Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Vetting Obama: Born in Kenya? Let's tackle this one, shall we?

To vetto appraise, verify, or check for accuracy, authenticity, validity, etc.: An expert vetted the manuscript before publication.

Vetting is a process of examination and evaluation, generally referring to performing a background check on someone before offering them employment, conferring an award, etc. In addition, in intelligence gathering, assets are vetted to determine their usefulness.

Neal Boortz   "Breitbart News seems to be doing what the ObamaMedia steadfastly refuses to do … any sort of investigatory research into Barack Obama’s history.  Obama is quite likely the least vetted American president in recent history … and that is the REAL story. ....
 "By this point, Obama’s pathetic performance in the White House is reason enough not to vote for him, but Breitbart’s work just proves that there was so much more about Barack Obama that we did not know the first time around."
...."Here’s what happened.  The mainstream media – and here I’m talking principally of the Washington and New York City press corps – were so tired of Bush, and so infused with their holier-than-thou leftist superiority complex, that they just flat-out decided that Obama was going to be elected, and that they were going to shape their investigations and reporting to make sure that happened.  There were some stories they would be unable to ignore -- Jeremiah Wright, for instance – but those stories would be given a sanitized treatment and buried as quickly as possible.  Obama is the mainstream media’s president  --- they invested their reputations and ethics in this guy, so he must be protected."   (Emphasis added)
"That’s  just a start.  If the media was really interested in telling us just who Barack Obama is those stories, and more, would be covered --- not just on obscure Internet websites, but on the pages of our major newspapers and broadcast network newscasts.  The trouble is – as I’ve said – if they investigate these stories now they’ll have to explain why they ignored them four years ago; and the explanation won’t be pretty."

Complications From His Father (and Mother)  "On June 14 Obama's parents suddenly transformed from what Madame Mao used to call "capitalist sprouts" (successful finance minister and anthropologist) to the more proletarian friendly "socialist grass":...

OBAMA COLUMBIA DOCUMENT RELEASED  "As more and more information about Obama emerges--through Breitbart News and other New Media sources, left and right--the failing mainstream media look more and more foolish, reduced tobeatifying the president instead of reporting what he and his administration have done to this country. 
?Whether Obama’s college transcripts, or the documents in the Fast and Furious scandal, the time for excuses and evasions is over."

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