Friday, July 27, 2012

Unions Offer Reward For Romney Event Locations

Sweetness and Light  "So they can organize ‘grassroots’ demonstrations. So their goons can beat up any Romney supporters they can get their clutches on. So they can intimidate people for expressing any opinions they don’t like. Why else?

"Students of history should recognize this kid of behavior. We saw it from Hitler’s ‘Brown Shirts’ in Weimar Germany. We have seen it from the ‘Red Guards’ in the Soviet Union and China. It has a long tradition."
According to a joint statement issued by Unite and the United Steelworkers unions, Romney is planning to attend two ‘highly secretive’ fundraisers while at the Olympics, to be hosted by some of Britain’s most prominent bankers. The events, which the unions say cost up to $75,000 to attend, are supposedly slated for Thursday.
Union officials say they want to know the location of the fundraisers in order “to ‘award’ Romney with two gold medals, one for austerity (for others) and the other for financial secrecy.”

Urban legend or not? Obama's "crotch salute"

Summary of the eRumor:  "A picture of Senator Barack Obama (below), Governor Bill Richardson of New Mexico, Senator Hillary Clinton, and one other person all on a platform and backed by an American flag.  The eRumor says that the National Anthem was being played at the time and that all but Senator Obama saluted."

"The picture is authentic.  It was published in Time magazine and was taken 9/16/07 at an event in Indianola, Iowa where six Democratic presidential candidates appeared.  It was Iowa Senator Tom Harkin's annual "meat and greet."   The fourth person in the picture is Senator Harkin's wife, Ruth.  Not seen in the picture are three other candidates who were standing out of view on the right side of the platform, Senator Chris Dodd, Senator John Edwards, Senator Joe Biden.

"At question is what was going on with Senator Obama?   His critics are circulating the picture and saying that he is not respecting the flag or the National Anthem, especially since the protocol, according to the United States Flag code, is that civilians should have their right hands over their hearts and that they should be facing the flag.  His supporters are saying that this little lapse should not be held against him since there have been plenty of other events at which he has saluted the flag---so it did not mean that he would, in principle, avoid doing it.
"An ABC News video, however, shows that Senator Obama did not salute at any time during the Anthem and that everybody else on the platform did.
A spokesperson for the Senator told Fox News that it was ridiculous to suggest that Obama was making any kind of a statement and that sometimes "he does and sometimes he doesn't place his hand over his heart during the National Anthem." "

Piano designed for rappers

Hat tip to Walt Stier, Santa Maria, Ca

Obama's spectacular failure

Caroline Glick

"...Egypt's new Muslim Brotherhood President Mohamed Mursi took off his mask of moderation. Before a crowd of scores of thousands, Mursi pledged to work for the release from US federal prison of Sheikh Omar Abdel-Rahman.
...."Otherwise known as the blind sheikh, Abdel Rahman was the mastermind of the jihadist cell in New Jersey that perpetrated the 1993 World Trade Center bombing. His cell also murdered Rabbi Meir Kahane in New York in 1990. They plotted the assassination of then-president Hosni Mubarak. They intended to bomb New York landmarks including the Lincoln and Holland tunnels and the UN headquarters."
...."And in response to Mursi's supreme act of unfriendliness, US President Barack Obama invited Mursi to visit him at the White House.
Mursi is not the only Abdel Rahman supporter to enjoy the warm hospitality of the White House.
(Emphasis added)

Aw jees, Mitt: Romney's first foreign policy foray a disaster

Rick Moran "I suppose I could spin it and say it really wasn't that bad, and that the British press exaggerates everything. Both points are valid. Romney didn't say anyting fatal, nor does anyone imagine the tabloid editors in England as anything but gutter merchants.
"But face it: Romney stunk. And he made no friends over there despite the opportunity to shine in contrast to the president."

Olympian Carl Lewis spoke to the UK Guardian  "Seriously, some Americans just shouldn't leave the country," the nine-times Olympic gold medal winner told the Independent."

UK Guardian; Mitt Romney's London Olympic 'shambles' seized upon by Democrats
My only consolation is that the Guardian is a paper that carries columns by Noam Chomsky .
UK Mail; 'London IS ready': Romney completes humiliating u-turn in new UK charm offensive after Olympics gaffe  "He had been branded ‘Mitt the Twit’ and ‘Party Pooper’ by the British press for a string of gaffes in which he said The Games would be a failure.
"The blunder was compounded because he made them whilst on a visit to London, his first foreign trip as a presidential candidate."

"You didn't build that!" Just words?

I said-you didn't build that!
Many more at Patriot Post

Daniel Henninger; With Barack Obama, the competition between the private economy and the public economy is clear
"For a long time, the United States had one economy. Now we have two economies that compete for America's wealth: A private economy and a public economy. The 2012 election will decide which will be subordinate to the other. One economy will lead. The other will follow."; Obama is wrong—entrepreneurs, not bureaucrats, created "this unbelievable American system."  "The crucial point that the president misses is that “this unbelievable American system” thrives chiefly on private enterprise, and that a lot of the government intervention that he favors is hindering rather than helping businesses and entrepreneurs create new jobs and more wealth."

