Sunday, October 21, 2012
The Dems don’t have a hold on the ‘famous’
Diane Sori "Today’s Op-ed is quite different as I was asked by a local campaign office to please compose a list of notable Romney supporters for dissemination. So here is that list and some of the names might come as quite a surprise for while the left loves to tout all the famous so-called ‘Hollywood celebrities’ who support Obama, Mitt Romney has NOT only celebrities from the entertainment field who support him (not all Hollywood leans left contrary to what the Dems believe), but also respected ‘people of name’ from varied important fields. All these people ‘BELIEVE IN AMERICA’ and believe that Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan WILL turn our country around.
"And oh yes, the left tries to say that NO notable Blacks Americans support Romney...well how WRONG they are!
"Below is a list of just some of them..." Read on...
Via Conservative Bloggers on Facebook
"And oh yes, the left tries to say that NO notable Blacks Americans support Romney...well how WRONG they are!
"Below is a list of just some of them..." Read on...
Via Conservative Bloggers on Facebook
October Surprise: Remember Iran Saying They Wanted Obama To Win?
Michael Ledeen; Have The United States and Iran agreed for the first time to one-on-one negotiations over Iran’s nuclear program?
"I rather suspect that you don’t have to do anything to avoid an American military strike on Iran. I can’t imagine an Obama administration authorizing a military attack. An administration that can barely bring itself to fly air cover in Libya, and can’t bring itself to take any serious action in Syria, strikes me as very unlikely to unleash our armed forces against the mullahs."
"So what is happening? The most likely explanation is that Obama is still desperately seeking his grand bargain, the one that would validate his (and the Nobel Committee’s) claim to be a talented peace maker. That deal is not available, because the Iranians don’t want it. But he wants something to show for his efforts, so he settled for a big nothingburger: an agreement to talk some more."
However, following this article is this disclaimer: White House: NYT Report of U.S.-Iran Talks ‘Not True’
"The White House claimed this evening that a New York Times report saying that the U.S. and Iran have for the first time agreed to one-on-one nuclear talks isn’t true.
From Globes, Israel business news; We don't support Israeli attack, US tells Iran " "Yediot Ahronot" says that the US sent the confidential message to Iran in order to prevent an Iranian attack on US installations in the Persian Gulf, where the US has stationed aircraft carriers and has several military bases, which could face a real risk in the event of an Israeli attack."
"I rather suspect that you don’t have to do anything to avoid an American military strike on Iran. I can’t imagine an Obama administration authorizing a military attack. An administration that can barely bring itself to fly air cover in Libya, and can’t bring itself to take any serious action in Syria, strikes me as very unlikely to unleash our armed forces against the mullahs."
"So what is happening? The most likely explanation is that Obama is still desperately seeking his grand bargain, the one that would validate his (and the Nobel Committee’s) claim to be a talented peace maker. That deal is not available, because the Iranians don’t want it. But he wants something to show for his efforts, so he settled for a big nothingburger: an agreement to talk some more."
However, following this article is this disclaimer: White House: NYT Report of U.S.-Iran Talks ‘Not True’
"The White House claimed this evening that a New York Times report saying that the U.S. and Iran have for the first time agreed to one-on-one nuclear talks isn’t true.
"The NYT quotes unnamed senior administration officials as saying Iran wants to wait after the presidential election is over to sit down and start talking — “a result of intense, secret exchanges between American and Iranian officials that date almost to the beginning of President Obama’s term,” states the paper." (Emphasis added)
From Consortiumnews, a very anti-Republican site: If President Obama wins a second term, Iran is signaling it would be ready for improved relations with the United States and the West.
Via I Acknowledge Class Warfare Exists, a site that claims Iran sanctions are working and that the Iranian rulers are pragmatic people, interested only in their survival and not in some religious martyrdom.
Bruce Springsteen, Bill Clinton join forces for Obama in Ohio
Photo, right: Springsteen's house, what he calls a "bourgeois house" in his song, "57 Channels and Nothing On" I am still looking for another source to substantiate this: "Yes, Bruce was a member of the Communist Party of the USA between 1978 and 1991. He resigned so as to further his music career but still pays on average 4.6 million dollars per year in donations to communist movements worldwide."
