Thursday, May 24, 2012

Figures don't lie: Democrats do

Ann Coulter   "The theory is that a new president is stuck with the budget of his predecessor, so the entire 2009 fiscal year should be attributed to Bush. 
"But Obama didn't come in and live with the budget Bush had approved. He immediately signed off on enormous spending programs that had been specifically rejected by Bush. This included a $410 billion spending bill that Bush had refused to sign before he left office. Obama signed it on March 10, 2009. Bush had been chopping brush in Texas for two months at that point." 
"But all those errors pale in comparison to Nutting's counting Obama's nine-month spending binge as Bush's spending. 
"If liberals will attribute Obama's trillion-dollar stimulus bill to Bush, what won't they do?"

Time for Obama to Disavow His Campaign Workers – the Occupiers/ A video here that needs to be forwarded everywhere!

Independent Sentinel. "Reporter Wendell Goler asked an apparently very difficult question of White House Press Secretary Jay Carney yesterday: “The President has voiced support for the Occupy folks in the past. Did their actions in Chicago sour his support?" 
"He couldn’t answer it -"

"The delightful occupiers filled bottles with feces and urine to throw at people. The Black Bloc tried to rush the cops as they chanted, What do we want? Dead cops. One officer was stabbed in the leg. Mustn’t forget the domestic terrorists who threatened to firebomb [homes] including Rahm Emanuels(sic).
Also The BlazeChicago Sun-Times

Occupy anarcho-fascists post own video of themselves destroying SF neighborhood
"Occupy Wall Street’s mainstream defenders are trying desperately to distance themselves from the “Black Bloc” anarchists who by now have grown to become one of the largest, if not the largest, group comprising the Occupy movement. Without the anarchist Occupiers (such as the ones shown here) the movement would quickly disintegrate from lack of participants."
The video really speaks for itself.
"Send it to anyone and everyone you know who still expresses sympathy for Occupy Wall Street or who has ever accused the Tea Party of being out of the mainstream:" (Emphasis added)

Remember this from last October? Pelosi also said she supports the protesters’ message, essentially giving them Democrats’ blessing, and, seal of approval:
I believe Pelosi's words were something like "God bless the occupiers".

Also last October: The American Nazi Party released a statement in support of Occupy Wall Street movement.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

UPDATED, 5/24- Hmmmm: The Illusion of Obama's Bin Laden Raid Situation Room Leadership

My first impulse was to skim this article and leave it behind because it sounded too Rosie O'Donnellish, truther-ish...birther-ish and outside the pale for most national leaders to be accused of. However Obama is not in the mold of a national leader, but rather a juvenile, narcissistic poseur who regards the presidency as a toy to play with, to break and walk away from when he outgrows it.
Before discounting this article as another silly speculation - which it may yet prove to be - consider the credentials of the author which follow the article and try to explain some of the anomalies she describes in the photos.
Following all this, I'll leave the subject to the 'truthers' who follow. TD  Via Lucianne

Via American Thinker; Mara Zebest  "Apparently, my previous article on the famous "Situation Room" photo tapped a nationwide nerve.  The response ranged from some eye-opening tips on other photos to a few perplexed criticisms as to the motivation for Photoshopping a Situation Room photo.
"The answer to that latter question can be summed up in one simple thought: To hide the truth.  Obama was out golfing while the OBL mission was unfolding, and the administration needed the Situation Room photo op for public perception -- to give the illusion that he's presidential." 
"Not only is the photo's legitimacy in question, but so is the narrative illusion behind it.  Obama knew of OBL's location for a year and refused to act.".... 
...."At first glance, the image overwhelms the viewer with a massive backside of Obama's jacket -- oddly oversized shoulders and arms supporting another small-head redux. Any more photos like this, and one might start speculating that Jeebs is the inspiration."....
Yet just who is standing in this spot if not Obama?
...."Conversely, if the floating hand does not match the reflected man's hand, then where in the room is the reflected man (whose hand is near the chin)?  Not to mention that the body for the floating hand has still not been accounted for...." 

