UK Daily Mail "The yellow school buses pulled into the Sandy Hook elementary school car park as normal just before 9am last Friday.
"They were met by a dozen teachers on ‘bus duty’, and the pupils’ names were called out and ticked off as they got off.
"But as the carefree, chattering children filed in to their suburban school the fateful chain of events that would lead to 20 of them being slaughtered was already in train.....
"For some reason, he passed on and instead chose to enter a classroom occupied by teacher Lauren Rousseau, her 14-strong class and a special education teacher.
"Lanza put the Bushranger’s maximum six-rounds-a-second rate of fire to devastating effect, killing them all. The children, police told the Hartford Courant newspaper, were huddled together and clutching each other in terror."....
"In a separate room sat the parents. Those whose children were unaccounted for were sent to a separate room and to write their names on a new list.
"Connecticut governor Mr Malloy took it upon himself to break the awful news to the parents whose children were dead.
"‘They had been gathered for a number of hours, clinging to hope and someone had to decide how to handle that situation,’ he said. ‘It was a tough assignment.’"
Witnesses said the wailing of the newly bereaved was so loud it could be heard outside. Parents were allowed to identify their children from photos to spare them having to see the actual bodies.
Perhaps when Obama begins to demagogue and divide this country once again, he can turn his anger on those bleeding hearts who fought so hard for the rights of mental patients and against their treatment being mandatory.