The True Blue Liberal proudly, unashamedly and tauntingly corroborates Springsteen's sympathy with communists "And if you want to complete your Google/Obama/Communism circle, here's a video of Bruce Springsteen singing this Communist anthem at an Obama rally in Philadephia in 2008 bracketed by "Yes We Can" chants (yes, I was one of those chanters)."
Bruce Springsteen and Pete Seeger Symbolize Where the U.S. Could be Headed
The marrying of music and the socialist philosophy began with Seeger and reaches a pinnacle with Springsteen. I love this guy's music, but cannot stand his philosophy. Why do the people who want to dictate how I should live have all the good music?
Bruce Springsteen Explains His Support For President Obama In Striking Letter
Check out this aerial view of Springsteen's boor-ZHWAH house and grounds.
Springsteen did not serve in the military apparently because he failed the physical:
"It is actually quite a moving story. His Dad and he did not get along, so his Dad kept saying "Wait until the Army gets you!"
"After he failed his physical, [At this point the audience claps, but Bruce says "It's nothing to be proud of"] he goes home and tells his Dad, expecting fireworks.
"Instead his Dad says "I'm glad, Son." |
LA Times "PARMA, Ohio -- If any doubt remained about how central the state of Ohio is to President Obama's reelection campaign, the sight of Bruce Springsteen and former President Clinton on stage at Cuyahoga Community College on Thursday made it clear."
"...Springsteen began strumming his guitar and singing "Promised Land." He went on to perform "Youngstown," "We Take Care of Our Own," "This Land is Your Land" and "Thunder Road," along with a new call-and-response tune that he wrote based on Obama's campaign slogan, "Forward." "
Newsbusters has several links on Springsteen, one of which is about Springsteen's endorsement of the Occupy movement just as Obama and Pelosi did.
One Aspect of Springsteen's Obama Campaign Involvement Which Will Likely Be Ignored: His (and Obama's) Occupy Endorsements- ... "He had particular praise for OWS: "The temper has changed. And people on the streets did it. Occupy Wall Street changed the national conversation—the Tea Party had set it for a while. The first three years of Obama were under them." And he thinks OWS is directly responsible for certain Tiffanys-loving politicians talking about economic equality for the first time: "Nobody had talked about income inequality in America for decades—apart from John Edwards—but no one was listening. But now you have Newt Gingrich talking about 'vulture capitalism'—Newt Gingrich!—that would not have happened without Occupy Wall Street." " I am still looking for another source to substantiate this: "Yes, Bruce was a member of the Communist Party of the USA between 1978 and 1991. He resigned so as to further his music career but still pays on average 4.6 million dollars per year in donations to communist movements worldwide."
The True Blue Liberal proudly, unashamedly and tauntingly corroborates Springsteen's sympathy with communists "And if you want to complete your Google/Obama/Communism circle, here's a video of Bruce Springsteen singing this Communist anthem at an Obama rally in Philadephia in 2008 bracketed by "Yes We Can" chants (yes, I was one of those chanters)."
legalinsurrection |
The marrying of music and the socialist philosophy began with Seeger and reaches a pinnacle with Springsteen. I love this guy's music, but cannot stand his philosophy. Why do the people who want to dictate how I should live have all the good music?
Bruce's pal, Pete Seeger; America’s Most Successful Communist "didn’t formally join the Communist Party until 1942, the Almanacs’ lyrics marched in lockstep with the party’s views well before then. In keeping with the line adopted after the 1939 Hitler-Stalin pact (which caused many U.S. party members to quit in disgust), for example, the Almanacs warbled against American entry into World War II, foreshadowing the preference for peace at any price that later characterized the McGovernite Left.
"We hear the echoes, too, in the music of the man who organized the Artists for John Kerry tour: Bruce Springsteen, who specializes in depicting the desolation of American life in albums such as Nebraska and The Ghost of Tom Joad (a self-conscious reference to Guthrie). "...Check out this aerial view of Springsteen's boor-ZHWAH house and grounds.
Springsteen did not serve in the military apparently because he failed the physical:
"It is actually quite a moving story. His Dad and he did not get along, so his Dad kept saying "Wait until the Army gets you!"