Mara Zebest is a graphic artist and co-author for a number of Adobe product books, including the Inside Photoshop series, which typically exceeded 1,000 pages, published in at least ten different languages around the world.  She is also tech editor for numerous books for both Adobe and Microsoft products and has worked closely with the Cold Case Posse (CCP) for Maricopa County Sheriff's Office (MCSO) in providing evidence on Obama's forged birth certificate. (Hence her impartiality may be in doubt, wouldn't you say?)

Update:  Media Matters Unhappy with AT Report on Situation Room Photo  "The Soros-funded website run by the eccentric David Brock featured American Thinker's article yesterday on the illusion of presidential leadership in the Bin Laden raid.  Unable to actually engage the detailed analysis offered in the article, Media Matters chose to highlight an anomaly the article considered and explained was not likely to be significant. Accusing AT of making an accusation we didn't actually make. That's par for the course with this propaganda exercise which pays lavish six figure salaries to its senior staff, including Brock, who reportedly has bodyguards provided by his employer."

For Obama, Bain in the main has been a pain with no gain

Obama speaks in Marxist tongue, but majority of Americans not buying it  "Below are excerpts from actual White House transcript of President Obama’s remarks:
" “Hans Nichols. Where is Hans?” (Mr. Nichols is a reporter for Bloomberg–and this was obviously an Obama reelection campaign “planted” question.Read the dialog here.
.... "Contrary to a few well chosen words, President Barack Obama is totally illiterate when it comes to anything having to do with “capitalism” or a “free market economy,” because he doesn’t understand the risk/return economic model or the nature of man.
"The idea of “[absolute] equality,” with “everybody in the country [having] a fair shot,” and “everybody [having equal] success,” is an impossible condition to create and sustain–because people may be equal in terms of DNA and having a soul, but that is where the equality ends.
"The free will and individualism of people, most of whom are not motivated or willing to invest, sacrifice and then usually lose, stand in the way of them taking the “shot” at “[big monetary] success.” "

Reince Priebus: Obama's Two-Front Attack on Free Enterprise  "Even Democrats recognize Obama’s distortions and have defended the Romney record."

  • · Newark Mayor Cory Booker: “If you look at the totality of Bain Capital’s record, they’ve done a lot to support business, to grow businesses.”
  • · Virginia Senator Mark Warner: “Bain Capital was a very successful business.”
  • · Former Pennsylvania Gov. Ed Rendell: “I think [the attacks] are very disappointing.”
  • · Former Obama Advisor and Car Czar Steven Rattner: “I don’t think there’s anything Bain Capital did that they need to be embarrassed about.”
  • · Former Congressman Harold Ford, Jr.: “Private equity is a good thing in many, many instances.”
 Ron Radosh: How Cory Booker Deflated the Obama Team’s Main Campaign Issue
"Also left out of the picture: that one of Obama’s main bundlers is a vice-president of none other than Bain Capital who is supporting the president for re-election. Knowing this, voters should easily be able to ask the president, “Why is it OK for you to get support and money from a current executive at Bain Capital, while it was wrong for Romney to have been with the firm years earlier?” "   More here from Lucianne: How Cory Booker won:  
But, Obama is not the most popular politician in the country these days so being seen as an Obama clone is not as politically beneficial as it once was. And, Booker undoubtedly wants to make his own way — whatever race he chooses next — rather than being seen as simply following Obama’s well-trod path.
Political Cartoons by Gary Varvel
BAIN ATTACKS SPLIT PARTY, EXPOSE OBAMA'S INCOMPETENCE "Today at Politico, the left-wing site does a fairly good job of covering the blowback the Obama campaign is facing in its own party over attacks on Bain Capital, a venture capitalist firm once successfully run by Mitt Romney. After the Cory Booker fiasco on "Meet the Press," followed by the Newark Mayor's widely ridiculed "hostage video"(that was selectively-edited by Team Obama) the central issue of the Obama re-election strategy is also splitting the party writ large:"....
Political Cartoons by Eric Allie
Thomas Lifson: More Dems dump on Obama's Bain attack  "The signs are out there for all who care to see. Don't count on ties to Obama paying big dividends next year and beyond."

image9-Today’s cartoons: ‘Pelosi Street’ honors her career

image15-Today’s cartoons: ‘Pelosi Street’ honors her career

Obama, Romney, and the ‘Social Market’/ Does Europe have a better kind of capitalism?

