Legal Insurrection "The Mayors of Boston and Chicago are bullies in the truest sense, they have selected what to them seems like a safe target for their outrage and abuse of government power.
"For Emauel to talk about "values" is a sick joke. And if he shares the values of rabid racist Farrakahn, or cynically ignores them, he is an unprincipled lout compared to Mr. Cathy."
I boldified* the above text to be sure you saw it. TD
* I know; thanks anyway.
ChickfilA's Facebook page, where you can see the blessings and curses they are getting.
Althouse comments; Townhall has this op-ed.
Tactics that liberals use to fight Chick-fil-A; Menino shouldn’t block Chick-fil-A because of president’s views
"But using the power of government to freeze the company out of a city sends a disturbing message to all businesses. If the mayor of a conservative town tried to keep out gay-friendly Starbucks or Apple, it would be an outrage."
"Menino and Emanuel have selected evangelical Christians for their selective bullying knowing full well that in Boston and Chicago there will be no repercussions. Yet they will not take on more powerful groups who espouse far worse views on homosexuality and gay marriage."
Farrakhan takes Obama to the woodshed in this sermon:
Farrakhan takes Obama to the woodshed in this sermon:
"Michael Graham (h/t DaTechGuy) points out that Menino’s litmus test doesn’t apply equally to all religious beliefs, Mayor Menino Donated Tax Dollars To “Homophobic” Group In Boston!:"
Rick Moran; Rahmbo: 'Chick-fil-a values not Chicago values' "Chick-fil-A President Dan Cathy holds fairly mainstream religious views on the subject of gay marriage so what he is being punished for is standing up for his faith. This means he has more integrity in his little finger than Rahm Emanuel and his allies in the City Council have put together."This is the Islamic Society of Boston’s mosque in Boston’s Roxbury neighborhood, a.k.a. “Menino’s Mosque.
Mayor Menino “sold” $2 million worth of city property to the ISB for $175,000,despite their well-documented links to Muslim extremism. The mosque teaches a form of Islam that condemns homosexuals to death.And Menino won’t let a guy spend his own money opening a restaurant because he doesn’t support same-sex marriage? Hey, Mayor Moron—when we the last time Chick-Fil-A stoned a gay guy to death?
"For Emauel to talk about "values" is a sick joke. And if he shares the values of rabid racist Farrakahn, or cynically ignores them, he is an unprincipled lout compared to Mr. Cathy."
I boldified* the above text to be sure you saw it. TD
* I know; thanks anyway.
ChickfilA's Facebook page, where you can see the blessings and curses they are getting.
Althouse comments; Townhall has this op-ed.
Tactics that liberals use to fight Chick-fil-A; Menino shouldn’t block Chick-fil-A because of president’s views
"But using the power of government to freeze the company out of a city sends a disturbing message to all businesses. If the mayor of a conservative town tried to keep out gay-friendly Starbucks or Apple, it would be an outrage."