"After he failed his physical, [At this point the audience claps, but Bruce says "It's nothing to be proud of"] he goes home and tells his Dad, expecting fireworks.
"Instead his Dad says "I'm glad, Son."
Saturday, October 20, 2012
We have always wondered: "What Happens When a Ponytailed Defense Attorney Gets Mugged?"
American Thinker via Lucianne
"What happens when ponytailed defense attorney Ron Kuby gets mugged? He screams bloody murder, demands a police crackdown on the alleged assailant, and collaborates with reporters at the New York Daily News to raise the specter of hate crime charges.
...."Ron Kuby is an acolyte of the late, unlamented William Kunstler, who also gloried in springing terrorists and murderers from prison. Kuby and Kunstler infamously raised the defense of "black rage" in the case of Long Island Railroad assassin Colin Ferguson, who murdered six people and injured 19 in 1993.
...."The point of hate crime laws has never been to "oppose hate." These laws are designed to rig the justice system in favor of politically connected minorities. It is therefore unsurprising to find a Ron Kuby wallowing in them, every chance he gets."
Check out a bit of Kuby's professional history:
"What happens when ponytailed defense attorney Ron Kuby gets mugged? He screams bloody murder, demands a police crackdown on the alleged assailant, and collaborates with reporters at the New York Daily News to raise the specter of hate crime charges.
...."Ron Kuby is an acolyte of the late, unlamented William Kunstler, who also gloried in springing terrorists and murderers from prison. Kuby and Kunstler infamously raised the defense of "black rage" in the case of Long Island Railroad assassin Colin Ferguson, who murdered six people and injured 19 in 1993.
...."The point of hate crime laws has never been to "oppose hate." These laws are designed to rig the justice system in favor of politically connected minorities. It is therefore unsurprising to find a Ron Kuby wallowing in them, every chance he gets."
Check out a bit of Kuby's professional history:
Kuby, with Kunstler, represented Gregory Lee Johnson, a protester who burned a U.S. Flag at the 1984 Republican National Convention; Sheikh Omar Abdel-Rahman, the blind cleric who headed the Egyptian-based militant group Al-Gama'a al-Islamiyya, accused of planning and encouraging terrorist attacks against Americans; Colin Ferguson, the man responsible for the 1993 LIRR shootings (who chose to represent himself at trial); Qubilah Shabazz, the daughter of Malcolm X, accused of plotting to murder Louis Farrakhan of the Nation of Islam; Glenn Harris, a New York public school teacher who absconded with a fifteen year-old girl for two months; Darrell Cabey, a youth who was acquitted of assault on Bernard Goetz and successfully sued him for shooting Cabey; Yu Kikumura, a member of the Japanese Red Army; and associates of the Gambino Crime Family. During the Gulf War, they represented American soldiers claiming conscientious objector status. They also represented El Sayyid Nosair, assassin of the late Rabbi Meir Kahane, whom Kuby's father had admired.
Mark Steyn; Democrats find their issue, in a binder. (Silliness made manifest)
OC Register; "Republicans still insist on bringing up trivial, peripheral distractions like Benghazi, Obamacare, multitrillion dollar debt, unsustainable entitlements, permanent long-term unemployment, and the looming Jan. 1 “fiscal cliff.” "
Do we really want a party with supporters this silly to govern this country the way they do California?
"Yes!!!!!!! With one bound, Obama was unbound! Romney had just made the worst presidential-debate gaffe since Gerald Ford declared there was no Soviet domination of Eastern Europe. In the previous weeks, Obama had attempted to have a serious conversation with the citizenry, as befits the electoral process of a mature republic. He had raised the critical questions of our time – free contraceptives for middle-aged coeds, the outrageous right-wing Muppophobic assault on Big Bird – but the public had failed to bite. Now, in one fatal error, Romney had handed him the winning issue: binders!"
Do we really want a party with supporters this silly to govern this country the way they do California?
"The man holding the latter sign explained: “I feel it’s an appropriate term to use towards him…He’s against gay rights. He’s the American Taliban.”
