Saturday, October 20, 2012

Mark Steyn; Democrats find their issue, in a binder. (Silliness made manifest)

OC Register;  "Republicans still insist on bringing up trivial, peripheral distractions like Benghazi, Obamacare, multitrillion dollar debt, unsustainable entitlements, permanent long-term unemployment, and the looming Jan. 1 “fiscal cliff.” "
Political Cartoons by Chip Bok

"Yes!!!!!!! With one bound, Obama was unbound! Romney had just made the worst presidential-debate gaffe since Gerald Ford declared there was no Soviet domination of Eastern Europe. In the previous weeks, Obama had attempted to have a serious conversation with the citizenry, as befits the electoral process of a mature republic. He had raised the critical questions of our time – free contraceptives for middle-aged coeds, the outrageous right-wing Muppophobic assault on Big Bird – but the public had failed to bite. Now, in one fatal error, Romney had handed him the winning issue: binders!"

Do we really want a party with supporters this silly to govern this country the way they do California?
"The man holding the latter sign explained: “I feel it’s an appropriate term to use towards him…He’s against gay rights. He’s the American Taliban.”
"When Joseph pressed him, saying, “but you’re not going to kill him,” the protester replied: “I’m not going to kill him. I wouldn’t cry if he died…” "

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