Thursday, March 1, 2012

A Guide to the Liberal Mind

Victor Volsky   "As a great fan of Jeff Foxworthy, it occurred to me that it might be a good idea to use his hilarious you-might-be-a-redneck comedy routine in an attempt to characterize the liberal mindset (tweaking Jeff's formula a bit to convert it from the suppositional to the unconditional).  So, with apologies to the wonderful country comedian, here are some of the notable features of the liberal's mental landscape:"
Here is a small sampling of what the author lists in his article:
....If you believe that the 1st Amendment separates church from state, but not state from church, you are a liberal. ....If you believe that the results of progressive programs are irrelevant and that only good intentions count, you are a liberal.....If you believe that a decades-old drunk-driving episode in George W. Bush's biography comes under the "people's right to know" doctrine while the entire past of Barack Obama is protected by his right to privacy, you are a liberal.....If you believe that your choice of a car affects the planet's climate while sunspot activity doesn't, you are a liberal..... If you believe that the anarchists, hoodlums, and hobos who make up the Occupy movement are noble idealists who truly represent the 99 percent of America while the Tea Partiers are Nazi troglodytes and of course racists, you are a liberal. .... If you believe that the Palestinians sincerely want an accommodation with Israel and that only the stiff-necked Jews' obduracy stands in the way of Middle East peaceful settlement, you are a liberal.
Hat tip to Neal Boortz who commented: "Caution … here is a guide to the liberal mind. Here’s the article we covered yesterday on the program talking about how incompetence deprives people of the ability to recognize their own incompetence. To put it bluntly, dumb people are too dumb to know it"

1 comment:

Liberal Bias  said...

Definitely your post provides a great and useful resource every reader must adhere. This is truly a must read and admire. Thanks a lot for sharing!