"When Joseph pressed him, saying, “but you’re not going to kill him,” the protester replied: “I’m not going to kill him. I wouldn’t cry if he died…” "
Circular Firing Squad of ‘Christians’ Take Aim at D’Sousa
Jeremy Griffith ...."Regardless, one has to wonder at the circular firing squad that attacked him so viciously over what many of us as Christians think of as pretty much a non-issue.
"The scandal erupted after former colleagues of his discovered that he ‘might’ be sharing a room at a hotel with a woman who was not his wife. Forget the fact that he has been separated from his wife for two years and is getting a divorce. Forget the fact that the woman he was supposed to have shared the room with is his fiancé. That doesn’t matter in the eyes of the supposed ultra conservative colleagues of his who are no doubt closet libs who are upset at the success of Dinesh’s latest movie criticizing the President of the United States, Barack Obama."
Do You Want More of the Same?
Teresa Wendt
"Who would have believed that Barrack Obama would be using the same speeches, the same words in 2012 that he used in 2008? Were his plans so wondrous that we should continue them on another four years? Or were they so ineffective that instead of accomplishing them in one term he is now begging for more time? (Remember how those ‘shovel ready’ projects were not so shovel ready?)
"Here’s a strong ad comparing Obama’s words as senator to those this year as president. Watching the president singing the same song begs the question, “Are you better off than you were four years ago?” One might guess even the president doesn’t think so.
"There’s an election in three weeks. Do you want more of the same?
"Share this with your friends. Remind them that the Obama of 2012 has no new ideas and still believes that his thus far failed programs will work."
"Who would have believed that Barrack Obama would be using the same speeches, the same words in 2012 that he used in 2008? Were his plans so wondrous that we should continue them on another four years? Or were they so ineffective that instead of accomplishing them in one term he is now begging for more time? (Remember how those ‘shovel ready’ projects were not so shovel ready?)
"Here’s a strong ad comparing Obama’s words as senator to those this year as president. Watching the president singing the same song begs the question, “Are you better off than you were four years ago?” One might guess even the president doesn’t think so.
"There’s an election in three weeks. Do you want more of the same?
Benghazi “Intell” Excuse Unravels; CIA Reported Immediately to White House “Militants Responsible for Attack”
Conservative Daily News "Did you hear that sound? Yea, it was the other shoe dropping on the White Houses’ “excuse” for Benghazi. In a stunning development, the AP reports today."
"In uploading a trailer for his inflammatory film on YouTube, federal prosecutors say that Nakoula flagrantly violated the terms of his probation. In total, Nakoula committed eight probation violations, including lying to his probation officers and using aliases."
"Best timelines of the Benghazi-gate “excuses” have September 14th, as the day the White House goes “all in” with the “video” fairy tale. It is clear to this writer, that the White House, (A)-worried about the Election, (B)- worried about the failed Foreign policy of this Administration, (C)-wanting to tie into the UN Resolution of December 2011 that Rice signed, and lastly (D)-defending the whole overthrow of Libya, concocted this lie about this YouTube video. Carney states, on September 14th, per the McClatchy Report from October 18th 2012," Review of the Benghazi timeline in this post.
Hmmm. Looks interesting.
•Having a president who perpetuates a falsehood to the American people about the cause of a terrorist attack on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi that resulted in the deaths of four Americans.•Having a president who uses $70,000 of taxpayers’ money to promote that falsehood on Pakistani television.•Having a president who broadcasts that falsehood to the world using the megaphone of a speech before the U.N. General Assembly.•Having a president who repeats the falsehood in front of the caskets of the four Americans killed in Benghazi.•Having a president who will casually wreak havoc on the life of an obscure video producer to protect that falsehood.•Having a president who, before a television audience of 65 million Americans, evades answering the question of “who denied enhanced security” to the consulate in Benghazi.•Having a president who feigns offense at the suggestion his machinations regarding the Benghazi debacle may have a political component.•Having a president who believes killing bin Laden constitutes a foreign policy.•Having a president who projects confusion, weakness, and diffidence to our enemies.•Having a media blind to the fact that this is a titanic scandal.
By the way, what about this Nakoula Basseley Nakoula, aka "Sam Bacile", who has the Muslim world supposedly outraged and the Obama world grovelling* before them? Here are some links on him.
