Sunday, March 4, 2012

(Comment added) What about those Obama Harvard videos Breitbart announced?

Before It's News

 Rick Moran: Breitbart 'Obama tapes' from Harvard will be out soon  "I don't know if there's going to be anything explosive or damaging to Obama in some videotapes that Andrew Breitbart got a hold of from the president's days at Harvard. It would have been much better if we had some film of Obama from his years spent at Columbia, where the probable reason we don't know much about his time spent there was because he hung around with a lot of student radicals. 
"By the time Obama got to Harvard, his career path was set and he was probably very careful about his associations. Still, the mystery of Obama's past that our watchdog press never got around to telling us about will have some gaps filled in if these videos are indeed, released."

Sorry to rain on a good parade but consider this: It mattered not one bit to Democrats that Bill Clinton was accused of rape. And to whom will it matter that Obama was in the company of communists and violent left-wing radicals? To the "occupiers" who call for government to run every aspect of business and life? To those who waved Sovietflags on the night of Obama's inauguration and posted pictures of Che Guevara in his campaign offices? *Language advisory

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Lloyd Marcus: Sorry, Fluke. Update: Rush Apologizes

Lloyd Marcus  "The Fluke contraception controversy is Democrat inspired. It is yet another example of Democrats promoting and trying to force all Americans to fund behavior many Americans would consider to be sinful. We taxpayers are minding our own business. We are, for the most part, passively ignoring America's cultural rot.
"But our passivity is not enough for the Democrats. They demand that we pay for behaviors which are in conflict with the principles, values and faith of many Americans.
...."Also, am I weird or old-fashioned for thinking it a bit shameful for a woman to go before congressional committee to basically say, I sleep around a lot and demand that taxpayers pay for my birth-control? Fluke is a prime example of how nothing is shameful any more, which is in-keeping with the moral relativism philosophy taught in colleges. Moral Relativism in a nutshell says nothing is right or wrong and no one has a right to judge the morality of anything."

What did Sandra Fluke really say?  Text and video.

A Statement from Rushfollowed by commentary from Ed Morrissey  of  Hot Air:
For over 20 years, I have illustrated the absurd with absurdity, three hours a day, five days a week.  In this instance, I chose the wrong words in my analogy of the situation. I did not mean a personal attack on Ms. Fluke.
I think it is absolutely absurd that during these very serious political times, we are discussing personal sexual recreational activities before members of Congress. I personally do not agree that American citizens should pay for these social activities. What happened to personal responsibility and accountability? Where do we draw the line? If this is accepted as the norm, what will follow? Will we be debating if taxpayers should pay for new sneakers for all students that are interested in running to keep fit?In my monologue, I posited that it is not our business whatsoever to know what is going on in anyone's bedroom nor do I think it is a topic that should reach a Presidential level.
My choice of words was not the best, and in the attempt to be humorous, I created a national stir. I sincerely apologize to Ms. Fluke for the insulting word choices.
I think Rush did the right thing in apologizing to Fluke.  However, let’s keep in mind that it was Fluke who made her sexual activity a matter of national political debate by insisting that the government pass laws and regulations forcing employers and insurers to provide her free contraception, and apparently as much as she and others demand." 

Obama Calls Law Student Demanding Free Contraception

"You have to appreciate the Orwellian nature of this clip. Obama is calling this woman, who is already being used for fundraising by Democrats, to offer his support to someone and to decry political attacks on individual citizens. Meanwhile, everyone in the room understand that this is a thinly veiled attack on Rush Limbaugh by…the President:"...

Michelle Malkin:Sandra Fluke is not a “slut.” She’s a femme-agogue tool; DCCC, Emily’s list fund-raise off of Rush   "Let’s be clear (to use Obama’s favorite phrase): This is not just the politics of personal destruction. It’s a vendetta of campaign finance destruction. Under the guise of “disclosure,” Team Obama is exploiting the power of high government office to intimidate lawful, peaceful contributors who support limited-government causes."

Did Obama call Sarah Palin after this was said about her? From the Freedom Fighter's Journal :  "A week after calling former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin a "dumb t***" vulgar insult for women, comedian Bill Maher went all the way and called Palin the c-word, adding, "There's just no other word for her." " 

Did Obama call Palin after this: Letterman Attacks Palin's Daughter: She Was Knocked Up By A-Rod ?

