Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Brent Bozell: If a Story Doesn’t Help Obama, The Media Won’t Cover It

Conservative Daily News;  Bozell, founder and president of the Media Research Center,  discusses a wide variety of issues ranging from media bias to the future of the conservative movement. Bozell said:
I’ll give you a couple of examples. When the Catholic Bishops launched a- announced a lawsuit against the president on the health care mandate that happened to be the single largest lawsuit in the history of the republic against a standing United States President on the number one issue of concern to the media.  how much coverage did it get on ABC? Nothing. CBS? Nothing. NBC? Nothing.  Read Article...
Here's another on this subject: How Journalists Pretend There Aren't Any White House Scandals
President Barack Obama goes into the 2012 [race] with a weak economy that may doom his reelection. But he has one asset that hasn’t received much attention: He’s honest.   Jonathan Alter
"[Brenda] Nyhan’s methodology insisted that a president doesn’t have a scandal until The Washington Post calls it a “scandal” by using that precise word.
"This grants nearly all the power in defining what is or is not a scandal to the Washington media elite. Congress can launch investigations, hold hearings, or otherwise make real news, but journalists have repeatedly ignored or dismissed the Obama scandals."
The article then proceeds to list "scandals" the press gave scant coverage to.

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