Jonah Goldberg  "This process partly explains why America’s capitalism has been so much more dynamic than Europe’s. In the social market, once you have a job, you cling to it because you may never get another. European governments make it much easier to cling to that job by punishing businesses that fire people. The unhappy byproduct of such “compassion” is that businesses are also far more reluctant to hire people because each new hire is a potential long-term liability."
Which Democrats Will Pay a Price for Siding with the NLRB’s Big Labor Agenda?  "Adding insult to the injury of carrying Big Labor’s agenda in exchange for campaign cash, the Democrats are now directly insulting the workers of North Carolina. In one of the most in-your-face moves in recent American politics,the Democrats are only hiring unionized, out-of-state workers to support the DNC convention. North Carolina was supposed to be a shrewd selection for the Democrats, but instead is serving to expose the fact that Democrats literally put unions and their campaign money ahead of local workers. The economic benefit that North Carolina was supposed to receive from hosting the convention will now be spread back to blue states instead of staying in the swing state."
Political Cartoons by Steve Breen
Liberals Cheer As Union Leader Bats Piñata Of Republican Nikki Haley:  "Is the liberal media still covering the so-called Republican war on women?"

Jay Sekulow on Fox News: Chief Justice Roberts Threatened on ObamaCare

Senator Leahy Threatens Justice Roberts In Advance of the Obamacare Decision  "On the Senate floor, Leahy railed against Justice Roberts, telling him to “do the right thing” and  to follow the will of the people. Judging by the polls, the will of the people is to abolish Obamacare.

He warned Roberts to not engage in judicial activism. That’s ironic given the fact that Sotomayor and Kagan have been outspoken about their judicial activism."

That upcoming Rambobama movie

King: Administration had ‘dangerous collaboration’ with bin Laden filmmakers  "Republicans are continuing to attack the Obama administration and call for more investigations into allegations that two filmmakers were provided classified information for a movie about the Navy SEAL Osama bin Laden raid."
...." “The email messages indicate that the filmmakers were allowed an unprecedented visit to a classified facility so secret that its name is redacted in the released email,” King said in a statement." Via Lucianne
Judicial Watch Obtains DOD and CIA Records Detailing Meetings with bin Laden Raid Filmmakers  " “These documents, which took nine months and a federal lawsuit to disgorge from the Obama administration, show that politically-connected film makers were giving extraordinary and secret access to bin Laden raid information, including the identity of a Seal Team Six leader,” said Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton. “It is both ironic and hypocritical that the Obama administration stonewalled Judicial Watch’s pursuit of the bin Laden death photos, citing national security concerns, yet seemed willing to share intimate details regarding the raid to help Hollywood filmmakers release a movie ‘perfectly timed to give a home-stretch boost’ to the Obama campaign.” "

Obama's seal for film on bin Laden killing  "Judicial Watch said another Pentagon email describes how a representative of the Glover Park Group, a Washington lobbying firm with close ties to the Democratic Party, helped arrange the filmmakers' access to administration officials."

Nancy Pelosi Street in San Francisco (Updated)

Obama Needs Hillary, But Does She Need Him?

The Weekly Standard  "If she is truly done with presidential politics, then a stint as vice president -- in an office utterly bereft of power and full of hassle -- is really not worth her time. She'd be better of retiring or continuing on as secretary of state (or some other post that has real power).
"If she isn't done with presidential politics, then it makes sense to leave the administration at the end of this term, get a campaign organized, and run either with or against Obama in 2016. That's the real beauty of her situation at the moment: right now, she's the only Democrat in the entire country who could be both pro-Obama or anti-Obama, depending on how the president is viewed in four years. If she joins up with Obama as the vice presidential nominee, then she spoils that."
                                                                                 Hillary Clinton; Donkeyhotey (right)

Maybe the media should be vetted - finally

"We now have three  instances of three individual Politico writers digging up and publishing political oppo-research about the private lives of private citizens who don't support Obama, and the motive behind these attacks can only be for two reasons:

1. To change the narrative of effective criticism of Obama to the less flattering moments of the private lives of these individuals.2. To intimidate and frighten others who might consider supporting a candidate not named Obama.
...."If the media says the private lives of private citizens are now fair game, aren't journalists private citizens?
"Actually, journalists, in my opinion, are not private citizens. In fact, I believe they hold a public position of power, trust, and responsibility more important to our democracy than some private citizen who asks Obama a perfectly fair question, appears in a Romney ad, or donates to a super PAC." 

