referred to as one of "the chief architects of healthcare reform" in Modern Healthcare magazine's ranking of the 100 Most Powerful People in Healthcare for 2009. ....Stern is an ardent supporter of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009."....
"Stern has been a frequent visitor to the White House since Obama's election. Between Inauguration Day and February 23, 2011, Stern visited the White House 53 times."  (Emphasis added)


Ronbo said...



Comrade Stern and thousands of like minded Communists will be charged with treason if CW II breaks out and face life in prison, or the death sentence.

the Tunnel Dweller said...

I keep thinking of the story, "The Man Without a Country", where the character hated America and never wanted to hear the name of this country. Granted his wish, he was sentenced to life aboard a ship where the name of America was never to be spoken. Years later, he would lament that he “loved his country as no other man has loved her; but no man deserved less at her hands.”