In Defense of Eating at Chick-fil-A

The AtlanticDo we really want a country where people won't do commerce with those who have beliefs different than their own?
"First of all, Chick-fil-A is not a hate group. In a statement released yesterday, company leaders made their commitment to equal service clear, "The Chick-fil-A culture and service tradition in our restaurants is to treat every person with honor, dignity and respect -- regardless of their belief, race, creed, sexual orientation or gender." "
...."I agree: I don't care how my dry cleaner votes. I just want to know if he/she can press my Oxfords without burning my sleeves. I find no compelling reason to treat sandwiches differently than shirts."
Beforeitsnews; Drag Queens Mock Anti-Gay Fast Food Chain Chick Fil-A In Song
...".If white meat's not your thing, try the Golden Arches. But if you want a perfectly fried chicken sandwich, Chick-fil-A, will be happy to serve you -- gay or straight. In this case, those who boycott are the ones missing out."
Hat tip to Jeff Hayden; Plano,TX

Chick-fil-A chief spokesman Don Perry dies unexpectedly   "Local news outlets reported that Perry suffered a heart attack."

Brent Bozell: Hollywood's War on Chicken  "It's the company's donations through its WinShape Foundation that have launched the intolerant gay left into action. Chick-fil-A has dared to donate their profits to groups like the Fellowship of Christian Athletes (Horrors!) and the Marriage and Family Foundation (No!)."
.... "But few can compare with the undiluted spite of Roseanne Barr, who grabbed all the attention with her death wishes on Twitter: "anyone who eats S--t Fil-A deserves to get the cancer that is sure to come from eating antibiotic filled tortured chickens 4Christ."
"This came after she had called them "chick filet- nazi chicken f---ing pricks.".... 

Lebanese Olympic Judo Team Demands & Gets Barrier Between Them & The Israeli Team

JAWA  "This is just another example of what dhimmitude does to anti-Semitic p-----s of the OIC.

Note the "forced:"
The Lebanese judo team forced International Olympic Committee officials to erect a barrier between themselves and the Israeli judo squad, Friday afternoon in London, just hours before the Games’ opening ceremony, reports Israeli daily Yediot Ahronot. 
 More here.

The Times of Israel has this:    "It happened only days after the Iranian delegation head stated his nation’s athletes would compete with Israelis, a statement which was quickly rejected by Tehran, which tried to suggest that his true sentiment was lost in translation."

(Right) Two of Israel's judokas, Arik Zeevi (right) and Alice Schlesinger at the entrance to the Israeli building at the Olympic village, 

Pat Condell: The Great Palestinian Lie

Un:dhimmi   "In something of a change of heart (he had been a little more ‘plague on both your houses’ on Israel/’Palestine’ previously), Pat Condell deftly nails the Islamo-Left pantomime – and in particular the version written by Western libtards – enjoy."

Piano for rappers

‘USA, USA, USA!’: See the Speech That Got a Standing Ovation in Congress Today

Dancing Czars  "Representative Mike Kelly, speaking on the House floor today, managed something very rare in the history of the institution – he got a standing ovation. Applause is usually forbidden in the house, but Kelly‘s blistering attack on regulatory red tape and Washington’s culture of control was apparently so powerful that several of his fellow house members couldn’t resist showing their support, clapping, standing up and shouting “USA! USA! USA!” "

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Victor Davis Hanson; Blowing Up History

Victor Davis Hanson "....most recent regrettable Islamist attack on the past was the Taliban's 2001 dynamiting and shelling of the huge twin 6th-century AD statues of Buddha carved into a cliff at Bamiyan in Afghanistan. "We are destroying the statues," Taliban spokesmen at the time bragged, "in accordance with Islamic law, and it is purely a religious issue."....
"One of the joys of visiting California's Yosemite Valley is a series of historic arched bridges  that span the Merced River on the valley floor. One, the 80-year-old Stoneman Bridge, is an architectural masterpiece and a tribute to Depression-era ingenuity and artistic elegance, while the sister Ahwahnee Bridge and the Sugar Pine Bridge were likewise designed to combine functionalism and beauty. All are used daily, appreciated by thousands of visitors each summer, and now are listed as endangered treasures by the National Trust for Historic Preservation.

"Environmental zealots in the National Park Service are now proposing to demolish all three bridges, motivated by their pie-in-the-sky dreams of allowing the flood-prone Merced River to be freed to find its original course, without human contamination. To paraphrase the Taliban, these green fundamentalists would probably believe that the bridges are "symbols of humanism" and their destruction is "purely an environmental issue.""