National Review Online "The big media has assumed that tea-partiers are potentially violent despite the lack of evidence of any violent behavior. That’s why ABC’s Brian Ross mentioned on-air an Aurora, Colo., tea-partier with the same name as the movie-theater murderer, although it’s a common name and Aurora has 325,000 people.
"In contrast, the MSM has been happy to celebrate the much smaller and often violent Occupy movement and characterize it as “mostly nonviolent.”
...."In Huntsville, Ala., YouTube celebrity Antoine Dodson, who is openly gay, dined at Chick-fil-A on Wednesday. “That’s what freedom is. We don’t all have to believe in the same things,” he told a Huntsville Times reporter.
...."Dodson presumably is not an expert on the Constitution like Ted Cruz. But he has something to teach the liberal mainstream media about the spirit of the Founders."