"Sarah Palin says the joke was “sexually perverted” and “disgusting”. She also said Letterman’s joke that she looked like a “slutty flight attendant” as “pretty pathetic”. Letterman in the above response said he thought the flight attendant joke was actually pretty good."
Former Congresswoman Smacks Down Bill Maher for Calling Fox's Megyn Kelly 'Not Bright' 'Blonde Twink'  "First, he completely forgot that his previous guest just released a book about the sexist treatment of women in the Obama White House and that he actually discussed this issue with him.
"Next, he went after the intellectual capacity of Megyn Kelly, a former attorney that is considered one of the most intelligent people on Fox News. As anyone familiar with Kelly's work knows, Maher wouldn't last 60 seconds in a debate on any subject with her.
"But right-thinking observers know Maher's sexism and misogyny, especially for conservative women, knows no bounds."

(Audio) How President Obama is threatening our Religious Freedom and declaring war with the Catholic Church

Religious Liberty Homily  "On February 5, 2012 Father Sammie Maletta delivered a Homily at St. John the Evangelist Parish in St. John, Indiana. This Homily addressed how President Obama is threatening our Religious Freedom and declaring war with the Catholic Church. Please take a few moments to listen. No one sums it up quite like Father Maletta. Go to to fight the HHS Mandate"  And this is from a priest who basically likes Obama.

"The priest is a lawyer - the parish is middle class, northern Indiana, blue collar, mostly Democratic.
It's clear, direct and created a fire of activity."

Hat tip to Vic Leedy, Santa Maria, Ca.

Friday, March 2, 2012

Breitbart: “Wait ‘Til They See What Happens March 1st”. Breitbart died hours before planned release of damning Obama footage

He'll get flowers and a dead fish from Obama.
Infowars  "In a stunning coincidence, It appears Andrew Breitbart suffered his untimely death just hours before he was set to release damning video footage that could have sunk Barack Obama’s 2012 re-election campaign."
...."As we reported yesterday, Breitbart spoke of his intention to release the tape during his CPAC speech last month. The footage shows Obama in his college days appearing alongside former Weather Underground terrorists Bill and Bernardine Dohrn. Observers had speculated that the footage could have derailed Obama’s hopes for a second term.
"“I’ve got video from his college days that show you why racial division and class warfare are central to what hope and change was sold in 2008 – the videos are going to come out,” said Breitbart, adding that Obama would be vetted."

With Breitbart gone, what becomes of his empire?  "He used his websites to promote a hidden-camera video with actors posing as customers that led the downfall of the liberal Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now, or ACORN. He posted explicit photos of former Rep. Anthony Weiner that caused the New York congressman eventually to resign, but an edited video caused former U.S. Agriculture Department official Shirley Sherrod to resign over since-reversed perceptions she was a racist."
..."Breitbart seldom showed restraint with critics and seemed to savor the negative attention his antics earned him. He once told reporters from the stage at a tea party convention, "It's not your business model that sucks, it's you that sucks."
...."Breitbart traced his conservative conversion partly to the 1991 Senate hearings on Clarence Thomas' nomination to the Supreme Court, which he considered unfair.   (Just wanted to be sure you saw this)
"After Sen. Edward M. Kennedy of Massachusetts died in 2009, Breitbart tweeted, "Rest in Chappaquiddick" and called him "a special pile of human excrement." When critics questioned his tone, he tweeted they "missed my best ones!"
"After Sen. Edward M. Kennedy of Massachusetts died in 2009, Breitbart tweeted, "Rest in Chappaquiddick" and called him "a special pile of human excrement." When critics questioned his tone, he tweeted they "missed my best ones!"
After Sen. Edward M. Kennedy of Massachusetts died in 2009, Breitbart tweeted, "Rest in Chappaquiddick" and called him "a special pile of human excrement." When critics questioned his tone, he tweeted they "missed my best ones!"
And Ensign Pulver...? Well,we're all Ensign Pulver now.
"Hopefully, Breitbart's special brand of journalism will live on in his many creations (Breitbart.comBig HollywoodBig GovermentBig Journalism, and  Big Peace)*, and his courage to speak out in defense of our country and our Constitution will continue to be expressed by the millions of people he reached on a daily basis.
"He was one of a kind, and he will be terribly missed."