* Grovel: where Obama bows before the world so low that his knees touch the ground.
Friday, October 19, 2012
Romney Roasts President Obama, Himself At The Al Smith Dinner
Hot Air sent us this post from Mediaite:
"Romney said he spends the debates finding straw men to mercilessly attack. “Big Bird didn’t even see it coming,” Romney said. “In the spirit of sesame Street, the president’s remarks tonight are brought to you by the letter O and the number $16 trillion.”
"Romney turned to mocking the media for their occasionally favorable coverage of the president.
" “I never suggest the press is biased. They have a job to do and I have a job to do,” said Romney. “My job is to lay out a positive vision for the country, and their job is to make sure nobody finds out about it.” "
"Romney said he spends the debates finding straw men to mercilessly attack. “Big Bird didn’t even see it coming,” Romney said. “In the spirit of sesame Street, the president’s remarks tonight are brought to you by the letter O and the number $16 trillion.”
"Romney turned to mocking the media for their occasionally favorable coverage of the president.
" “I never suggest the press is biased. They have a job to do and I have a job to do,” said Romney. “My job is to lay out a positive vision for the country, and their job is to make sure nobody finds out about it.” "
Hot Air quotes this tweet from Jake Tapper of ABC:
Al Smith IV: President Obama, it's never good when your opponent has produced more sons than you have jobs.We unleashed Al-Qaeda in Libya when we intervened
Hot Air: McClatchy: Obama admin changed story on Benghazi to blame video 3 days after attack "Barack Obama insisted in the presidential debate on Tuesday night that he had called the Benghazi attack an “act of terror” in his Rose Garden address the next day. Fact-checkers called shenanigans on that claim, but McClatchy notes that Obama did call it an “act of terror” the next day at campaign stops in Colorado and Nevada on September 13th. On the same day, the State Department refused to link the Benghazi attack to the YouTube video that media outlets like the New York Times and AFP had. Hillary Clinton called it a terrorist attack that evening.
"However, the next day, things began to change, as McClatchy’s Hannah Allam and Jonathan S. Landay report in their in-depth look at how the narrative shifted toward the YouTube video instead of an al-Qaeda attack:"
The McClatchy Article; An excerpt here:
....Yet the statement by the Office of the Director of National Intelligence failed to clear up how the administration came up with its assertion that the attack was launched during a protest against the video. Issued by a spokesman and not Director of National Intelligence James Clapper himself, the statement made no reference to a protest or the video.
"Getting rid of Khadafy basically turned the Benghazi area into an Al-Qaeda stronghold." Rush Limbaugh.
Back to Hot Air, which goes on to say: "The cover story was designed to mislead the American public so that they would not connect those dots. That intervention in Libya, coming with no effort at all to control the outcome on the ground, has made us much less safe, especially in that part of the world.
"By the way, as a measure of how little control Tripoli now has over AQ’s new stomping grounds in the east, the New York Times reports that the prime “suspect” in the Benghazi terrorist attack doesn’t even plan to go into hiding. In fact, he’s doing media sessions:"...
Report: EPA Delaying Job-Killing Regulations to Aid Obama Re-Election
The Foundry
"Environmental regulators in the Obama administration “don’t want this economic pain to hit American families just before the election because it would cost President Obama votes,” states the report, released by Environment and Public Works ranking member Jim Inhofe (R-OK) on Thursday, “so they have simply decided to punt, intending to move full speed ahead if they gain a second term.”
The report lists a number of major environmental regulations that are either in their nascent stages or have yet to be implemented. Collectively, those regulations “will destroy millions of American jobs and cause energy prices to skyrocket even more,” Inhofe said in a news release accompanying the report.
Every day, I brace myself for what I fear this regime is going to do to us next.
Barack Obama and Lisa Jackson, head of the Environmental Protection Agency |
The report lists a number of major environmental regulations that are either in their nascent stages or have yet to be implemented. Collectively, those regulations “will destroy millions of American jobs and cause energy prices to skyrocket even more,” Inhofe said in a news release accompanying the report.
Every day, I brace myself for what I fear this regime is going to do to us next.
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