Debra Saunders: Harry Reid's big mouth "Reid seemed to understand how fantastic his charge appeared. He told HuffPo, "Now, do I know that that's true? Well, I'm not certain. But obviously he can't release those tax returns. How would it look?" "
We ran this a few days ago, but here it is again: 'Call Obama's bluff!'
From The Washington Post, of all papers! Four Pinocchios for Harry Reid’s claim about Mitt Romney’s taxes "But Romney’s 2010 return and his estimated 2011 return do show that he paid substantial taxes in those years. In 2010, he earned nearly $22 million, including $3 million in taxable interest, nearly $5 million in dividends and more than $12 million in capital gains. He reduced his taxes by giving $3 million in charitable contributions (much of it in appreciated stock, which shielded him from paying additional capital gains.)"
Romney should call a press conference and issue a challenge in front of the nation. He should agree to release more of his tax returns, only if Obama unseals his college records
From The Washington Post, of all papers! Four Pinocchios for Harry Reid’s claim about Mitt Romney’s taxes "But Romney’s 2010 return and his estimated 2011 return do show that he paid substantial taxes in those years. In 2010, he earned nearly $22 million, including $3 million in taxable interest, nearly $5 million in dividends and more than $12 million in capital gains. He reduced his taxes by giving $3 million in charitable contributions (much of it in appreciated stock, which shielded him from paying additional capital gains.)"
From Hope n' Change, which also adds some commentary.
WH Sides With Reid, Calls on Romney to Release Taxes How about we exchange Romney's taxes for Obama's college transcripts? This breaking news just in:
Reid: Credible Source Says Romney Owns a Pet Elephant Via White House Dossier
Two from Lucianne:
Even Mother Jones says It's Time to Stop Celebrating Harry Reid "This is contemptible stuff and it's not just business as usual. We've spent too many years berating the tea partiers for getting on bandwagons like this to get sucked into it ourselves the first time it's convenient. It's time to quit cheering on Reid and get off this particular bus."
Bachmann and Reid: A Troubling Double Standard "Bachmann’s claims were based upon the thinnest possible evidence, and she was quickly denounced -- particularly by members of her own party -- for making such unsourced and scurrilous, claims.
Reid: Credible Source Says Romney Owns a Pet Elephant Via White House Dossier
Two from Lucianne:
Even Mother Jones says It's Time to Stop Celebrating Harry Reid "This is contemptible stuff and it's not just business as usual. We've spent too many years berating the tea partiers for getting on bandwagons like this to get sucked into it ourselves the first time it's convenient. It's time to quit cheering on Reid and get off this particular bus."
Bachmann and Reid: A Troubling Double Standard "Bachmann’s claims were based upon the thinnest possible evidence, and she was quickly denounced -- particularly by members of her own party -- for making such unsourced and scurrilous, claims.
" “These are dangerous accusations,” Speaker of the House John Boehner said on CNN, “If somebody had the facts, somebody should have put the facts out there." "
LA Times Touts Reid’s Lies as Winning Issue "One of the journalists who follows Reid most closely, columnist Jon Ralston, told the Washington Post that the old pol was ‘fearless and shameless.” "
Dennis Miller's Epic Harry Reid Rant "He might be one of the stupidest beings who still manages to stay upright."
Dennis Miller's Epic Harry Reid Rant "He might be one of the stupidest beings who still manages to stay upright."