*And also Breitbart TV.

The Lorax: Candy-Colored Radical Environmental Castor Oil

PJ Lifestyle  "With The Loraxthe entertainment industry and the federal government have joined forces to produce a candy-colored dollop of castor-oil. This woeful would-be message movie is about as jaw-dropping as a notable previous Potomac/Pacific joint effort — the pro-Stalin film Mission to Moscow ordered up by Franklin Roosevelt in 1943."

"Dr. Seuss’ Lorax is a furry orange forest gnome who carries an overt anti-industry, anti-capitalist, pro-environmentalism theme, and in an effort to look as though they practice what they preach the backers of the film have lined up deals with supposedly green and eco-friendly outfits such as the detergent maker Seventh Generation, which is hawking a Lorax-branded bottle made of recycled paper. (Question: did anyone bother to measure the relative carbon emissions of making a plastic bottle versus making one out of paper, or is the overall feeling of groovy virtue all that matters?)"

"That is real. Not a parody. Not a joke. That's a Mazda SUV driving through a Seussian truffala forest. "  Language advisory and its source is the left-wing Mother Jones.

Breitbart's Big Hollywood;  The Lorax’ Review: Eco-Hypocrisy Leavened By Whimsical Creatures
"Parents who cried foul over the “evil” oil baron character in “The Muppets” will recoil in horror during “The Lorax.” The title character finds the cutting of a single tree to be an abomination, and the film rallies the woodland creatures to make it seem as if any fallen tree is a tragedy of epic proportions. And the film’s villain, a clean air tycoon voices by comedian Rob Riggle, is the epitome of how Hollywood sees corporations. Soulless. Heartless. Undeniably cruel."


Power Line   "Have we ever had an administration like Barack Obama’s? An administration that tries to benefit from pitting Americans against one another? An administration that uses its billion-dollar slush fund, not to mention the resources of the Executive Branch, to demonize private citizens who disagree with its policies? An administration that uses hate as an instrument of domestic politics? I don’t believe that there is any precedent in American history for the mean-spiritedness that now emanates from 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue."
This following article is a masterpiece of Obama analysis and, though lengthy, we encourage you to read every word: 
James Lewis pegged Obama way back in 2009:  Obama as Leninoid   "It was Lenin, not Stalin, who first introduced the Cult of Personality to raise his profile to superhuman status after the Bolshevik Revolution of 1917."
...."Again, social democrats prefer to avoid violence, and in Europe  they often manage to do so by bribing voters, importing cheap new votes from poor countries, and the like. But the manipulative methods are similar: Leninoids always find victim groups, or create them, or import them, and then claim to speak on their behalf. That is happening today in the United States with illegal immigrants. These are not just accidents but deliberate policy.
...."Again, social democrats prefer to avoid violence, and in Europe  they often manage to do so by bribing voters, importing cheap new votes from poor countries, and the like. But the manipulative methods are similar: Leninoids always find victim groups, or create them, or import them, and then claim to speak on their behalf. That is happening today in the United States with illegal immigrants. These are not just accidents but deliberate policy."
The above illustration from the Socialism, Marxism, Communism and Obama site. The one below is a picture taken in an Obama campaign office in 2008, also from this same site.

Those evil oil companies and George Bush- look at the misery they have caused!

Every morning TD checks to see what Terrible Terrell has to say and sets part of our agenda by him. Today's TerrellToon takes us to the following:

The Hill: Obama campaign: Consumers ‘don’t blame’ the president for gas prices "A new Pew Research Center-Washington Post poll shows that 18 percent of adults surveyed say President Obama is most to blame for rising gasoline costs. The poll generally showed that the public spreads blame among a number of parties and causes." 
Talk about a Teflon president. With the press, check-stand magazines and daytime talk shows in love with you, you can do no wrong.

LA Times: Arctic Ocean drilling: Shell launches preemptive legal strike   "Royal Dutch Shell launched an extraordinary preemptive legal strike Wednesday against opponents of offshore oil drilling in the Arctic Ocean, filing suit against more than a dozen environmental organizations likely to challenge its plan for drilling exploratory wells in the Chukchi Sea this summer."
Newt Gingrich: Fire Steven Chu over gas price remarks "“If he doesn’t, then the American people will know the president is still committed to his radical ideology, which wants to artificially raise the cost of energy,” Gingrich added."  (Chu pictured at right)

"Obama hasn’t changed his mind any more than Chu has, as you can see from his administration’s actions. For the president, expensive energy that depresses all Americans’ standards of living isn’t a bug, it’s a feature."