Leftist Media Matters thought of it first: Media Matters memo called for hiring private investigators ‘to look into the personal lives’ of Fox employees   “Simply put,” Frisch wrote, “the progressive movement is in need of an enemy. George W. Bush is gone. We really don’t have John McCain to kick around any more. Filling the lack of leadership on the right, Fox News has emerged as the central enemy and antagonist of the Obama administration, our Congressional majorities and the progressive movement as a whole.”

“We must take Fox News head-on in a well funded, presidential-style campaign to discredit and embarrass the network, making it illegitimate in the eyes of news consumers.” "


JIMMY FALLON: 'THE PRESIDENT BOOKED HIMSELF ON OUR SHOW'  "So Obama wasn't even an invited guest. He invited himself on and in exchange Fallon still happily went along, giving the president the opportunity to spread his political propaganda -- this after greeting Michele Bachmann to the tender strains of "Lyin' Ass Bitch." "

BIN LADEN MOVIE 'DIRECTED' BY OBAMA  "The Daily Caller reports that documents obtained by Judicial Watch reveal that the White House "worked closely with producers of a movie about the successful killing of Osama bin Laden and pushed them to incorporate the administration’s talking points." "

Venture capitalism vs. venture socialism

Vetting Obama: Born in Kenya? Let's tackle this one, shall we?

To vetto appraise, verify, or check for accuracy, authenticity, validity, etc.: An expert vetted the manuscript before publication.

Vetting is a process of examination and evaluation, generally referring to performing a background check on someone before offering them employment, conferring an award, etc. In addition, in intelligence gathering, assets are vetted to determine their usefulness.

Neal Boortz   "Breitbart News seems to be doing what the ObamaMedia steadfastly refuses to do … any sort of investigatory research into Barack Obama’s history.  Obama is quite likely the least vetted American president in recent history … and that is the REAL story. ....
 "By this point, Obama’s pathetic performance in the White House is reason enough not to vote for him, but Breitbart’s work just proves that there was so much more about Barack Obama that we did not know the first time around."
...."Here’s what happened.  The mainstream media – and here I’m talking principally of the Washington and New York City press corps – were so tired of Bush, and so infused with their holier-than-thou leftist superiority complex, that they just flat-out decided that Obama was going to be elected, and that they were going to shape their investigations and reporting to make sure that happened.  There were some stories they would be unable to ignore -- Jeremiah Wright, for instance – but those stories would be given a sanitized treatment and buried as quickly as possible.  Obama is the mainstream media’s president  --- they invested their reputations and ethics in this guy, so he must be protected."   (Emphasis added)
"That’s  just a start.  If the media was really interested in telling us just who Barack Obama is those stories, and more, would be covered --- not just on obscure Internet websites, but on the pages of our major newspapers and broadcast network newscasts.  The trouble is – as I’ve said – if they investigate these stories now they’ll have to explain why they ignored them four years ago; and the explanation won’t be pretty."

Complications From His Father (and Mother)  "On June 14 Obama's parents suddenly transformed from what Madame Mao used to call "capitalist sprouts" (successful finance minister and anthropologist) to the more proletarian friendly "socialist grass":...

OBAMA COLUMBIA DOCUMENT RELEASED  "As more and more information about Obama emerges--through Breitbart News and other New Media sources, left and right--the failing mainstream media look more and more foolish, reduced tobeatifying the president instead of reporting what he and his administration have done to this country. 
?Whether Obama’s college transcripts, or the documents in the Fast and Furious scandal, the time for excuses and evasions is over."