Power Line: INSPECTOR BARACK CLOUSEAU INVESTIGATES "Gasoline prices have doubled on Barack Obama’s watch; the Democrats consider this a mystery that needs to be solved. The Federal Trade Commission, for one, has initiated an “investigation.” For those of us who lived through the Jimmy Carter administration, however, it isn’t exactly a puzzle. Michael Ramirez explains:"

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Andrew Breitbart Dead At 43; Liberals Celebrate News…

Weasel Zippers  "Liberal scum celebrate on Twitter upon hearing the tragic news. (HT: Charlie Spiering)"
Quoting Washington Free Beacon:
"Economics and philosophy expert Matthew Yglesias reacted with glee Thursday morning at the news that conservative journalist Andrew Breitbart had died.
"“Conventions around dead people are ridiculous,” the Slate correspondentwrote on Twitter this morning. “The world outlook is slightly improved with @AndrewBrietbart [sic] dead.”

Jack Cashill: Do What Breitbart Did  "He started out as Hollywood nihilist and turned himself into a Tea Party knight errant.  His is an extraordinarily American tale of self-creation, one on which other young conservatives should and ought to fashion their own life's journeys.  If our Beltway allies had half his courage, Obama would not be president today."

MSNBC, naturally:  Cartoonists remember Andrew Breitbart  "Surprisingly, political cartoonists weren’t too kind to his style of journalism, but everything I read suggests that Breitbart welcomed his haters." 

Combating Media Manipulation: Just Say ‘No’

Barry Rubin  "I don’t understand — and I haven’t seen anyone even try to explain it — why the Republican presidential candidates keep subjecting themselves to politically partisan, hostile journalists being in control of their debates. These journalists have been highly partisan previously, seem to shield President Obama from criticism, and go on the offensive to try, for example, to turn the whole debate into the pretense that these candidates want to make birth control pills illegal."
...."It is absolutely clear that critics of this president, his policies, or the ideas behind those policies will be blacklisted and smeared by many journalists, programs, and networks. If the highly politicized media cannot ignore a person, they will try to make them look bad or twist their words. Why should people keep playing along with this strategy and falling into these traps?"

Can you believe someone would actually make this argument?

Romney ‘Shoe Shine’ Photo a Hoax, Left-Wingers Push Story Anyway   "The meme began from a photo by Getty showing Romney sitting in a chair on the tarmac with his foot up and a red-jacketed worker attending to the candidate’s footwear. The left immediately assumed that Romney was getting his shoes shined before getting on a “corporate” jet. This story was made up out of whole cloth because in reality what the picture shows is Romney getting his shoes wanded by an explosive sniffing device wielded by a TSA agent before being allowed to board the plane.

"The photo seems to have appeared early on the blog of the MSNBC smear show The Ed Schultz Show with the headline, “Romney Creates Another Job.” "

A Guide to the Liberal Mind

Victor Volsky   "As a great fan of Jeff Foxworthy, it occurred to me that it might be a good idea to use his hilarious you-might-be-a-redneck comedy routine in an attempt to characterize the liberal mindset (tweaking Jeff's formula a bit to convert it from the suppositional to the unconditional).  So, with apologies to the wonderful country comedian, here are some of the notable features of the liberal's mental landscape:"
Here is a small sampling of what the author lists in his article:
....If you believe that the 1st Amendment separates church from state, but not state from church, you are a liberal. ....If you believe that the results of progressive programs are irrelevant and that only good intentions count, you are a liberal.....If you believe that a decades-old drunk-driving episode in George W. Bush's biography comes under the "people's right to know" doctrine while the entire past of Barack Obama is protected by his right to privacy, you are a liberal.....If you believe that your choice of a car affects the planet's climate while sunspot activity doesn't, you are a liberal..... If you believe that the anarchists, hoodlums, and hobos who make up the Occupy movement are noble idealists who truly represent the 99 percent of America while the Tea Partiers are Nazi troglodytes and of course racists, you are a liberal. .... If you believe that the Palestinians sincerely want an accommodation with Israel and that only the stiff-necked Jews' obduracy stands in the way of Middle East peaceful settlement, you are a liberal.
Hat tip to Neal Boortz who commented: "Caution … here is a guide to the liberal mind. Here’s the article we covered yesterday on the program talking about how incompetence deprives people of the ability to recognize their own incompetence. To put it bluntly, dumb people are too dumb to know it"

(Updated) Breaking story: Two more American troops killed today

For Immediate Release
KABUL, Afghanistan (Mar. 1) – Two individuals, one believed to be an Afghan National Army service member and the other in civilian clothing, turned their weapons indiscriminately against International Security Assistance Force and Afghan National Security Force service members in southern Afghanistan today, killing two ISAF service members.
It is ISAF policy to defer casualty identification procedures to the relevant national authorities. For questions regarding ANSF casualties and involvement, please contact the Afghan Ministry of Defense
"ISAF spokesman Brian Badura declined to provide the nationalities of the service members who were killed. "Those responsibilities reside with the respective host nation," he said in an email to Morning Defense."

From CBS: Afghan gunmen kill 2 U.S. troops
"Clark reports that, while the angry protests which drew thousands of Afghans into the streets in the days after the Koran burning was made public have died down, targeted attacks against U.S. forces by their supposed Afghan military partners seem to be on the rise.
While Crocker and Gen. Allen insist the U.S. mission continues unabated, Clark notes the prospect of increasing hostility from their partners in Afghanistan poses a serious challenge to U.S. troops - whose entire mission is pinned on the idea of living with and fighting with, not against, the Afghan security forces they're training.

Now wait just a pea-pickin' minute here. OK, we're told that Christians showing Muslims texts about the Christian faith must use  a clean, unmarked Bible or the Muslim will not respect them as serious and devout. We're told a Muslim will not hold a Koran below their waist out of reverence for the book.
What about when these books are manufactured? Don't they run off an assembly line? Aren't Korans packaged into boxes, loaded onto pallets and fork-lifted onto trucks for delivery to the local outlets? What happens to the truck driver when he rolls his truck and spills his load of Korans all over the Mohammed Freeway?
Just asking; inquiring minds want to know.

"Clare Lopez, a senior fellow with the Center for Security Policy, said if the statement by the Afghan government turns out to be true, it would be an unprecedented betrayal of our men and women in uniform.
" “I can’t imagine we would ever do this, what would we charge them with? Are we going to try Americans for crimes committed under Shariah law? I cannot believe our government would go that far,” she said."  Hat tip to Don Standlee, Arlington, TX
Here's a great place to rerun this cartoon:
Koran burning: Cartoon shows Obama kissing tush of amused symbolic Afghan Muslim
In Catalino's recent cartoon, Barack Obama -- who of course regularly makes obsequious comments like "Islam has always been a part of America" -- is shown being overindulgent to an extreme in apologizing for the accidental burning of (U.S. taxpayer-funded) Korans in which Taliban prisoners had been writing incendiary messages.

[Robert Spencer, founder of Jihad Watch] "said that whether the soldiers end up being turned over to the Afghan government or face court-martial, either decision would set a dangerous precedent.
" “It would be unconscionable either way,” he said. “If they turn them over to the Afghan government for trial then we are endorsing the applicability of Shariah law to non-Muslims in the U.S. military. If they court-martial them then they are adopting those norms as part of the UCMJ*. Either way it’s frightening.”
"Lopez said that while U.S. officials have made large concessions to appease Muslims, turning the soldiers over to face trial would be over the line."  (Emphasis added)

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Ann Coulter: The Problem With Santorum

Ann Coulter "I also wonder why he's running for president, rather than governor, when the issues closest to his heart are family-oriented matters about which the federal government can, and should, do very little."
...."He genuinely does not seem to understand the Constitution's federalist framework, except as a brief talking point on the way to saying states can ban contraception. Otherwise, he wouldn't keep claiming, falsely, that Obamacare is the same as Romneycare."
...."He still could have recovered by demanding to know if Wallace was suggesting, therefore, that the Army IS a sociological laboratory and a splendid place for social experimentation in time of war, but Santorum just shrugged sheepishly and mumbled something about how that was different.
"The problem is not Santorum's conservative positions, it's that he can't defend them."